
學人智庫 時間:2018-02-10 我要投稿
【clearvueentertainment.com - 學人智庫】

  1. by chance(=accidentally, by accident)偶然

  2. for a change 換換環(huán)境(花樣等)

  3. charge sb. with …控告某人犯有…

  4. in charge of (=responsible for) 負責(某事) in the charge of …由…管

  5. take charge of (=to be or become responsible for)負責管理(照顧)

  6. charge…for 因…索取(費用) , charge sb. with sth. 控告某人犯有…

  7. round the clock(=all day and all night, usually without stopping) 晝夜不停地

  8. comment on 評論

  9. commit oneself to 使自己承擔…commit sb.to prison 把某人送進監(jiān)獄; commit one's idea to writing 把某人的想法寫下來; commit a matter to a committee 把某事交給委員會討論

  10. in common (和…)有共同之處,共用. be common to sb. 是與某人所共有的

  11. keep company with (=be friendly and go out together) 和…要好.

  12. compare…with … 把…與…比較

  13. compare…to… 把…比作…

  14. by comparison 比較起來

  15. in comparison with (=in contrast to) 和…比起來

  16. compensate for(=give sth.to make up for)補償,賠償彌補compensate sb.for sth.賠償,彌補

  17. complain of (or about)抱怨;訴苦;控告;complain about 抱怨某人或事情; complain to sb.about sth. (or sb.) 向某人抱怨…; complain (抱怨); complement(補充);compliment (恭維)

  18. comply with (=act in accordance with a demand, order, rule etc.) 遵守, 依從

  19. conceive of (think of, imagine, consider) 想象,設想

  20. concentrate on (or upon) 集中,專心

  21. be concerned with (=about) 與…有關

  22. concern oneself about / with 關心

  23. in conclusion(=as the last thing)最后一點; at the conclusion of 當…結束時;

  24. condemn sb. to 判決

  25. on condition that (=if)以…為條件, 假如. in that = because 因為;now that = since 既然for all that = although 盡管

  26. in/out of condition(=thoroughly healthy or fit/not fit) 健康狀況好/不好.

  in good (bad) condition 處于良好(壞)狀態(tài)

  27. confess(to)(=admit a fault,crime,or sth.wrong)承認, 供認;confess to a crime 承認罪行.

  28. confide in (=to talk freely to sb. about one's secret) 對…講真心話, 依賴

  29. in confidence 推心置腹地; with confidence 滿懷信心地; have confidence in 對…有信心

  30. confidence in sb. / sth. 對…的信賴

  31. be confident of 有信心; confidential 機密的

  32. confine…to… 把…限制在某范圍內(nèi)

  33. confirm sb. in 使某人更堅定(信念等)

  34. conform to(=be in agreement with, comply with)符合,遵照,遵守;1)obey 服從;

  2) observe;3)comply with 照…辦; 4)keep to 遵循; 5)abide by 服從;6)stick to 按..做

  35. be confronted with(=be brought face to face with) 面對, 面臨

  36. congratulate sb. on 祝賀

  37. in connection with(=with regard to)關于,

 38. be conscious of(=be aware of)覺察,知道

  39. consent to(=give agreement to permission)同意

  40. in consequence (=as a result) 結果

  41. in consequence of (=as a consequence of)由于…的結果

  42. under consideration 在考慮中

  43. in consideration of (=in return for, on account of, because of )由于

  44. on no consideration(in no case)無論如何也不

  45. take…into consideration (=take account of, take…into account)考慮到, 把…考慮進去

  46. considerate(=thoughtful of the needs)體貼的,考慮他人需要的considerable 相當大的,值得考慮的

  47. consist of(=be composed of)由…組成的. consist in 主要在于. consist with 符合,與…一致

  48. be consistent with(=be in agreement with)與…一致. be consistent in 一貫的,

  49. consult sb. on/ about sth. 向…征求…方面的意見, 就…向…請教

  50. to one's heart's content 盡情地,痛痛快快

  51. be content with(=be satisfied with) 滿足于be content to do sth. 愿意做某事

  52. contrary to (=in opposition to) 與…相反

 53. on the contrary 相反

  54. contrast…with 把…與…相對(對照)

  55. in contrast to/with 和…形成對比by contrast 對比之下

  56. contribute to 有助于

  57. under control (被)控制住out of control 無法控制

  58. at one's convenience(=where and when it suits one)在方便的時間或地點be convenient to/for 對…方便

  59. convince sb. of (=cause sb. to believe or feel certain; to persuade sb.)使某人確信,

  try to persuade sb. to do sth.勸說某人做…

  60. cope with(=deal with, try to find a solution to)應付, 處理

  61. in the corner(of)在角落里;on(at) the comer of a street 在街道拐彎處;round the comer 拐過彎; be in a tight corner 陷入困境

  62. correspond (with) ( =exchange letters regularly) 通信

  63. correspond to 相當于. correspond with 符合,一致

  64. at all costs 不惜任何代價. at the cost of 以…為代價

  65. a matter of course 理所當然的事

  66. as a matter of course 當然地, 自然地

  67. in (during) the course 在…過程中

  68. in due course (=without too much delay) 沒經(jīng)過太久, 到一定時候

  69. on credit 賒購with credit 以優(yōu)異成績to one's credit 使某人感到光榮

  70.be critical of 愛挑毛病的,批評的

  71. cure sb. of+某種疾病治好某人的疾病

  72.a danger to 對…的危險; be in danger(of)處于…危險中; be out of danger 脫離危險

  73. to date(=so far, until now) 到目前為止

  74. out of date 過時的up to date 新式的,時興的;date back to 可追溯到;date from 從某時期開始

  75. deal with (=concern) 論及

  76. be in debt to sb. 欠…的債

  77. on the decline 在衰退中, 在減少中in decline 下降; on the increase 在增加

  78. to one's delight 令某人感到高興to one's regret 遺憾

  sorrow 悲痛relief 安心distress 苦惱shame 羞愧surprise 驚奇astonishment 驚奇;

  79. delight in(=take great pleasure in doing sth.)喜歡, 取樂

  80. take (a) delight in 喜歡干…, 以…為樂

  81. demand sth. of sb.向某人要求(非物質(zhì)的)東西.demand sth. from sb.向某人要求(物質(zhì)的)東西

  82. in demand 有需求;on demand 受到要求時

  83. be dependent on 依靠

  84. deprive sb. of sth. 剝奪某人某物

  85. derive…from(=obtain…from)從…取得,由…來的.derive from(=come from)起源于

  86. despair of (=lose all hope of) 絕望

  87. in despair 絕望

  88. despite (=in spite of) 不管, 盡管

  89. in detail 詳細地

  90. deviate from 偏離, 不按…辦

  91. on a diet 吃某種特殊飲食, 節(jié)食

  92. differ from…in 與…的區(qū)別在于…

  93. in difficulties…有困難,處境困難,

  94. discharge sb. (from)…for (=dismiss sb. from a job for) 因…解雇, 開除

  95. fall back (=retreat, turn back) 撤退;in disorder 慌亂地, 狼狽不堪

  96. on display(=being shown publicly)陳列

  97. dispose of (=get rid of ,throw away)處理掉

  98. beyond dispute 不容爭議的,無可爭議

  99. in dispute 在爭議中

  100. in the distance 在遠處. make out辯認出