
學人智庫 時間:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【clearvueentertainment.com - 學人智庫】

  Declining an Invitation 拒絕邀請

  Some people find that saying "no" to a friend is extremely hard sometimes. Are you this kind of person? If you are tied up and cannot go to your friend's party, how do you say "no" and at the same time sound inoffensive?


  1. I am sorry to turn you down. 我很抱歉必須拒絕你。

  Turn you down 就是拒絕別人的要求。例如有一次請老美去參加一個 party,她說她很抱歉無法參加,就是用的這句I am sorry to turn you down.。另外男生追女生,女生想拒絕他,也可以用 turn down。例如I am sorry but I have to turn you down.

  另外不要忘,turn down 還有一個解釋就是把音量或是空調(diào)關(guān)小。還有不要把 turn you down 和 let you down 搞混,這二者是完全不同的意思:turn down 表示拒絕,而 let down 則表示讓人家失望。

  2. I am not interested. 我沒有興趣。

  當電話推銷員找上門來,這時你要說的就是I am not interested,這樣子對方就不會糾纏太久了。

  通常在拒絕別人的時候要注意一下說話的語氣,像這句 I am not interested. 聽來就不太客氣。通常要使得拒絕別人的話聽來客氣一點,只要在句首加上I am sorry.整句話的口氣立刻就不一樣了。所以禮貌一點的說法就是I am sorry. I am not interested. 聽起來是不是客氣很多?

  3. I'll think about it. 我要回答的問題時,你就可以說There is nothing to talk about.。例如有人問你的意思,它跟 kill 一點關(guān)系也沒有。例如跟一個老美打球,打了二局之后問他還要不要再打,他就說That's enough, anymore is just overkill.又如吃東西時你問別人還要不要再吃,如果別人吃不下了就可以說No, thanks. That's overkill.。

  4.I can't right now, but maybe later. 這意味著將來可能行。

  5.Unfortunately, I've had a few things come up. 這是指有意外的事情發(fā)生了。

  6.I'm trying to focus on finishing off some other things. 這是另一種方式表示你有一些沒有完成的工作。

  7.I'm sorry I can't.這直接表明了這對你而言是不可能的。

  8.I can't at that time, but I'm happy to help you with something else later.


  9.Sorry but that isn't my strong suit.這是另一種表達方式表示你并不擅長此道。

  10.I'm sure you will do fine on your own.這是告訴別人自己完成此事的一種非常禮貌的方式。

  11.I'm afraid I'm committed to something else. 如果你另有計劃可以這么說。

  12.I really don't enjoy that kind of activity.或者,我不喜歡做這事。

  13.I'm sorry, but I have an emergency to attend to.這是指你有些緊急的事必須要做。

  禮貌拒絕的典型例句 Refusing invitations without being offensive:

  That's very kind of you, but I'm afraid that I'm tied up on Saturday. 非常感謝, 可是恐怕我周六沒時間。

  I'd really like to, but I'm already booked up for next Saturday. 我很想去,但是我下周六的日程己經(jīng)安排滿了。

  I wish I could, but I have an appointment on Saturday. 我真希望能去,但是我周六和別人約好了。

  Thanks for asking me, but I am going to be out of town that evening. 謝謝你邀請我,但是我那天晚上要去外地。

  I'm really sorry about that! 非常抱歉!

  Thanks, anyway. 還是謝謝你!
