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  英語寫給家人的一封信 1

Dear Jianhua,

  From your last letter I know you are graduate soon and I strongly advice you should come back and work at home.

  China is developing more quickly than any other country in the world and it can afford a lot of jobs for graduates every year.It is reported that students of your speciality are in great need.So you can easily find a job in big companies and be well paid.Your parents are getting old year by year,they need your care.Looking after them is your duty and you must fufil it.If you work at home it will not be a problem any more.

  Best wishes

  Looking forward to seeing you soon.



  英語寫給家人的一封信 2

My dear daddy,

  It is special for me to communicate with you by means of writing a letter which I’ve never done, however, it will offer me an opportunity to tell you what I’m just really thinking about and to thank you for everything you’ve done for me.

  You are a physics teacher teaching in senior high school over twenty-five years, in the passed twenty years, you made every effort to help me with my life and study, you are just different from other’s father who always makes serious rules for his child, you’ve never force me to do whatever I do not want to do, you just accept my own viewpoints, and allow me doing anything I want, certainly it all bases on that it should not be a ‘fault’. You did not always tell me what was right or what was wrong, it would depend on myself after I had gone through something which I should distinguish right from wrong. I think I live in open atmosphere with happiness from childhood, all those are definitely good for my growing-up, I think.

  From primary school to senior high school, whenever I had any difficult maths or physics problems, you would spend a long time helping me solve them, answer my question patiently until I fully understood it.

  As I remembered, you used to motivate my interest in physics before I started physics class in junior high school, just like some common phenomena happen around us in our daily life, that’s a special and useful way to help my physics lesson.

  The happiest time I concern about is my long summer and winter vacations. Since I was born and live in Hainan Island, you always took me to travel around the island and so far I’ve almost been anywhere in Hainan. We saw the vast Dadong Sea, stepped along Yalong Bay beach, breathed the cleanest air, looked at the blue sky and the clouds with various shapes, we visited the locality of Asia Forum in Boao, Nanshan Mountain in Sanya, a monkey island in the southeast, and so forth, we went fishing, enjoyed hot spring, climbing mountains (you are always too tired to get to the top) , played a gun-shooting game in a club, you taught me swimming ,badminton…

  Everything just made me so relaxed that I even did not want time pass by. Well, memories frequently come flooding back to my mind whenever I recalled something related to my trip and my passed childhood. Of course, people cannot live in the pass all the time, to widen our horizon and imagine the future of our own will make sense in the life.

  Oh my dear dad, you usually call my lovely nickname at home and tell me something amusing or amazing happens in your work and life, it seems like that you are just a child and I am just the adult! This kind of family life makes me feel warm and peaceful, and I hope it will last forever.

  Last time I flew back home, when the first time I saw you at the airport, I found your hair turned grey, no word could describe my feeling then. Your work’s hard, more and more daily business gradually made you more busy than before. You sometimes said you were not a good father because you cared me so little and you couldn’t meet every needs of mine, but dad, I am satisfied, I am happy, I am content with all of things you’ve done for me, and I do regard you as the best father in the world, I will repay you from now on. Believe me and make a bet with me that I will succeed on my own one day.

  Any beautiful word is simply and poor, what I want to say is ‘THANK YOU’, from the bottom of my heart, thank you, my dad, I love you and mum more than you can imagine.



  英語寫給家人的一封信 3

Dear Mom and Dad,

  These days I missed you two very much. Im study in xxx(name of your school) professional school now, major in English. Everything just goes well. I study hard at school, and play basketball with my classmates on the playground. On the weekends, I always hang out with some friends. I just enjoy my life here, so dont worry about me. Hows your lives there? Write to me,okay? I miss you.



  英語寫給家人的一封信 4

Dear family members

  Hello everyone!

  Today, we braved mountains and rivers overnight, and every soldier tirelessly advanced towards the border of Shanhaiguan. The soldiers worked very hard! Its late at night now, and thousands of tents have lit up! The soldiers have also arrived at Shanhaiguan. Lets light a bonfire together. Please rest assured!

  The wind blew night after night, and the snow fell one after another. Family! How much I miss you all on this stormy night! I couldnt fall asleep for a long time. Listening to the sound of wind and snow, I couldnt help but think of you and our home. Not only me, but all the soldiers have stirred up their longing for their hometown. Our home is so warm and happy, it can truly be described as a night of searching for people to visit our hometown

  Dear Mom and Dad, are you all okay? Is your body still healthy? Your son is not by your side, you must take good care of yourself. How I wish I could reunite with you one day earlier! The weather has turned cooler recently, you must pay attention to your health! You must exercise and add more cotton coats. I am in good health here, please dont worry, parents. Im just out on a mission, I miss you all very much!

  May you all be in good health!

  英語寫給家人的一封信 5

Dear grandma


  Its been several days since I last saw you, and there are many interesting things I want to tell you. I think you will also find it fun.

  The best news I think is worth telling you is that our backyard is currently creating an ice rink, and once its done, we can start ice classes. The school has instructed us not to go to the playground now, fearing that if we misbehave, there may be some danger without a security guard. Dont worry, I wont have a place to play after class because our school has two playgrounds. You dont know about this, do you. The ice rink has been created and the ice class I most want to attend is ice skating. I believe you understand me, but my mother disagrees. She told me many big truths, fearing that I might accidentally injure myself and my classmates while using an ice skate, so she made me choose to pull a plow. I will strive to do ice skating on the basis of good academic performance next year.

  Although I havent seen you for only a few days, I still miss you very much. If you miss me too, I can visit you at your home during winter vacation.

  英語寫給家人的一封信 6

Dear mother-in-law:


  Are you doing well in Johor Bahru? I have two good news to tell you! The first good news is that our school has undergone significant changes. The new classroom is spacious and bright with green paint on the floor, which is very environmentally friendly. Students clean the classroom carefully every day. There is also a large playground downstairs. Its sunny now, so my classmates go downstairs to play. Everyone is very happy every day. The second good news is that Teacher Lu asked us to take a small car home. I went home on Friday and first found the materials I needed. After completing it, I tried it out a few times. I will go to school for the competition on Monday. Teacher Lu asked, "Who do you think did a good job?" The first person to say that I did a good job, and Teacher Lu also thinks that I did a good job. So, I was successfully awarded the first prize. I am so happy that I jump around like a little rabbit, extremely happy.

  You havent been to my house for a long time. We all miss you very much. Will you celebrate Chinese New Year with us this year? You should be careful at home. The weather is getting cold, so you should wear more clothes and not get cold.

  Wishing you

  Healthy body, long life, blessings like the East China Sea, longevity like the South China Sea.

  英語寫給家人的一封信 7

Dear Mom and Dad

  Hello everyone! A new year has arrived, and I have grown up another year!

  Thank you, father like a mountain; Thank you, watery mom! The mountains provide me with shelter from the wind and rain, and also let me know the infinite scenery on the dangerous peaks. Water is the source of my life and has taught me to moisten things silently. I often swim in the water of maternal love, enjoying the beauty of the world, and constantly climb the mountain of paternal love, feeling the difficulties of the world. Thank you for making me the happiest girl in the world!

  The weather changes so quickly in spring, Mom and Dad. You should bring a coat when you go out. Also, eat more fruits and vegetables to maintain a good mentality!

  Mom and Dad, you have worked hard. In the new year, I have set the following goals for myself.

  1. Complete homework before meals every day.

  2. Dont talk on the phone Congee.

  3. Eat within thirty minutes.

  4. Three days before the final exam.

  5. Listen attentively in class.

  6. Learn from each others strengths and weaknesses.

  7. Before class, preview the text and circle any areas you dont understand.

  Finally, I wish my parents: heart to heart! Think of it! See it! Smell it! Eat it! Lucky! Happy New Year, all the best, good health!

  英語寫給家人的一封信 8

Dear Grandma:


  Are you doing well? I have two things to tell you. The first thing is that I told a story I created myself at the class meeting, "Happy Family". Although it was relatively short, I want to tell you that I was very nervous when I first came on stage, but I added some movements at the beginning and became less nervous. After finishing, the teacher and classmates all said my story was well told and gave me applause. The teacher also gave me a red heart, which made me very happy. I think you must be as happy as me! The second thing is that when I was in math class at school, I actively answered the questions raised by the teacher. One time in math class, there was a problem that most people didnt know. I took out my math notes and showed them to the teacher, who praised me in the whole class. Also, after the midterm exam, we are going to evaluate outstanding cadres in our class, and I was also evaluated. My studies have made a lot of progress, and my handwriting is much better than before.

  When can you come back to accompany me? You havent been back for a long time, I really hope you can come back soon.

  Wishing you:

  Good health, all the best, and smooth work.

  英語寫給家人的一封信 9

Dear Mom and Dad

  Hello everyone:

  I havent written to you for a long time. How have you been lately? How is your health?

  Recently, through a friends introduction, I had the opportunity to learn about some insurance related knowledge and the blood lessons of some cases. I deeply understand that insurance is like charcoal in the snow for ordinary families like us in case of unfortunate events such as illness. It can save us from the fire and water, so that our quality of life will not change because of these. Therefore, after careful consideration and selection, I have finally decided to purchase an insurance policy for you two from Ping An Life Insurance Company in China. I want to use my love and responsibility to add protection to your later life and reduce any worries. I hope that you can accept it with a smile. Please keep the policy safe.

  Finally, I hope my parents eat well, rest more, and exercise more every day. I wish you good health and all the best. Please dont worry about me, everything is fine outside, please rest assured!

  英語寫給家人的一封信 10

Dear Mom:


  Time flies so fast, it has been a week since I left home in the blink of an eye.

  These days, I think of you every day. But I had a great time playing in Yichun this time. The teacher led us to visit Tangwanghe National Park. Looking down from the mountaintop, a clear small river coiled around the green mountains, like a silver snake swimming. The air here seems to have a sweet smell, making people feel refreshed.

  What impressed me the most was the Dinosaur Museum. When I walked in, the first thing that caught my eye was a pure white dinosaur tower and two majestic dinosaur soldier models. Living dinosaur models can be seen everywhere in museums, including tall, short, standing, and lying down ones. There are pterosaurs, Triceratops, and Allosaurus.









