
學(xué)人智庫(kù) 時(shí)間:2018-02-08 我要投稿
【clearvueentertainment.com - 學(xué)人智庫(kù)】

  No.1 Video Chat Regularly 第一招:經(jīng)常視頻聊天

  Whether you use Face Time, iChat, Google Chat, or Skype, being able to see each other while you talk about your annoying coworker or the hilarious thing your buddy did at the bar adds another layer of communication that helps you stay close. Video chatting is an especially good idea when you’re arguing; your normal tension-dissolving tactics don’t translate as well over the phone。


  No.2 Don't Be Jealous Of Her Guy Friends 第二招:不要嫉妒她的異性朋友

  One of the few upsides to being in a long-distance relationship is that you’re always free to hang out with friends. Your job as the boyfriend is to make sure she knows you’re cool with that -- even if her plans involve dudes you don’t know. Trust me, it’ll work to your advantage in the long-run: If you get defensive whenever she wants to spend time with a guy, she’ll assume it’s because you’re not being faithful when you’re around other women. But if you’re cool with it, you automatically seem more trustworthy, preventing any major jealousy issues before they start。


  No.3 Do Something Together While You're Apart 第三招:異地的時(shí)候也可以一起做些事

  You don’t have to be in the same zip code to have fun together. Every Sunday night at 11, my boyfriend and I have a standing date to talk about the latest episode of Breaking Bad. Your “thing” doesn’t have to be a TV series you’re addicted to -- maybe it’s watching a weekly movie together, or playing Words with Friends -- but make sure you have something to talk about that doesn’t involve the words “I miss you! It’ll make your phone calls a lot more pleasant。


  No.4 Plan At Least One Visit In Advance 第四招:至少提前安排一次會(huì)面

  Maybe you’re a spontaneous kind of guy. Don’t be when you’re booking travel. Things go much more smoothly if you have a trip or two in the books ahead of time. Your wallet will thank you -- and so will your girlfriend. Saying goodbye at the end of a visit is a lot easier when you already have another to look forward to。


  No.5 Say What's On Your Mind 第五招:說(shuō)出你心中的想法

  Girlfriends can tell when something’s bothering you. And when you don’t explain what it is -- no matter how dumb you might think it sounds -- we assume we’re the something that’s bringing you down. A girlfriend who’s worried that you might dump her isn’t a great person to be in a relationship with. So just tell her that you missed the game-winning shot at your pickup basketball game already and put it behind you。



  Moaning about one's schedule has become, for some, a mark of social status. We're not speaking here about the kind of busyness associated with scraping by near the povertyline, of course, but rather the kind associated with lives of material privilege. For instance, when you ask a colleague for assistance, he/she may reply like this:"I would like to help but cannot. I am desperately trying to finish a screenplay and a talk I need to give in Milan." Let's call this phenomenon 'busy-bragging'.


  The interesting but thorny thing about busy-bragging is that most of us who engage in it aren't doing it consciously to impress others. Those busy feelings are absolutely real. That's why it is also known as busyness epidemic.


  Data on leisure time suggests we’re not much busier than we were, yet we feel busier, partly because – for “knowledge workers”, anyway – there’s no limit to the number of emails we can get, the demands that can be made of us, or the hours of the day we can be in touch with the office. Work feels infinite, but our capacities are finite, therefore overwhelm is inevitable.
