
學(xué)人智庫 時(shí)間:2018-02-10 我要投稿
【clearvueentertainment.com - 學(xué)人智庫】


  in the examination hall

  when i was walking along the passage , i saw many students waiting outside the examination hall . i got the doors open , and they entered the hall one by one . i knew that they were excited from their whispering mouth s . obviously , they were t rying to r ecall what they had memorized .

  the examination hall was clean and order ly . all the des ks and chairs wer e ar ranged six by seven in str aight lines . the a tmosphere showed tha t an impor tant event would soon happen , and it seemed that the students’future would be decided a t this very moment .

  there was li , sit ting in the middle of the third row, a diligent boy who would like to ask questions . he now looked tired and nervous , and his eyes wer e sur rounded by two big black circles . i could make out that he must have spent the whole night prepa ring himself for today’s examination . in an instant , the bell broke the silence . li became

  extr emely excited , his lip s and hands t rembling hyst erically , his feet moving involuntarily .

  the examination paper s we re dist ributed to the students . they quickly glanced a t the questions and star ted working immediately . some heaved a heavy sigh of relief , some wore a smile on their lip s , while some other s sc ratched their heads savagely . a smile flicke red through li’s face, but he lost no time to sta rt working .

  soon , the hall was drowned in the noise of scra tching paper and regula r breathing .

  the bell r ang again and all papers we re handed in . all the students str eamed out of the hall , bu sily exchanging their opinions and results . among them was li , who , though wea ring a somewhat triump hant smile, looked ext remely exhausted as if he had gone through a ba ttle .


  paragraph s 1 , 2 ——— 考前實(shí)況描寫

  paragraph s 3 , 4 ——— 個(gè)別學(xué)生實(shí)況描寫

  paragraph s 5 , 6 ——— 考場上學(xué)生表現(xiàn)描寫

  paragraph 7 ——— 考試后群體和個(gè)別學(xué)生表現(xiàn)描寫


  這是一篇描寫文, 作者以第一人稱來寫。文中作者從教師的角度描述了群體和個(gè)別的學(xué)生在考場內(nèi)外的表現(xiàn)以及他們的心理活動。學(xué)生們都經(jīng)過了大小百余場考試, 因此學(xué)習(xí)本文時(shí)一定會產(chǎn)生共鳴。


  passage n . 走廓

  whispe ring mouth s 喃喃低語

  orderly a . 整齊的

  were ar r anged six by seven in st r aight lines 排成7 排, 每排6 座

  this very moment 就在此一刻, 這里very 是形容詞, 用以加強(qiáng)語勢

  eyes wer e sur rounded by two big black circles 有 兩個(gè)黑眼圈

  make out = understand

  in an instant 不一會兒

  tr embling hy ste rically 神經(jīng)質(zhì)地顫抖

  involunt arily a d . 不自覺地, 無可奈何地

  be distributed to 分發(fā)

  heaved a heavy sigh of r elief 長舒一口氣

  wore a smile on their lips 嘴角浮現(xiàn)微笑

  scratched their heads savagely 使勁搔首

  flicker v . 閃現(xiàn)

  lose no time to + v . 抓緊時(shí)間去……

  was drowned in the noise of scra tching pape r and r egular

  br eathing ( 考場上)只聽見一片紙筆摩擦聲和均勻的呼吸聲

  streamed out of the hall 魚貫而出離開考場

  among them was li , who . . . 這是一個(gè)倒裝句型

  triump hant a . 得意的