
學(xué)人智庫 時間:2018-01-18 我要投稿
【clearvueentertainment.com - 學(xué)人智庫】


  Tom Hanks also starred in the film "The code of Dan Vince ", “The Terminal ", "Saving Private Ryan "and so on. In a number of stars in Hollywood, who can act the very sympathetic "gay", and also the simple and honest "low-energy child," and the "Astronaut”, besides the incomparably brave "soldiers of World War II", and each movie is very popular? Tom - Hanks did. Tom born a baby face, he is not very handsome but very funny; any role he acts is unforgettable. He won the 1994 Academy Award for Best Actor Award. He is one of the most influential stars in Hollywood.

  In the 1990s, the anti-intellectual sprit in America is very high. And then, the Hollywood produced a number of anti-intellectualism films. And "Forrest Gump " is the masterpiece of anti-intellectual films in this period. It is based on American writer Winston Glum’s best-selling novel of the same name. It describes the reflection of all aspects of American life through Gump whose IQ is in 75. The film shows us some important events in American social and political life in unique perspective. It makes Americans to re-examine the State and individuals in the past, and to reflect upon the nature of Americans. It re-affirmed the old moral and social subjects culture, promote the dominant ideology of the United States in 1960s. And at the same time, it negatives other avant-gardes culture. I think maybe because of this, Americans love it so much.

  "Forrest Gump " makes us know about two men: Gump and Tom Hanks. Gump was shaped into the embodiment of virtue in the film. Although Gump’s IQ is a little lower than normal levels. He was honest, trustworthy, serious, and bold and places a very high value on feelings. He only knows how to pay without asking for anything, and never mind others refuse him. He was just open-minded, magnanimous in the face of life. He focuses all of his wisdom, faith and courage on one point, just run and run. Nothing is important to him but run. He kept running on the road on instinct. He ran over the classmates’ discrimination in childhood, ran the university's football field, running through the fire swirling in the quagmire of the Vietnam War, ran ping-pong diplomacy over, the entire United States, and eventually went to his end. Gump never insist something or expect something, he just uses his simple and honest and pure to touch the world.

  In the sky, a feather fly in the wind, drifting across treetops, fly toward blue sky.  And last, the feather falls on the feet of Forrest Gump. Gump sited on a bench in Alabama, talking about all his life.

  Forrest Gump was born in Alabama, where is in South America, an isolated small town Shortly after World War II. He was born with mental retardation, with the IQ only in 75. However, Gump’s mother has a strong character and she hopes Gump lives as same as others. She always encourages Gump, tells Gump〝You are no different than anybody else is.〞Furthermore, Gump became friends with Jenny, and he can run, run very fast. Once in middle school, in order to avoid his classmates in pursuit, Gump ran into a school football field, because of his running fast, he was admitted into the university. And later he became a rugby star and met with President John F. Kennedy.

  After graduation, encouraged by a recruit, Gump candidates took part in the Vietnam War. In a battle, his unit had been ambushed, when ordered to retreat, Gump remembered Jennifer's orders, and he broke into a run. Moreover, Gump saved many of his comrades. But Bubba, the best friend of Gump’s who was enthusiastic about shrimp was died. And Lieutenant Taylor lost his legs.

  After the war, Gump has been an audience with President Johnson's.  At a peace rally, Gump met Jenny again, however, Jenny has fallen, lived a life of debauchery. Gump loves Jenny all along, yet Jenny has been not to accept him, they parted hastily rushed encounter.

  As a ping-pong diplomacy envoy, Gump also went to China took part in table tennis, campaign for Sino-US relations. Under the guidance of the doctrine "say we should do", Forrest Gump finally found his own sky. He taught, "Elvis," Elvis Pulaisili study dance. He helped John Lennon writing songs. In the Civil Rights Movement, he collapsed in a hair-trigger large-scale ethnic conflict. He even inadvertently forced the thief sneaked into the Watergate building into the net of justice.

  And moreover, Gump also made a fortune in strange combination of circumstances to become a billionaire. Because didn’t want be tired by fame or fortune, Gump became a gardener. Gump always missed Jenny; however Jenny had been led astray and caught in despair. Finally one day, Jenny came back, she lived with Gump for a period of time. And one evening, Jenny throws herself into the lap of Gump, and to leave quietly at the next day’s dawn. Years later, Gump met Jenny again, and a little boy who was Gump’s son. This time, Jennifer has got a kind of incurable disease. The three of they got back to their hometown, spent a happy time.

  Janet passed away, and their son got to school age. One day, Gump sent his son to the school bus, at this time, a feather fall off from Gump’s son’s book, and fly away in the wind. Jenny is a symbol of degradation; she contracted almost all of the bad habits, such as drug addiction, sexual liberation and so on. Finally, she died of a virus - in fact imply that the HIV virus. But Forrest Gump does not count everything, always in love with her, reflects his innocence and goodness.

  Gump just like a fighter, he seems silly, but in fact he was successes, he won the survival and development again and again. This is a hope of God rewards good, at the same time, it also includes a tone: forward, ran. It is said that such a run will bring hope. Virtually, the hopes exist indeed. This unique film has won so many viewers, attracting the audience only like an easy and even entertaining; it illustrates the hopes and aspirations of its own charming. Shaping the image of Forrest Gump, subverts the normal world of the heroic image, runs counter to the traditional concept, has a strong anti-tradition, anti-mainstream sexual. Gump’ experiences make many wise men pale by comparison.

  I think the director just wanted to irony society and reflecting the social status quo come through shaping the image of Forrest Gump. Gump always has a group of trailing behind him,they could not find the answer to life. It can be said that this is a reality at that time in the U.S. society. People are disappointed with the reality, they could not find motivation and meaning of existence, and had to put the fate of their faith in other people.  On the contrary, Gump always faces the reality with optimism, runs with courage. This is a wonderful irony.

  I really love this film. Everyone who watched Forrest Gump would gain a little sentiment. And to me, it makes me understand life is more beautiful than I ever think. Whoever we are, and whatever we do, we should believe ourselves, never give up and never think we are inferior to others. Gump's mother once said "Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. "In fact, this simple discourse contains a life attitudes that each person understand but difficult to achieve. And I think the film constantly to the audience about the different life to prove this sentence.

  There are also many other wonderful movie lines, just like " Stupid is as stupid does." "Miracles happen every day." " I don’t know if we each have a destiny, or if we’re all just floating around accidental—like on a breeze. " "Death is just a part of life, something we’re all destined to do." "You are no different than anybody else is. " my heart was shocked by these affecting words .I was deeply moved by this film.

  Life is filled with so much uncertainty. We should not to be Calm, optimistic, and positive to face the life. Perhaps your destiny is not very luck now, but who knows what will happen in the future, just be happy and don’t worried.