
學人智庫 時間:2018-02-10 我要投稿
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  Forever Do not believe any thing is capable of thinking independently, unless you see it to where the minds of the Tibetan.永遠不要相信任何能夠獨立思考的東西,除非你看清了它把頭腦藏在什么地方。 ——韋斯萊先生下面是小編為您精心整理的哈利波特中英對照經(jīng)典臺詞的全部內(nèi)容,希望可以幫到您。如果您喜歡的話可以分享給身邊的小伙伴們!

  1For a very sober-minded people, death is just another great adventure.對于頭腦十分清醒的人來說,死亡不過是另一場偉大的冒險。 ——鄧不利多

  2 .This was a man deeply loved, despite the love our people have died, also left us with a protective shield Forever.被一個人這樣深深地愛過,盡管那個愛我們的人已經(jīng)死了,也會給我們留下一個永遠的護身符。 ——鄧不利多

  3、We need to deal with the enemy superhuman courage, and to adhere to a friend in front of their position, but also a great deal of courage.對付敵人我們需要超人的膽量,而要在朋友面前堅持自己的立場,同樣也需要很大的勇氣。 ——鄧不利多

  4、Forever Do not believe any thing is capable of thinking independently, unless you see it to where the minds of the Tibetan.永遠不要相信任何能夠獨立思考的東西,除非你看清了它把頭腦藏在什么地方。 ——韋斯萊先生

  5、The performance of our true self, is our own choice, all this than we have the capacity even more important.表現(xiàn)我們真正的自我,是我們自己的選擇,這比我們所俱有的能力更重要。 ——鄧不利多

  6、If you kill Harry, then you should we have to kill.如果你要殺哈利,那你要把我們也殺死! ——羅恩

  7、Patron saint is a positive force, it is something initiated by Dementors food - hope, happiness, the desire to live - but it does not like real people do despair, so Dementors on the impossible It hurt.守護神是一種正面力量,它所倡導的東西正是攝魂怪的食糧——希望、快樂、活下去的愿望——但它不能像真正的人那樣感到絕望,因此攝魂怪就沒法傷害它。 ——盧平

  8、Die than betray a friend, and we will do so for you!死了總比背叛朋友強,我們也會為你這樣做的! ——小天狼星布萊克

  9、Your father live in you, Harry, you need him, he was in you know.你爸爸活在你身上,哈利,在你需要他的時候,他在你身上表現(xiàn)得最清楚。 ——鄧不利多

  10、Only through unity can we have a strong, if the split, then a single blow.我們只有團結才會強大,如果分裂,便不堪一擊。 ——鄧不利多

  11、As long as we share the same objectives and open our hearts, habits and language differences will not be an obstacle.只要我們目標一致,敞開心胸,習慣和語言的差異都不會成為障礙。 ——鄧不利多

  12、I do not want it, nor need it. But I need some laughter. We may all need some laughter. I have a feeling that we will soon need a laugh more than usual.我不想要它,也不需要它。但是我需要一些歡笑。我們可能都需要一些歡笑。我有一種感覺,我們很快就會需要比往常更多的歡笑了。 ——哈利

  13、The past will always come and we will accept it.該來的總歸會來,來了我們就接受它。 ——海格

  14、But indifference, but also turned a blind eye is often straightforward than the harm to much larger offensive.可是漠不關心,還有視而不見,往往會比直截了當?shù)膮拹涸斐傻膫Υ蟮枚唷?——鄧不利多

  15、It is easy to forgive someone else's mistake, it is difficult to forgive someone else's right.人們?nèi)菀自弰e人的錯誤,卻很難原諒別人的正確。 ——鄧不利多

  16、Out-and-out is Dumbledore and more people, right, Potter?徹頭徹尾是鄧不利多的人,對不對,波特? ——斯克林杰

  17、Only when the people here are no longer loyal to him (Dumbledore), he would leave this school.只有當這里的人都不再忠實于他(鄧不利多),他才會離開這所學校。 ——哈利 第6中的,When we in the face of darkness and death, we fear that is unknown, in addition, no other.當我們在面對黑暗和死亡的時候,我們害怕的只是未知,除此之外,沒有別的。

  1.“Welcome,” he said. “Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!”

  2.Curious indeed how these things happen. The wand chooses the wizard, remember…

  3.What is done is done.

  4.It was, he thought, the difference between being dragged into the arena to face a battle to the death and walking into the arena with your head held high. Some people, perhaps, would say that there was little to choose between the two ways, but Dumbledore knew-and so do I, thought Harry, with a rush of fierce pride, and so did my parents-that there was all the difference in the world.

  5.There is nothing to be feared from a body, Harry, any more than there is anything to be feared from the darkness. …It is the unknown we fear when we look upun death and darkness, nothing more.

  6.Dumbledore says people find it far easier to forgive others for being wrong than being right.

  7.Call him Voldemort, Harry. Always use the proper name for things. Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself.

  8.Warrington’s aim’s so pathetic I’d be more worried if he was aiming for the person next me.

  9.Don’t leave it later, you big second-rater!

  10. ‘I’ll be fine, I’ll be with Dumbledore.’ Said Harry. ‘I am not worry Harry,’ said Dumbledore, his voice a little stronger despite the freezing water. ‘I am with you.’

  11.You saved everything because you felt lucky. You did it all yourself. 12.Fools who wear their hearts proudly on their sleeves, who cannot control their emotions, who wallow in sad memories and allow themselves to be provoked so easily-weak people, in other words, they stand no chance against his powers! He will penetrate your mind with absurd ease, Potter!

  13. ‘Baubles.’ ‘Same to you.’

  14. ‘Poisonous toadstools don’t change their spots,’ said Ron sagely.

  15.Mr Moony presents his compliments to Professor Snape, and begs him to keep his abnormally large nose out of other people’s business.’ Snape froze. Harry stared, dumbstuck at the message. But the map didn’t stop there. More writing as appearing beneath the first. ‘Mr Prongs agree with Mr Moony, and would like to add that Professor Snape is a ugly git.’ I t would have been funny if the situation hasn’t been so serious. And there was more… ‘Mr Padfoot would like to register his astonishment that an idiot like that ever became a professor.’ Harry closed his eyes in horror. When he’d opened them, the map had had it’s last word. ‘Mr. Wormtail bids Professor Snape good day, and advises him to wash his hair, the slime ball.’