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  考研英語(yǔ)二作文真題深度解析 1


  Write an essay based on the following chart. In your writing, you should

  1) interpret the chart, and

  2) give your comments.

  You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)


  今年大作文依然考圖表作文,文字規(guī)定部分只字未變,但是圖表卻發(fā)生了很大的改變。從2010年到2014年,英語(yǔ)二大作文考了4次柱形圖、1次表格,但是從未考過餅圖,由此不少老師認(rèn)為大作文不太可能考餅圖,但是今年恰恰考的就是餅圖,這也就給大家的答題帶來(lái)了難度。其實(shí),仔細(xì)看一下,如表格一樣,餅圖反映的其實(shí)很大一部分就是各個(gè)部分之間的差異性,因此在寫作時(shí)可以大部分借鑒表格的寫作方法。除此之外餅圖本身還反映了事物整體與部分之間的關(guān)系, 因此在應(yīng)用表格描述方式時(shí)需要進(jìn)行適當(dāng)?shù)恼{(diào)整,但是變化不大。



  1. 直觀評(píng)價(jià)。本句比較簡(jiǎn)單,可以直接用準(zhǔn)備的句型,Here is a chart, simple but accurate.

  2. 圖表主題。先將“我國(guó)某市居民春節(jié)假期花銷比例”譯成英語(yǔ),根據(jù)倒魚鉤翻譯法,可譯成the proportions of the Spring Festival‘s expense of the residents in a certain city in China.再套用課上所講句型,即成It goes without saying that the chart records the proportions of the Spring Festival’s expense of the residents in a certain city in China, which successfully arouses our curiosity.

  3. 主流趨勢(shì)。在餅圖中,主流趨勢(shì)指的就是事物的整體與部分的關(guān)系,也就是其整體體現(xiàn)。在本題中,表現(xiàn)為“全部花銷花在了各種各樣不同的東西上面”。由此,套用固定句型,即是As is clearly reflected by the graph, the expense has been spent on totally different things.

  4. 最大差異。餅圖中此句指的就是部分與整體的關(guān)系,也就是每個(gè)部分占了整體多少比例。而且在這些比例中往往會(huì)存在最大值或最小值,那么這就是該部分與其他部分之間的差異性。本題中體現(xiàn)為用在“新年禮物”上面的花銷占比最大,為40%.那么可以表達(dá)為Especially, the money used to buy the New Year‘s gifts accounts for 40% of the entire expense, which already outweighs all the others.

  5. 過渡句。此句的作用就是總結(jié)第一段,鋪墊第二段,可以直接用固定句型Definitely, what the chart reflects is supposed to be given further analysis.


  首先,關(guān)鍵句。在這一部分,需要具體點(diǎn)明原因分析的'對(duì)象,也就是第一段話中的第四句,但是需要注意的是不要全句照抄,而要將意思再用不同的語(yǔ)言表述出來(lái)。那么套用固定句即成Theoretically, several reasons may trigger the trend that people tend to spend more money to buy gifts during the Spring Festival, but as for my part, the following two are of great value.

  其次,具體原因。對(duì)于春節(jié)期間人們更樂意將錢花在購(gòu)買新年禮物上這一現(xiàn)象,其原因很多,包括春節(jié)在中國(guó)節(jié)日里面的重要性促使人們回家時(shí)購(gòu)買大量禮物,以及春節(jié)期間各種禮物廣告的泛濫變相鼓勵(lì)了人們?nèi)セㄥX等等,當(dāng)然還有其他的一些原因,大家可以自由發(fā)揮,只要合情合理即可。但是要注意:考慮到語(yǔ)言多樣性的評(píng)分標(biāo)準(zhǔn),寫作時(shí)不可只用簡(jiǎn)單的單詞或短語(yǔ)來(lái)銜接列舉原因,因此可以用句子來(lái)列舉,具體如下:On the top of list is that the current state of the affair may have been encouraged, though not justified, by the widely spreading advertisements of gifts. In addition, there is the other point that no one can ignore. It is universally acknowledged that the Spring Festival is the most important festival in our nation during which most people will buy gifts for their families and friends.


  第三段中主要就上面分析的這一現(xiàn)象進(jìn)行趨勢(shì)預(yù)測(cè),那么很明顯在接下來(lái)的很長(zhǎng)一段時(shí)間里春節(jié)期間人們都會(huì)花大量地錢來(lái)為身邊的親人、朋友購(gòu)買新年禮物,這種形式將會(huì)持續(xù)下去。因此,按照之前準(zhǔn)備的固定句型,可用Taking into account what has been discussed above, we may safely come to the conclusion that the present situation concisely conveyed by the pie chart will sustain in the forthcoming years.


  Here is a pie chart, simple but accurate. It goes without saying that the chart records the proportions of the Spring Festival‘s expense of the residents in a certain city in China, which successfully arouses our curiosity. As is clearly reflected by the graph, the expense has been spent on totally different things. Especially, the money used to buy the New Year’s gifts accounts for 40% of the entire expense, which already outweighs all the others. Definitely, what the chart reflects is supposed to be given further analysis.

  Theoretically, several reasons may trigger the trend that people tend to spend more money to buy gifts during the Spring Festival, but as for my part, the following two are of great value. On the top of list is that the current state of the affair may have been encouraged, though not justified, by the widely spreading advertisements of gifts. In addition, there is the other point that no one can ignore. It is universally acknowledged that the Spring Festival is the most important festival in our nation during which most people will buy gifts for their families and friends.

  Taking into account what has been discussed above, we may safely come to the conclusion that the present situation concisely conveyed by the pie chart will sustain in the forthcoming years.

  考研英語(yǔ)二作文真題深度解析 2


  ①That everyone’s too busy these days is a cliché.

 、贐ut one specific complaint is made especially mournfully:There’s never any time to read.




 、賅hat makes the problem thornier is that the usual time-management techniques don’t seem sufficient.

  ②The web’s full of articles offering tips on making time to read: “Give up TV” or “Carry a book with you at all times”

 、跙ut in my experience, using such methods to free up the odd 30 minutes doesn’t work.

  ④Sit down to read and the flywheel of work-related thoughts keeps spinning-or else you’re so exhausted that a challenging book’s the last thing you need.

 、軹he modern mind, Tim Parks, a novelist and critic, writes, “is overwhelmingly inclined toward communication…It is not simply that one is interrupted; it is that one is actually inclined to interruption”.

  ⑥D(zhuǎn)eep reading requires not just time, but a special kind of time which can’t be obtained merely by becoming more efficient.




  ①In fact,“becoming more efficient” is part of the problem.

 、赥hinking of time as a resource to be maximised means you approach it instrumentally,judging any given moment as well spent only in so far as it advances progress toward some goal.

  ③Immersivereading,by contrast,depends on being willing to risk inefficiency,goallessness,even time-wasting.

 、躎ry to slot it in as a to-do list item and you’ll manage only goal-focused reading-useful, sometimes, but not the most fulfilling kind.

 、荨癟he future comes at us like empty bottles along an unstoppable and nearly infinite conveyor belt,” writes Gary Eberle in his book Sacred Time, and “we feel a pressure to fill these different-sized bottles (days,hours,minutes)as they pass,for if they get by without being filled, we will have wasted them”.

  ⑥No mind-set could be worse for losing yourself in a book.




 、賁o what does work? Perhaps surprisingly,scheduling regular times for reading.

  ②You’d think this might fuel the efficiency mind-set,but in fact,Eberle notes,such ritualistic behaviour helps us “step outside time’s flow” into “soul time”.

 、踄ou could limit distractions by reading only physical books,or on single-purpose e-readers.

  ④“Carry a book with you at all times” can actually work, too-providing you dip in often enough,so that reading becomes the default state from which you temporarily surface to take care of business, before dropping back down.

 、軴n a really good day,it no longer feels as if you’re “making time to read,” but just reading,and making time for everything else.




  1. The usual time-management techniques don’t work because_______

  [A] what they can offer does not ease the modern mind

  [B] what challenging books demand is repetitive reading

  [C] what people often forget is carrying a book with them

  [D] what deep reading requires cannot be guaranteed








  [定位]由題干中的the usual time-management techniques定位至第二段。③句指出:這些方法(即上述時(shí)間管理技巧)都不可行;隨后闡釋原因,⑥句總結(jié)根本原因:實(shí)現(xiàn)深度閱讀需要的不只是“(普通)時(shí)間”,而是一種僅憑提高效率無(wú)法獲得的“特殊時(shí)間”,也就是說(shuō),常規(guī)的時(shí)間管理技巧雖然有助于提高效率,但這樣擠出來(lái)的時(shí)間有別于“特殊時(shí)間”,不能滿足深度閱讀所需,因此[D]正確。

  [解密]正確項(xiàng)[D] 是對(duì)第二段末句的合理概括, can not be guaranteed對(duì)應(yīng)句中cant be obtained merely by...;題干the usual time-management techniques與句中becoming more efficient對(duì)應(yīng)。

  [A] 把④句中的youreso exhausted和⑤句中The modern mind糅雜, 在“技巧不能讓現(xiàn)代人的精神放松”VS“技巧不頂用”之間強(qiáng)加因果關(guān)聯(lián),但文中“常常疲憊不堪無(wú)暇閱讀”是當(dāng)前快節(jié)奏生活下人們的客觀狀況, 并非技巧導(dǎo)致。[B] 從④句提到的a challenging book與②句Carry a book with you at all times臆斷出“具有挑戰(zhàn)性的書籍需要反復(fù)閱讀”;但文中提及“具有挑戰(zhàn)性的'書”是對(duì)比“現(xiàn)代人常常疲憊不堪”而言, 旨在強(qiáng)調(diào)人們雖然想沉下心閱讀, 但往往心有余力不足。[C] 利用②句Carry a book with you at all times設(shè)置反向干擾, 該內(nèi)容是對(duì)常見時(shí)間管理技巧的舉例, 不能從中推知“人們總是忘記攜帶書籍”。

  2. The “empty bottles” metaphor illustrates that people feel a pressure to______

  [A] their to-do lists

  [B] make passing time fulfilling

  [C] carry their plans through

  [D] pursue carefree reading








  [定位]由題干中的“empty bottles”定位至第三段。⑤句首先介紹“空瓶子”的隱喻:“未來(lái)”好比“沿著傳送帶不斷向我們運(yùn)來(lái)的空瓶子”;繼而說(shuō)明現(xiàn)代人的心態(tài):迫切地想把這些(象征“時(shí)間”的)瓶子裝滿,否則就是虛度光陰,也即,人們每天都因“想把時(shí)間安排得滿滿當(dāng)當(dāng)”而備受壓力,[B]選項(xiàng)正確。

  [解密][B]正確體現(xiàn)了作者“把時(shí)間比作空瓶子”的寫作目的:說(shuō)明現(xiàn)代人“壓力巨大,生怕浪費(fèi)一分一秒”的心態(tài)。people feel a pressure to make passing time fulfilling與文中“we feel a pressure to fill these different-sized bottles(days, hours, minutes) as they pass”相對(duì)應(yīng)。

  [A] 利用④句中a to-do list item和manage only...編造出“人們的任務(wù)清單不夠完善”;[C] 利用③句inefficiency、goal lessness、time-wasting和④句a to-do list、manage only...編造出“人們因低效而常常搞不定自己的計(jì)劃”;但該句重心不在于兩項(xiàng)所聚焦的“清單(to-do list) ”或“計(jì)劃(plan) ”, 而在于說(shuō)明人們“(在清單中) 插空讀書”的效果:只能實(shí)現(xiàn)“目的性”閱讀而已。[D] 利用③句Immersive reading...being willing to risk inefficiency, goal lessness, even time-wasting編造出“人們苦于無(wú)法毫無(wú)顧慮、自由自在地讀書”,但該句是在客觀說(shuō)明“沉浸式閱讀的本質(zhì)”,與空瓶子比喻無(wú)關(guān)。

  3. Eberle would agree that scheduling regular times for reading helps_______

  [A] encourage the efficiency mind-set

  [B] develop online reading habits

  [C] promote ritualistic reading

  [D] achieve immersive reading








  [定位]根據(jù)題干中scheduling regular times for reading定位至第四段。首句提出問題:究竟怎樣的時(shí)間管理方式對(duì)閱讀來(lái)說(shuō)才有效?隨后作答:為閱讀安排固定時(shí)間段。③句借Eberle觀點(diǎn)說(shuō)明這樣行事(such ritualistic behaviour指“固定時(shí)間閱讀”) 的作用:有助于人們掙脫“時(shí)間的流逝”, 進(jìn)人“靈魂時(shí)間”,聯(lián)系第三段③至⑤句即為:不再為浪費(fèi)時(shí)間而惶恐,實(shí)現(xiàn)純粹的沉浸式閱讀,因此[D]正確。

  [解密]題干+正確項(xiàng)[D]是綜合第二段⑥句、第三段以及第四段②③句得出的結(jié)論,體現(xiàn)全文主旨。選項(xiàng)中immersive reading等同于第二段⑥句的Deep reading, 復(fù)現(xiàn)第三段③句immersive reading, 均與第四段③句soul time相對(duì)應(yīng)。

  [A] 根據(jù)③句Youd think this might fuel the efficiency mind-set設(shè)置障礙, 但該內(nèi)容為“讓步”邏輯, 表明慣?捶ǎ 旨在引出Eberle的不同觀點(diǎn)。[B] 對(duì)④句對(duì)“克服閱讀分心”的建議“只讀紙質(zhì)書或使用單一功能的電子閱讀器”斷章取義,并將其偷換成了“安排固定時(shí)間段閱讀的作用”。[C]利用③句such ritualistic behaviour設(shè)置干擾, 從常識(shí)上來(lái)看, “安排固定時(shí)間段閱讀”確實(shí)能夠促進(jìn)“例行性(即習(xí)慣性) 閱讀”, 但該內(nèi)容并非Ebor le在文中所提及的觀點(diǎn)。

  4. “Carry a book with you at all times” can work if _______

  [A] reading becomes your primary business of the day

  [B] all the daily business has been promptly dealt with

  [C] you are able to drop back to business after reading

  [D] time can be evenly split for reading and business








  [定位]根據(jù)題干可定位至第四段⑤句,句中破折號(hào)引出“隨身攜帶一本書”起作用的條件(providing作連詞, 意為“如果”) :能經(jīng)常沉浸于書中, 閱讀成為默認(rèn)狀態(tài), 而其他事務(wù)則變?yōu)楦綆В?也即,閱讀成為高于其他事務(wù)的首要事務(wù),[A]正確。

  [解密]題干+正確項(xiàng)[A] 是對(duì)⑤句的概括, 其中can work f...對(duì)應(yīng)原文can actually work, too-providing...;選項(xiàng)reading becomes your primary business提煉文中becomes the default state from which....

  [B]把⑤句“短暫地浮出水面處理事務(wù)”偷換為“所有日常事務(wù)得到立即處理”。[C]顛倒關(guān)系,將⑤句中“處理完事務(wù)返回閱讀(before dropping back down) ”偷換為“閱讀之后返回工作(drop back to business) ”[D] 中“在閱讀和事務(wù)上平均分配時(shí)間(evenly split) ”與原文的強(qiáng)調(diào)“閱讀為主, 其他為輔”相矛盾。

  5. The best title for this text could be_______

  [A] How to Enjoy Easy Reading

  [B] How to Find Time to Read

  [C] How to Set Reading Goals

  [D] How to Read Extensively









  [解密]文章標(biāo)題體現(xiàn)全文主旨,應(yīng)涉及文章探討的主要對(duì)象,涵蓋全文主題。本文主題包含兩個(gè)關(guān)鍵信息——閱讀、時(shí)間,[B]包含這兩個(gè)信息,并完美涵蓋了主題。[A]、[C]、[D]均未體現(xiàn)文中的關(guān)鍵信息之一-時(shí)間, 且enjoy、reading goals從文中細(xì)枝末節(jié)中捕風(fēng)捉影, extensively在文中并無(wú)體現(xiàn)。









