
學(xué)人智庫 時間:2018-02-10 我要投稿
【clearvueentertainment.com - 學(xué)人智庫】



  思鄉(xiāng)(homesickness)是中國人的一個永恒的話題。從古至今,無論男女,家是他們永久的港灣,思鄉(xiāng)是他們不老的情結(jié)(complex)。正是這樣的情結(jié)成為中國歷代文人重要的創(chuàng)作題材,并以各種方式,從各種角度加以體現(xiàn)。是故鄉(xiāng),喚起了他們心靈深處最美好的回憶,在對故鄉(xiāng)的思念中,他們又仿佛回到了那單純無邪的童年時代,回到了母親的懷抱,身心的創(chuàng)傷得到了暫時的平復(fù),精神的空虛得到了剎那的充實,故鄉(xiāng)成了他們終極的歸宿地(ultimate destination)。


  Homesickness is an eternal topic for Chinese people.Since ancient times, home has been a permanent harbor for both men and women, and homesickness is their ever-young complex.It is such kind of complex that becomes the important theme of Chinese literati in all dynasties; they expressed this theme in various ways and form various angles.It is home that arouses the best memories in their hearts.Thanks to those memories, they feel like going back to the pure and innocent childhood and returning to mothers arms.The wounds in body and mind will get healed temporarily and spiritual emptiness will be enriched for a while.Home has become their ultimate destination.



  2.不老的情結(jié):可譯為ever-young complex,其中“不老的”譯為ever-young,意為 “永遠年輕的”。

  3.以各種方式,從各種角度加以體現(xiàn):譯文以人作主語,把句式從被動變?yōu)橹鲃,并用分號將兩個分句連在一起。文中翻譯為the they expressed this theme in various ways and from various angles。

  4.是故鄉(xiāng),喚起了…:此處可用It is...that...的強調(diào)句形式!皢酒稹弊g為arouse或bring out。

  5.回到了…回到了…:可分別譯為go back to和return to,以避免重復(fù),從而體現(xiàn)用詞的多樣性。

  6.身心的創(chuàng)傷得到了暫時的平復(fù):可譯為The wounds in body and mind will get healed temporarily。其中“身心的創(chuàng)傷”譯為 the wounds in body and mind, “得到平復(fù)”譯為get healed。