
學(xué)人智庫 時間:2018-02-09 我要投稿
【clearvueentertainment.com - 學(xué)人智庫】

  5. Pretend you're the host and talk to EVERYBODY


  This is a very cool paradigm to try out. Instead of standing in thecorner, sipping your drink and hoping somebody will come talk to you, take theinitiative and start talking with EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE. You can dothis if you pretend to be the host of the event. Start by looking out forpeople who are trying to act cool, but are desperately wishing that someonewould go talk to them. You know exactly who they are. Rescue them from theirworries and you'll see their face light up and thank you for approaching them.Work the crowd, ask how everyone's doing. They will all light up and respondfavorably. Get to know people and introduce people to other people. Most peopledon't have the guts to approach strangers, so when you do it for them, they'llbe extremely grateful.


  Don't discriminate based on social groups. People are all the same.Talk to the skater, the artist, the economist, the stock broker, the lawyer,the doctor, the entrepreneur, the bartender, the guy standing in the corner,the waiter, everybody. Talk to everyone and make them feel welcome. You justneed to get the ball rolling. Once you start talking to one stranger and get inthe rhythm, you'll be an unstoppable social butterfly.


  6. You, not I.


  Charming people focus on the other person. Rarely are theythemselves the topic of discussion. When you're out there schmoozing, listen topeople when they talk to you and give them feedback to indicate that you arelistening and that you understand. Be genuinely interested in the other person.Ask all about them. Always think of how you can help them. Send business theirway. Hook them up with other people at the party you think they might get alongwell with.


  7. Make them feel good


  Give people genuine compliments. Everybody needs compliments likefood and water because everybody's self esteem can always use a little boost.Don't go for the cliché compliments like everyoneelse. Remember, you're the charismatic one. You've got to step it up a notch.Think of a genuine killer compliment.


  Also, don't forget to use the power of touch. A hormone calledoxytocin is secreted when you touch someone and studies have shown that promotesbond and trust between people. Oxytocin is also a feel good hormone so whenthey get hit with it, they associate that good feeling with you as well.Obviously, use your better judgment here. Don't go up and start molestingpeople. Be tactful with your touch. You will find that women are the masters ofthis. They will lightly tap your forearm when making a point or playfully hityour shoulder when engaged in conversation with you.


  People tend to remember conversations with people who use the powerof touch. I remember going to one event and being charmed off the socks withthis one guy. He had it going. He was working the crowd, he saw me, introducedhimself, and started to ask all sorts of questions about me. I, in turn,shamelessly succumbed to his charm and divulged a lot of information and weboth had good laughs. You know why I remember him out of all the other people Iinteracted with that day? It's because he squeezed my arm when he shook myhand. No joke. That's how I remembered him. As the charming guy who squeezed myarm. Touch is a very powerful thing. Use it wisely.


  8. Be positive.


  Smile. Charming people are known for making people feel way betterafter interacting with them. They have a light feathery touch to them thatbrings smiles and good feelings to everybody they come in contact with.


  Talk about positive things. Avoid negative things. You'll always runinto people who turn a good conversation into a bad one by bringing up somenegativity. If that happens, try to tactfully point out the positive aspects ofthe situation. If that fails, excuse yourself from the group and move on.There's no need to be part of the down group.


  Get your stuff together, exercise, put on those nice clothes, get inthe habit of socializing with everyone, talk with everyone, really listen andkeep the focus on them, make them feel good, only associate yourself withpositive things and people, and you'll find yourself being that one personwho's always lighting up the room.

