
學(xué)人智庫 時(shí)間:2018-02-09 我要投稿
【clearvueentertainment.com - 學(xué)人智庫】


  welcome to our factory 歡迎參觀

  a: welcome to our factory, mr. hill. 歡迎來到我們廠,希爾先生。

  b: nice to meet you, mr. sun. 很高興見到你,孫先生。

  a: let me show you around the factory. this way please. 讓我?guī)教幙纯矗@邊請(qǐng)。

  b: thank you. 謝謝。

  a: how large is the plant? 這個(gè)工廠有多大?

  b: it covers an area of 87,000 square meters. 面積有87000平方米。

  a: it's much larger than i expected. how long has your factory been established? 比我們想象的要大多了。你們建廠有多長時(shí)間了?

  b: about 30 years. in the late 1970s. we'll soon be celebrating the 30th anniversary. 快30年了。七十年代末建成的。我們很快就要慶祝建廠三十周年了。

  a: congratulations! 祝賀你們!

  b: thank you. 謝謝。

  a: how many employees do you have in this plant? 這個(gè)工廠有多少員工?

  b: 600. we're running on three shifts. 600個(gè),我們是三班制。

  a: does the plant work with everything from the raw material to the finished product? 從原料到制成品都是工廠自己生產(chǎn)嗎?

  b: our associates specializing in these fields make some accessories. well, here we're at the production shop. shall we start from the assembly line? 有些零配件使我們的聯(lián)營單位生產(chǎn)的,他們是專門從事這一行的。好了,我們到生產(chǎn)車間了。咱們從裝配線開始看,好嗎?

  a: that's fine. 好的。

  show around 帶領(lǐng)參觀

  a: mr. brown, i'd like to welcome you to our tools factory site. my name is li hui and i will be showing you around today. please feel free to ask questions at any point during our tour, i will be happy to answer questions for you. i hope you will have a main idea about our factory.


  b: thank you.


  a: now this is our office block. we have all the administrative departments here: sales, accounting, personnel, market research and so on.


  b: can i have a look at your main plant?


  a: yes, this way. considering your safety, please wear protective gear.


  b: is it really necessary to wear all this protective gear.


  a: yes. i'll bet your wondering why we ask you to wear hard hats and safty goggles while you're in the plant. the reason is simple: we want to ensure there are no injures today. as you will see, to maintain a high level of safety, we also require all of our staff to wear similar protective gear.


  b: okay. 好吧。 a: here in the main plant is where most of the action takes place. we produce and package more than six hundred thousand units per year on these machines.


  b: how many employees do you have working in this area?


  a: we have about 50 employees on the ground floor, which is about 20% of the total staff. ground floor employees include production line workers, maintenance staff, and quality control managers.


  b: what do all your quality control people oversee?


  a: they are responsible for ensuring the continuity of quality of the products that come out of our plant. here, let's move on to the assembly shop.


  b: it's up to you. 你決定吧。

  a: ok. let's go. 好,走吧。

  b: all right. 好的。


  1. “ considering ”在這里是個(gè)介詞,后面接名詞。意為“鑒于,考慮到”。 eg. she is very active, considering her age. 就她的年齡來說,她是夠活躍的。 “considering”也可以做連詞,后面接個(gè)句子。 eg. considering he's only just started, he knows quite a lot about it. 考慮到他只是剛剛開始,他對(duì)此的了解已經(jīng)不少了。

  2. responsible for 是……的原由;為……負(fù)責(zé) eg. while you are responsible for your duties, you cannot do everything by yourself. 當(dāng)你對(duì)你的任務(wù)負(fù)責(zé)時(shí),你就不能親自做每一項(xiàng)事情。 eg. after all, if a person is not responsible for their own brain, who is? 畢竟,如果一個(gè)人不能為自己的大腦負(fù)責(zé),誰能呢?