早起早到早完成的小貼士 -資料

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早起早到早完成的小貼士 -資料

  Are you early? Do you get an early start on your day? Do you arrive to appointments early? Do you finish projects and tasks ahead of deadlines? Are you the Early Bird? 你夠早嗎?你做得到每天早上早起嗎?你和別人有約時會提早到達嗎?你會比截止日期提前完成項目和任務嗎?你是“早起鳥”類型的人嗎?

早起早到早完成的小貼士 -資料

  The Early Bird is the one who is up before others, the one who arrives first, the one who arrives first, the one who finishes things ahead of schedule, and the one who acts while others are still mired in indecision,



  Here are 15 Ways to be the Early Bird:以下15個辦法告訴你如何成為早一點的那個人:

  Get up 30 Minutes Early – One of the best ways to be the Early Bird is to get up earlier. Start small. Try setting your alarm only half an hour before you normally get up。提早半小時起床——想做早一點的那個人,有個最好的辦法就是早點起床。剛開始不用提早太多。試著把鬧鐘調到比平時習慣起床的時間早半小時。

  Assign Personal Deadlines – Want to be early with deliverables? Ensure that you set deadlines that are earlier than projects are actually due. Making your personal deadlines early, will ensure you finish early。制定個人的截止日期——想要提前完成各種上交任務?要確保制定一個比項目真正截止日期更早的期限。把個人的截止日期定得提前一些,可以確保你早點完成。

  Don’t Schedule Back-to-Back Appointments – People will schedule themselves for meetings that run 9-10, 10-11, and then 11-12. Guess what? Unless you have a teleporter, you will be late to the next meeting. Give yourself a gap between scheduled meetings for travel and catch up。不要安排接二連三的赴約——有的人會把見面時間安排成9點到10點見一個人,10點到11點見一個人,11點到12點再見第三個人。你猜怎么著?除非你有傳送器,否則下一場會面你肯定會遲到。在會面之間為自己安排一些空隙,留點時間給交通中轉,趕上下一場會面。

  Plan to Arrive 15 Minutes Early

  – Most people try to arrive at 1PM for the 1PM meeting. That is where they fail. Plan to be there at 1245PM. 15 minutes early is on time in most cases。早到15分鐘——如果有一場下午1點鐘的會議,大多數(shù)人都會喜歡在1點整到達。這就是他們遲到的原因。你應該計劃12點45到,在大部分情況下提前15分鐘都足以確保你按時達到。

  Timeshift – The Early Bird knows that doing things when others are not can save a lot time. For example, shifting your commute 15 minutes earlier could save you 45 minutes in traffic. The same goes for things like the gym, the grocery store, etc。靈活運用時間差——“早起鳥”類型的人都知道,在別人沒有做這件事的時候去做這件事可以節(jié)約很多時間。比如說提早15分鐘出門上班,可以幫你節(jié)約45分鐘堵在路上的時間。同樣的辦法也在體育館、雜貨店等地方也適用。

  Check the Address Before You Go

  - How many times have you headed to an appointment only to discover that you don’t know exactly where it is? Even in the days of GPS, make sure you know where you are going before you leave,



  Confirm the Appointment – Ever go to a meeting or appointment only to find out that it was cancelled? Or the other person forgot? Taking 5 minutes to confirm your appointments can save literally hours of wasted time。赴約前先確認——去開會或者赴約了才發(fā)現(xiàn)已經(jīng)取消了?或者另一個人忘記了?花5分鐘確認一下赴約事項,可以幫你省下幾個小時可能被浪費的時間。

  Defend Your Time – The Early Bird spends their time on themselves before letting others take it. Ensure that you don’t let others steal your time。保衛(wèi)你的時間——“早起鳥”類型的人會好好利用自己的時間,而不會讓別人浪費掉。確保不要讓別人偷走你的`時間。

  Make Decisions – The Early Bird makes decisions. He or she has often already completed a task while others are still trying to decide what to do。果斷決定——“早起鳥”類型的人會果斷做出決定。當別人還在猶豫該做什么的時候,他/她通常已經(jīng)把任務完成了。

  Look Ahead at the Calendar – Don’t let things sneak up on you. If you are only looking at today’s calendar, you will be blindsided by upcoming calendar items. Look at today and down the road。提前規(guī)劃日程——別讓事情一件接一件追著你。如果你眼里只有今天的日程,你可能會被接下來馬上幾天馬上要做的事情打得你措手不及?粗斚拢娉磥。

  Overestimate Time for Tasks – When doing something for the first time, it will often take 4-5X’s what you estimated. Allow for this extra time。為任務預留多一些時間——第一次做某件事的時候,通常比你預計的要多花4-5倍的時間。預留出這部分時間。

  Use a Packlist – Using lists lets you perform. repetitive tasks quicker and more accurately. Packing is one of those tasks that truly benefits from a preset list. Leveraging a packlist allows you to pack in a fraction of the time without forgetting anything important。制作任務列表——用列表列出所做事項,會讓你更快更準確地完成重復性任務。事先制定任務列表有利于將零碎時間打包安排,而且不會忘記任何重要的事情。

  Pack the Day Before - Always, always, always pack the night before. Never pack the morning of a trip. Inevitably, you will realize at the last moment that you do not have something。提前一天打包行李——一定一定一定要在頭天晚上把行李打包好。絕不要在出發(fā)旅行那天早晨再來打包。否則你會不可避免地在最后一刻意識到還缺了點東西。

  Plan Your Day – Taking a few moments in the morning each day to plan your day can prevent complications and life friction. A planned day is always more efficient than making it up as you go along。為一天做出計劃——早晨花一點時間來計劃一天的安排,可以避免很多麻煩和摩擦。有計劃的一天總會比隨心所欲更有效率。

  Prepare For You Day – Planning is good, but preparing is better. Not only knowing what you are going to do, but getting ready for those activities. Whether it is reviewing materials for a meeting, or packing the essentials for an errand。為一天做好準備——有計劃是好的,有準備就更好了。不光要知道你打算做什么,還要為這些事情做好準備。不管是復習一場會議的材料,還是為出差收拾行李。

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