
時(shí)間:2023-05-04 17:54:54 考研英語 我要投稿
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 Passage 2


The first time I saw Karl Marx was in February 1865. I was twenty-four years old. Never in my life shall I forget the impression made on me by my first visit. Marx was in poor health then, but was hard at work on the first volume of Capital. 1) __________________________________________________.

Karl Marx was one of those rare men who are fitted for the front rank both in science and in public life. He held that a man of learning, if he does not wish to degrade himself, must never cease to participate in public affairs ——he must not shut himself up in his study or laboratory and shun the social and political struggles of the day. One of his favorite saying was, “Work for the world.”

2) __________________________________________________. This room has become historical. It was situated on the first floor, well lighted by a broad window overlooking the park. On both sides of the fireplace and opposite the window were crowded bookshelves, on the top of which packets of newspapers and manus were piled up to the ceiling. On one side of the window stood two tables, likewise loaded with miscellaneous papers, newspapers and books… Books were to him tools for his mind, not luxuries. “They are my slaves,” he would say, “and must serve my will.”

3) __________________________________________________. He knew Heine and Goethe by heart, and often quoted them in conversation. He read the poets constantly. Year after year he read Aeschylus in Greek. For Shakespeare his admiration was unbounded: he had made such an exhaustive study of the poet’s works that even the least important of his characters were familiar to him.

4) __________________________________________________. At fifty he took up the study of Russian. Although the language had no close relation to any of the modern or ancient languages he knew, he made such progress in six months as to be able to enjoy reading Russian poetry and prose works.

Even his opponents were compelled to admit that he was a man of profound learning: and this not merely in his special field of economics, but also in history, philosophy, and the literature of all countries. You could question him at any time on any subject and get the most adequate answer you could wish for…

5) __________________________________________________. In the course of the day he slept for an hour or two on the sofa. For Marx, work had become a passion, and he was so absorbed in it that he often forgot his meals. Not in frequently he had to be called again and again before he came down to the dining room. But hardly and he eaten the last mouthful when he was back in his study again.


[A] He had to be of very strong constitution, to put up with such exhausting mental labour. He was, in fact, powerfully built. A man above average height, he had broad shoulders and a deep chest.

[B] He was afraid he might not be able to finish it, and he gladly received young people, “for,” he used to say, “I must train up men who will continue the Communist propaganda after I am gone.”

[C] Marx was a loving, gentle and considerate father. He used to spend hours playing with his children. They remember to this day the sea-fights in a large basin of water with fleets of paper boats, which he made for them and which he would then set on fire to their great joy.

[D] Although he went to bed very late, he was always up between eight and nine in the morning. Having drunk a cup of black coffee and read through his newspapers, he would go to his study and work there till two or three next morning—— breaking off only for meals, and when the weather allowed, for a walk on Hampstead Heath.

[E] But at my first visit, when I saw him in his study in Maitland Park Road, he appeared before me, not as the untiring and incomparable socialist agitator, but as a man of learning. From all parts of the civilized world Party comrades came to his study to consult the master of socialist thought.

[F] Marx could read all the leading European languages and write in three: German, French and English. He was fond of saying, “A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life.”

[G] His memory was most vigorous and accurate. From early youth he had cultivated it by memorizing verses in an unfamiliar tongue.






1) 【答案】[B]。本題在文章第一段的結(jié)尾。它前面講,作者24歲時(shí)第一次見到馬克思。那時(shí),馬克思的健康情況不佳,但他仍然下苦功夫?qū)憽顿Y本論》第一卷。根據(jù)行文的邏輯,下面的內(nèi)容應(yīng)該與這部偉大的著作有關(guān),選項(xiàng)[B]就是這樣的內(nèi)容,是前面句子的擴(kuò)展,與前面的內(nèi)容有順承關(guān)系。特別是其中的it就是指代前面的Capital。所以,選項(xiàng)[B]是正確答案。其意為:他唯恐不能完成這部著作。他常說,“我應(yīng)該訓(xùn)練好在我死后繼續(xù)共產(chǎn)主義宣傳的人”,所以他很喜歡接見年輕人。

2) 【答案】[E]。本題在一個(gè)段落的開始?梢愿鶕(jù)其后的內(nèi)容來選擇答案。它后面是對(duì)馬克思書房的描寫:This room has become historical. It was situated on the first floor, well lighted by a broad window overlooking the park. …(這間書房已成為一個(gè)具有歷史意義的房間。它在二層樓上,有一扇寬大的窗戶,可以俯瞰公園,光線充足!。據(jù)此推斷,前面的內(nèi)容一定涉及到“書房”,選項(xiàng)[E]是正確答案,其中his study即是后文的This room。其意為:可是,我第一次在他位于梅特蘭公園路的書房見到他的時(shí)候,在我面前出現(xiàn)的并不是一位不屈不撓和無與倫比的社會(huì)主義鼓動(dòng)家,而是一位學(xué)者。黨的同志們?yōu)榱饲蠼逃谶@位社會(huì)主義思想大師,從文明世界的各個(gè)角落來到他的書房。

3) 【答案】[G]。本題在一個(gè)段落的開始。它后面的內(nèi)容是講馬克思能背誦海涅和歌德的許多詩歌,經(jīng)常在講話中援引他們的句子!貏e贊賞莎士比亞:連這位詩人劇作中最不惹人注意的人物他都很熟悉(He knew Heine and Goethe by heart, …and often quoted them in conversation. For Shakespeare his admiration was unbounded: …works that even the least important of his characters were familiar to him.)。據(jù)此判斷,前面應(yīng)該講馬克思的記憶力驚人,選項(xiàng)[G]正是這樣的內(nèi)容,后面部分與之構(gòu)成例證關(guān)系。所以,選項(xiàng)[G]是正確答案。其意為:馬克思的記憶力極強(qiáng)而且準(zhǔn)確。從少年時(shí)代起他就用一種不熟悉的外國語背誦詩歌,來鍛煉記憶力。

4) 【答案】[F]。本題在一個(gè)段落的開始。它后面部分講馬克思學(xué)習(xí)俄語的情況。他開始學(xué)習(xí)俄語的時(shí)候已經(jīng)五十歲了。…他已經(jīng)能夠津津有味地閱讀俄國詩人和散文家的著作了(At fifty he took up the study of Russian. … as to be able to enjoy reading Russian poetry and prose works.)。據(jù)此判斷,本題是關(guān)于馬克思掌握外國語的情況,選項(xiàng)[F]是正確答案,后面部分與本題的內(nèi)容形成例證關(guān)系。其意為:馬克思能夠閱讀所有主要的歐洲語言,還能用德、法、英三種語言寫作。他喜歡說,“外國語是人生斗爭(zhēng)的一種武器。”

5) 【答案】[D]。本題在文章最后一個(gè)段落的開始。后面部分講的是,中午,他在沙發(fā)上睡一兩個(gè)鐘頭。…他是如此地專心工作,以致經(jīng)常忘記吃飯。…幾乎不等咽下最后一口就又回到他的書房去了(In the course of the day he slept for an hour or two on the sofa. …, and he was so absorbed in it that he often forgot his meals. …But hardly and he eaten the last mouthful when he was back in his study again.)






2015考研英語 考研英語定語從句詳解04-29




2015考研英語 考研英語同位語從句詳解04-29
