
學(xué)人智庫 時間:2018-01-17 我要投稿
【clearvueentertainment.com - 學(xué)人智庫】

“So, do you have any questions for me?” This common refrain toward the close of a job interview can make even the best of us stammer when the tables are turned. But with the national unemployment rate over 8%, sharp interview skills are more important than ever.


Most employers agree that, “No, I have no questions,” is the worst possible response. “The most frustrating thing for a recruiter is when you don’t have any questions at all,” says recruiter Abby Kohut of AbsolutelyAbby.com.

很多招聘人員都同意“不了,我沒什么想問的”這樣的回答是他們認(rèn)為最糟糕的回復(fù)。“對于公司的招聘人員來說,沒什么比應(yīng)聘者毫無疑問更讓人沮喪的事情了!盇bsolutely網(wǎng)站的招聘者,Abby Kohut說道。

We asked professional recruiters to brief us on the top ten most common interview questions to scratch off our lists immediately.


Questions You Should Never Ask in a Job Interview


1. Anything related to salary or benefits


“Company benefits [and salary negotiations] don’t come into play until an offer has been extended,” says Kohut. The same principle applies to sick time and vacation days. It’s best to avoid any question that sounds like you assume you already have the position–unless, of course, your interviewer brings it up first.


2. Questions that start with “why?”


Why? It’s a matter of psychology. These kinds of questions put people on the defensive, says Kohut. She advises repositioning a question such as, “Why did the company lay off people last year?” to a less confrontational, “I read about the layoffs you had. What’s your opinion on how the company is positioned for the future?”


3. “Who is your competition?”


This is a great example of a question that could either make you sound thoughtful … or totally backfire and reveal that you did zero research about the company prior to the interview, says Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter of CareerTrend.net. Before asking any question, determine whether it’s something you could have figured out yourself through a Google search. If it is, a) don’t ask it and b) do that Google search before your interview!

這個問題是把雙刃劍,它也許會讓你顯得考慮周全…也可能帶來出其不意的反效果,讓用人單位覺得你根本沒有事先做好對公司的研究、也絲毫不重視這次面試——來自CareerTrend網(wǎng)站的Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter說道。在問出任何一個問題前,請先自問:這個問題我能不能自己用google找到答案?如果能,那么,請1)千萬別問這個問題2)面試前先用google搜一搜!

4. “How often do reviews occur?”


Maybe you’re concerned about the company’s view of your performance, or maybe you’re just curious, but nix any questions about the company’s review or self-appraisal policies. “It makes us think you’re concerned with how often negative feedback might be delivered,” says Kohut. Keep your confidence intact, and avoid the topic altogether–or at least until you receive an offer.


5. “May I arrive early or leave late as long as I get my hours in?”


Even if you make it clear that you’re hoping for a flexible schedule to accommodate a legitimate concern such as picking up your kids from daycare, Barrett-Poindexter advises against this question. “While work-life balance is a very popular concern right now, it’s not the most pressing consideration for a hiring decision-maker,” she says. “Insinuating early on that you’re concerned about balancing your life may indicate to your employer that you are more concerned about your needs and less concerned about the company’s.”


6. “Can I work from home?”

