
學(xué)人智庫 時間:2018-02-10 我要投稿
【clearvueentertainment.com - 學(xué)人智庫】



  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your view on people’s addiction to plastic surgeries. You should give sound argument to support your views and write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


  As is shown in the picture, a woman is telling her plastic surgeon what kind of mouth, nose, and eyes she wants to have, while her plastic surgeon is sighing and sweating with resignation.

  Just as the saying goes, everyone wants to look attractive. It is a truth commonly accepted that a charming face can make a person more favored by others. However, I disapprove of taking a plastic surgery. For one reason, it can be dangerous to take a plastic surgery. Quite a few examples have shown us that, if not successful, a plastic surgery may cause harm to our physical and mental health. For another, appearance is not the only standard we use to judge a person. It is one’s virtue that plays a far more important role in one’s life. Compared with a man with a nasty character and a charming face, a man with a good character and a not-so-charming face will surely be more favored by people.

  To conclude, I don’t agree with the idea to take a plastic surgery. Everyone is unique, and has his own advantages. Why not just be ourselves?





  Abacus is a simple computing tool invented by the working people of the Han nationality. China is the birthplace of the abacus. Today, when computers are widely used, the old abacus, instead of being abandoned, is still welcomed in many countries because of its convenience and accuracy. Therefore, people often equate the invention of abacus with the four great inventions of ancient China. Due to its convenience and quickness in computing, the abacus has been the computing tool commonly used by the working people of the Han nationality for thousands of years, and even the most advanced electronic calculator cannot replace the abacus entirely. In 2013, the Chinese abacus was officially listed as an intangible cultural heritage of human beings.



  孔子學(xué)院(Confucius Institute)并非一般意義上的大學(xué),而是推廣漢語和傳播中國文化與國學(xué)的教育和文化交流機構(gòu),是一個非盈利性的社會公益機構(gòu),一般都是下設(shè)在國外的大學(xué)和研究院之類的教育機構(gòu)里?鬃訉W(xué)院最重要的一項工作就是給世界各地的漢語學(xué)習(xí)者提供規(guī)范、權(quán)威的現(xiàn)代漢語教材;提供最正規(guī)、最主要的漢語教學(xué)渠道?鬃邮侵袊鴤鹘y(tǒng)文化的代表人物,選擇孔子作為漢語教學(xué)品牌是中國傳統(tǒng)文化復(fù)興的標志。


  Confucius Institute is not a university in general sense. It’s an educational and cultural institution that promotes Chinese language and spreads Chinese culture and ancient civilization. It is a non-profit social organization which is usually located in educational institutions such as universities and research institutes in foreign countries. The most important mission of Confucius Institutes is to provide standard and authoritative textbooks of modern Chinese, and the most formal and main channel of Chinese teaching as well. Confucius is a representative figure of traditional Chinese culture, so choosing him as the brand of Chinese teaching is the mark of traditional Chinese culture’s revival.









