
學人智庫 時間:2018-02-10 我要投稿
【clearvueentertainment.com - 學人智庫】

  4.I have just left school,but have a good knowledge of English.本人雖剛離開校門,但英文很好。

  5.At school I won a scholarship and the first prize in a speech contest.求學中,我曾獲獎學金及演講比賽一等獎。

  6.I am a graduate of Hong Kong University,and have in addition an M.A.degree from UCLA.本人畢業(yè)于香港大學,并在加州大學獲得文學碩士學位。

  7.Since leaving school,I have attended Typewriting and Shorthand classes,and have now attained a speed of fifty and ninety words respectively.離開學校后,我參加打字與速記班,而今已達到打字50字,速記90字的速度。



  1.I should be glad to have a personal in- terview and can furnish references if desired.如獲 面試 ,則感幸甚。如需保證人,本人也可提出。

  2.I request an interview,and assure you that if appointed,I will do my best to give you satisfaction.懇請惠予 面試 之榮。如蒙錄用,本人必竭盡所能,為貴公司服務(wù),以符厚望。

  3.If you desire an interview,I shall be most happy to call in person,on any day and at any time you may appoint.如貴公司有意 面試 ,本人一定遵照所指定的時日,前往拜訪。

  4.Should you think favorably of my application,I would like to have an interview.如對本人之應(yīng)征優(yōu)先考慮,懇請惠予面試之機會。

  5.I hope that you will be kind enough to consider my application favorably.懇請惠予考慮本人之申請為盼。

  6.Should this application meet with your favorable consideration,I will do my utmost to justify the confidence you may repose in me.對此申請,貴公司如惠予考慮,本人將盡最大的忠誠與努力,為貴公司效勞。

  7.Should you entertain my application favorably,I would spare no trouble to acquit my- self to your satisfaction.假如應(yīng)征獲得青睞而進入貴公司服務(wù),本人必以排除萬難之決心,為貴公司工作,以符厚望。

  8.I wish to assure you that,if successful,I would endeavor to give you every satisfaction.如蒙不棄,惠予錄用,本人將盡力服務(wù),使諸事滿意。


  這部分視具體情況而定,如有詳細的 簡歷 或用人單位需要的材料附在求職信中時,需要注明。參考例句:

  1.You will find enclosed an outline of my education and business training and copies of two letters of recommendation.有關(guān)本人的學歷、工作經(jīng)驗等項的概要,謹同函呈上兩件推薦函。

  2.Enclosed please find a resume and a photo.隨函寄上 簡歷 表及相片各一份。

  3.A copy of my transcript is enclosed.附寄成績單一份。

  4.Enclosed you will find a letter of re- commendation from my former teacher of Eng- lish.隨函附上我英文老師的推薦函。
