八年級英語第二十一單元Mainly Revision-八年級英語教案-英

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八年級英語第二十一單元Mainly Revision-八年級英語教案-英語教案,試題,論文,聽力


八年級英語第二十一單元Mainly Revision-八年級英語教案-英語教案,試題,論文,聽力


【 拋磚引玉 】


Ⅰ. 詞匯學習

happily , easily , carefully , worried , feel worried about, pingpong , hard-working

Ⅱ. 語法學習

簡單句的基本句型 ( 一 )

( 1 ) 主語 + 不及物動詞:

He swims .

They are listening .

( 2 ) 主語 + 及物動詞 + 賓語:

She likes basketball

They know me .

( 3 ) 主語 + 系動詞 + 表語:

The bike is new .

She felt worried .

Ⅲ. 交際英語:

What can I do for you ?

I need to do some shopping .

I\'m worried about my party .

【 指點迷津 】


1 . pingpong 乒乓球

〖 點撥 〗乒乓球也可說 table tennis .

She plays pingpong very well . 她乒乓球打得很好。

2 . hard-working 努力工作的

He is a hard-working teacher . 他是一位勤奮的老師。

〖 點撥 〗類似的詞如:peace-loving愛好和平的。

3 . happily 幸福地,快樂地

The children are playing happily . 孩子們正愉快地玩著。

〖 點撥 〗該詞為 happy 的副詞形式,作狀語。happiness是其名詞形式。注意:live a happy life過著幸福的生活。

4 . easily 容易地,輕易地

We did it easily . 我們很容易地把它做了。

〖 點撥 〗其形容詞為 easy .

It is easy for sb to do某人干……很容易。It is easy for her to bring the books here .

5 . carefully 仔細地,小心地

Listen to the teacher carefully ! 仔細聽老師講 !

〖 點撥 〗該詞為 careful 的副詞。careless粗心大意的。carefully =with care認真地。

You’d better do your homework carefully .

6 . worried 擔心的,煩惱的

〖 點撥 〗注意 worry 可作動詞和名詞“擔心,焦慮”,be worried about =worry about “對…感到擔心”。

- What’s the matter with you , Tom ?

- My parents haven’t been back yet . I am worried about it .


1 . telephone number 電話號碼

What is your telephone number . 你的電話號碼是多少 ?

Perhaps his telephone number is wrong .

- Is this 9998345 ?

- Sorry , you have the wrong number .

2 . do some shopping 買些東西

We\'re going to do some shopping . 我們打算購買一些物品。

〖 提示 〗類似詞組還有:do sport 從事運動 / do the cooking 烹調,烹飪 / do washing 洗衣服 / do cleaning 做掃除 / do one\'s homework 做家庭作業(yè)  / do one\'s lesson 做功課

Mr . Smith likes doing sport after meals . 史密斯先生喜歡飯后參加體育運動。

Is Rose going to do washing this afternoon ?

I don’t like to do shopping with her this afternoon , Mum .

3 . Please help yourself 請隨便吃,請自己動手 ( 拿、吃、抽煙等 )

Please help yourself to wine . 請隨便用酒。

〖 提示 〗表吃什么,拿什么時,該詞組要加介詞 to 再加賓語。

Boys , help yourselves to more bananas and oranges .

Sir , help yourself to some cigarettes (香煙).

注意:help sb with幫助某人干…… 。She always helps me with my Chinese on Sunday .

4 . get ready for 為……做好準備,為……準備好

Have you got ready for the party ? 這個聚會你已經(jīng)準備好了嗎 ?

〖 點撥 〗get ready to do準備好干…… 。Please get ready to run , class .

5 . on the other side of 在……的另一邊

On the other side of the river there are some banana trees . 在河的對岸,有許多香蕉樹。

On the other side of the street there is a book shop .

〖 提示 〗指兩者之中的另一邊。

6 . like to do 與 like doing:

〖 提示 〗這兩者都表示“喜歡做什么”。區(qū)別如下:

like to do 指喜歡做特定的或某次具體的行動,指一時的愛好。

I like to swim in the river . 我喜歡在這條河游泳。 ( 特定場合的具體行動 )

( 試比較:I like swimming . 我喜歡游泳。 )

like doing 指喜歡做某事,即長期的愛好和興趣。試比較:

Do you like swimming ? 你喜歡游泳嗎 ? ( 指長期的愛好 )

Would you like to swim with me tomorrow ? 你愿意明天和我一起去游泳嗎 ? ( 特指明天一次具體行動 )

另外:如果用于否定結構,like to do 與 like doing 就沒有什么區(qū)別,可以換用。如:

I don\'t like smoking =I don\'t like to smoke . 我不喜抽煙。

7 . like 與 would like 的區(qū)別:

〖 提示 〗like ( 喜歡,愛好 ) ,后接名詞、代詞、不定式或動名詞。

Do you like fish ? 你喜歡 ( 吃 ) 魚嗎 ?

would like 意為“想要,愿意”解時,是 wish 和 want 的意思。用于禮貌性地提出要求或表示愿意提供幫助。其后可接名詞、代詞、動詞不定式。但不能接動名詞。

Would you like something to eat ? 你想吃點什么東西嗎 ?

would like sb to do愿意讓某人干 ……。

My father would like me to go to Beijing with hin this summer .


【 學法指要 】


1 . as + 副詞 + as

Read this passage as quickly as you can . 你盡快讀完這段短文。

這具句型中第一個 as 為副詞,第二個 as 為從屬連詞,引導程度狀語從句。又如:

He ran as fast as he could . 他盡力地快跑。

He works as hard as you . 他與你一樣努力工作。

2 . Not… 否定主語的句型

Not everyone likes sandwiches . 不見得每個人都喜歡三明治。

not 無論放在句首或句子其它地方,與 all , every 等詞連用時,只表示部分否定,又叫做“部分否定句”。如:

Everyone does not like sandwiches . 每個人不見得都喜歡三明治。

Not everyone is a worker . =Everyone is not a worker . 不見得每個人都是工人。

Not everyone agrees with you . 不是人人都同意你的意見。

Not all people agree with you . 不是大家都同意你的看見。


1 . What can I do for you ? 你要點什么 ?

這是對顧客的禮貌用語,還可以說 Can I help you ? 如:

— What can I do for you ? 你要點什么 ?

— I want to buy a new coat . 我想買件新上衣。

— Can I help you ?

— Two cups of coffee . =Two coffees . 請來兩杯咖啡。

2 . She felt worried . 她很焦急。

feel 是連系動詞, worried 是形容詞,在句中作表語。turn , get , look , be 等動詞也是連系動詞,都可接形容詞構成系表結構。如:

He felt happy . 他很高興。

The trees turn green . 樹兒綠了。

※ 表示具有某種性質、特征或處于某種狀態(tài)。常用的有 be , appear , feel , sound , seem , book , smell , taste 等。例如:

It is not late . 時間還不晚

The dish smells good . 這道菜聞著香。

He seemed to be writing something . 他好象在寫什么東西。

His words sounds all right . 他的話聽起來有道理。

※ 表示動詞所敘述的動作和過程所產(chǎn)生的結果;或者表示狀態(tài)的變化。常用的有:get , go , come , become , turn , grow , fall , prove , run , make 等。例如:

The custom has now become a rule . 那習俗已變?yōu)槌梢?guī)。

The milk in the cup will go bad . 杯子里的牛奶要壞了。

Her face turned red .

※ 某種持續(xù)的狀態(tài)。常用的有:keep , continue , stand等。例如:

She knew she must keep calm . 她知道她必須保持鎮(zhèn)靜。

※ 除 make 等個別詞外,幾乎所有的連系動詞都能接形容詞作表語。例如:

Our country is getting stronger and stronger . 我們國家日益強大。

※ 接名詞作表語的有:become , get , look , make , seem , turn 等。例如:

Now you look a grown-up young man . 現(xiàn)在你看上去已經(jīng)是一個成年的小伙子了。

One tree does not make a wood . 獨木不成林。

He used to be a soldier till he turned writer . 他當作家之前曾是戰(zhàn)士。

※ 我們還應注意某些連系詞和形容詞的固定搭配及其褒貶色彩。比如,come 多接褒義形容詞,而 go 則多接貶之形容詞。例如:

come true / right 變?yōu)楝F(xiàn)實 / 正確

go bad / hungry / mad / blind / deaf / tired / …變壞 / 餓 / 瘋 / 瞎 / 聾 / 累……

grow rich / tall / large / clever / old…變得富裕 / 高 / 大 / 聰明 / 年老……

fall ill / asleep / silent / …生病 / 睡著 / 沉默……

3 . I\'m worried about my party . 我正擔心晚會呢 ?

be worried about 意為“為……而擔心”。注意該詞組表示擔憂的狀態(tài)。如:

Mother is worried about his health . 母親擔心他的健康。

Are you worried about the meeting ? 你擔心開會的事嗎 ?

4 . I\'ll get another one now . 我現(xiàn)在再拿一根來。

one ( s ) , other ( s ) the other ( s ) 及 another 的區(qū)別:

one 有下列幾種意思:1 ) 可指人或表示一種;2 ) 常用來代替前面剛提到的可數(shù)名詞,以

避免重復,如可數(shù)名詞為復數(shù),就要用 ones 來代替;3 ) 表示“一個…,另一個…”用“one…the other…”。

the others 表示其余的幾個,要用定冠詞 the。

others 表示泛指“別人”或“別的東西”,常不加定冠詞。

another 意為“另一個,又一個”強調三個或三個以上人 ( 或事物 ) 中的“另一個”。


A:Which sweater would you like , the red one or the blue one ? 你想要哪件毛衣,紅色的還是藍色的 ?

B:The red one . 紅色的。

I have two sisters . One is a teacher , the other is a doctor . 我有兩個姐姐,一個是教師,另一個當醫(yī)當。

The children are cleaning the classroom . Some are sweeping the floor , others are cleaning the window . 孩子們在打掃教室,一些正在掃地,另一些在擦窗子。

Lei Feng was always ready to help others . 雷鋒總是樂于助人。

Here are three pencils . One is red , another is blue , the third is yellow .


【 妙文賞析 】

Not Such a Simple Question

Alan Chang was a handsome young man with good manners . One morning he was walking along a street on his way to an appointment . He did not want to be early or late . He had forgotten to put on his watch so he went up to a man who was waiting for a taxi .

“ Excuse me , sir , ”he said , very politely , “ but could you tell me the time ? ”

The man , who was very well - dressed and looked quite rich , said nothing . He did not even look at Alan . Alan spoke to him again . “ Excuse me , sir , ”he said , “ but could you please tell me what time it is ? ”

This time the man looked at him , but he did not speak and looked quickly away . Alan thought to himself: Well , he\'s not deaf . He must be just rude .

“ Why won\'t you tell me the time , sir ? ”he demanded .

The man turned towards him and said , Try to understand me . I am standing here waiting for a taxi . You come up to me and ask me for the time . If tell it to you , you will thank me . I will say , “ That\'s all right . ”You may then say , “ It\'s a beautiful day , ”to which I may reply “ Yes , I like these sunny winter days . ”

Before we know what is happening we have a friendly conversation . You are a pleasant , polite young man and so when my taxi comes , I offer you a fide . You accept . We talk . I like you . You like me . I invite you to my home . You meet my daughter . She is a very pretty girl . You are a good - looking man . You like each other . Soon you fall in love . You want to marry . Now do you understand my problem ? ”

Alan shook his head .

“ No sir , I\'m sorry , I don\'t . Everything you have said seems very natural to me . ”

“ Exactly , ”the man said , “ and I do not want my daughter to marry a man who is too poor to buy a watch . Good morning to you . ”And with these words he hurried away .

注釋:handsome 英俊的,manners 禮貌,appointment 約會,well-dressed 穿著考究的,衣著入時的,deaf 聾的,rude 粗魯?shù),粗野的,無禮的,demand 請求,要求,

【 思維體操 】

1 . A man phoned his daughter to ask her to buy a few things he needed for a trip . He told her she would find enough dollar bills for the purchases ( 采購 ) in an envelope on his desk . She found the envelope with“ 98 ”written on it . In a shop she bought 90 worth of things , but when it was time to pay , she didn\'t have 8 left over as she thought she would . In fact , she didn\'t have enough money to pay for all the purchases . By how much was she short ?

A . 8 . 00 . B . 10 . 00 . C . 6 . 00 D . 4 . 00 .

2 . Each of the Smith brothers has as many sisters as he has brothers . But each of the Smith sisters has twice as many brothers as she has sisters . How many brothers and sisters are there in the Smith family ?

A . Four brothers and three sisters . B . Three brothers and four sisters .

C . Two brothers and four sisters . D . Four brothers and five sisters .

3 . If a carpenter ( 木工 ) receives twenty-five cents for sawing ( 鋸 ) a board into two lengths , how much should he receive for saving the board into four lengths ?

A . 50 cents . B . 1 , 00 . C . 75 cents . D . 2 . 00 .

4 . How many times can 19 be subtracted ( 減去 ) from 27 ?

A . Once . B . Twice . C . Three . D . None .

5 . Some hens and cats are in a room . They are 36 legs and 15 heads in all . How many hens and cats are there in the room ?

A . 6 and 9 . B . 7 and 8 . C . 12 and 3 . D . 8 and 7 .

答案:1 — 5 DAAAC


【 心中有數(shù) 】




1 ) 主語 + 不及物動詞 ( 謂語 )

The moon rose . 月亮升起來了。


The sun rises . 太陽升起來了。

The red sun rises . 紅太陽升起來了。

The red sun rises in the east . 紅太陽在東方升起。

2 ) 主語 + 及物動詞 + 賓語

All my friends like to study English and Chinese .


They speak English quite well . 他們英語講得好。 ( 副詞作狀語 )

3 ) 主語 + 連系動詞 + 表語

My brother is a singer .My mother is a nurse .

另外:在這個句型中,連系動詞以 be 動詞為最多,此外還有 look , become , keep , get , turn 等。表語可以是名詞、代詞、形容詞、介詞短語等。

It\'s getting colder and colder . 天氣越來越冷。

Please keep quiet ! 請保持安靜 !

【 動手動腦 】


※ 英漢互譯

1 . 白天 2 . 時常 3 . 繼續(xù) 4 . 去散步

5 . 打電話給…… 6 . get warm 7 . at the moment 8 . by the way

9 . feel happy 10 . take - away food

答案:1 . day - time 2 . at times 3 . go on 4 . go for a walk 5 . ring up 6 . 變暖 7 . 此刻 8 . 順便說一下 9 . 感到高興 10 . 熟食

※ 要點分析

1 . Now you can ______ the food at home .

A . do B . making C . cook D . doing

答案 C . do , make , cook 都含有“做”的含義,但用在食物上則只用 make 和 cook , make 側重于面食的制作,如包餃子,做蛋糕等,而 cook 側重“烹飪”,句中 can 為情態(tài)動詞,后加動詞 cook 原形。

2 . I saw him ______ the car , and he went into that shop .

A . getting on B . getting into C . getting off D . getting out of

答案 D . 上、下小汽車時不用 get on / off 短語,而要用 get into / out of , 另外前后兩分句由 and 連接為并列句,前后動作應一致,不可能上了小汽車又進了商店,所以應選擇下車,即 getting out of。

3 . There ______ water in the bottle .

A . is no B . is not C . are no D . are not

答案 A . water 為不可數(shù)名詞,謂語動詞要用單數(shù)形式,因此可排除C、D項,另外 no =not any , any 用來修飾 water 不可缺,因此不能只用 is not , 而要選A . is no。

4 . I didn\'t know why she ______ worried .

A . is B . felt C . looks D . feeled

答案 B . 在主從復合句中,除主句為一般現(xiàn)在時的情況外,主從句在時態(tài)上一律要保持一致,本題主句為一般過去時,因此從句也要用過去的時態(tài),D項中 feeled 為一種錯誤的過去式形式,因此選B。

5 . Miss Liu will never be late , ______ ?

A . won\'t she B . will Miss Liu C . is she D . will she

答案 D . never 為否定副詞,意為“從來沒有”因此陳述部分為否定句,那么反意疑問句的疑問部分要用肯定形式 will,主語 Miss Liu 相對應的人稱代詞為 she,因此選D,類似這種情況的詞還有 hardly ( 幾乎不 ) ,few , little ( 幾乎沒有 ) ,nobody , no one ( 沒有人 ) ,nothing ( 沒有什么 ) 等。

※ 詞形變化

1 . day ( 反義詞 ) 2 . long ( 比較級 )

3 . snow ( 現(xiàn)在分詞 ) 4 . cloud ( 形容詞 )

5 . happy ( 副詞 ) 6 . country ( 復數(shù) )

7 . stop ( 過去式 ) 8 . beautiful ( 最高級 )

9 . stop ( 第三人稱單數(shù) ) 10 . we ( 名詞性物主代詞 )

答案:1 . night 2 . longer 3 . snowing 4 . cloudy 5 . happily 6 . countries 7 . stopped 8 . most beautiful 9 . stops 10 . ours

【 創(chuàng)新園地 】

1 . — Hi , Jim1

— ______

— It was a pleasure .

2 . — ______

— That\'ll be fine . I\'ll tell Mum . I think I\'m free that night .

3 . — ______

— Sure .

4 . — ______

— Bye !

A . Goodbye !

B . I told my parents about it last night . They asked me to thank your mother . We hope you can come to our house for supper next Saturday .

C . Hi , Ann ! Thank you for supper last night . I enjoyed it very much .

D . Good . Please give me a ring after you talk to your parents .

( 請同學們把填好的答案反饋給我們 )

答案:1 — 4 C B D A

【 同步題庫 】

Unit 21

Ⅰ . 單項填空

1 . There ______ fifty people , not counting the children .

A . have B . had C . was D . were

2 . There were ten ______ number .

A . in B . on C . at D . with

3 . Run as ______ as you can .

A . faster B . fastest C . the fastest D . fast

4 . He is always ready ______ others .

A . help B . to help C . helps D . helping

5 . This pair is ______ too large . Please show me another pair .

A . a few B . few C . a little D . a small

6 . She is ______ to get it down .

A . short enough B . enough tall C . tall enough D . enough high

7 . Would you like a little ______ milk ?

A . much B . many C . more D . most

8 . We enjoyed ______ at the party last night .

A . us B . our C . ourselves D . ourself

9 . The boys in Class One enjoy ______ football .

A . play B . playing C . to play D . plays

10 . Why did all his friends laugh ____ him ?

A . to B . at C . / D . over

11 . — How about coming with us to the film ?

— ______ .

A . I love B . I love to C . I\'d love to D . I\'d love

12 . What about ______ an early start ?

A . make B . making C . to make D . made

13 . — What colour is that eraser ?

— It\'s ______ .

A . a orange B . an orange C . the orange D . orange

14 . ______ the chickens before they are hatched ( 孵出 ) .

A . Count B . Counts C . Not count D . Don\'t count

15 . ______ is your father\'s birthday ?

A . Where B . When C . How D . Who

16 . How many ______ and ______ in your class ?

A . boy student ; girl ones B . boys student ; girls one

C . boy students ; girl ones D . boys students ; girls ones

17 . — ______ Mary\'s telephone number ?

— 2749588 .

A . How many is B . How much is C . What\'s D . Which are

18 . There are two big windows ______ the front wall .

A . in B . on C . at D . from

19 . He looked ______ and ill .

A . worry B . worried C . worrying D . to worry

20 . — How are you today ?

— I ______ fine , thanks .

A . to feel B . am feeling C . feels D . felt

Ⅱ . 單詞填空


One day Mr Fox came to Mr Hare\'s h______ and said . “Come with me q______ . Mrs Duck h______ six eggs . Come a______ see them . ”

Mr Hare said , “No , I\'ll n______ come . I\'ll s______ here . ”

Mr Fox said , “You a______ lazy ( 懶惰的 ) . ”

“Mr Hare said , “I am lazy . ”

Mr Fox said , “You sit on m______ back and ride . ”

Mr Hare said , “I\'ll ride on y______ back . ”

Mr Hare r______ on Mr Fox\'s back , and Mr Fox w______ to the village . On their way there they m______ Mrs Duck . When Mr Hare s______ Mrs Duck , he said , “L______ , Mr Fox is my donkey ( 驢子 ) . I\'m r______ on his back1”

Ⅲ . 補全對話,每空一詞

A:Hello !

B : Hello ! May I ( 1 ) to Mary , please ?

A : I\'m ( 2 ) . She\'s ( 3 ) at the moment . ( 4 ) calling , please ?

B : This is Jim speaking .

A : Hi , Jim . Can I ( 5 ) a message ?

B : Yes , please ask him to ( 6 ) me at 2610261 .

A : Is ( 7 ) 2610261 ?

B : Yes , that\'s ( 8 ) .

A : ( 9 ) . I\'ll ( 10 ) him the message . Goodbye , Jim .

B : Thank you . Goodbye .

Ⅳ . 閱讀理解


Last Sunday Mr . Clark and his wife went to the seaside . They arrived home very late . Mr . Clark unlocked the front door and they went into the house . It was very dark , so Mr . Clark turned on the lights . On the way upstairs Mrs Clark said , “Listen , I can hear someone in the living - room . ”They went downstairs again and stood quietly outside the room .

“Yes , you are right , ”said Mr . Clark . “There are two men there . They are talking . ”Then he called out loudly , “Who is there ? ”But no one answered . Mr . Clark opened the door quickly and turned on the light . The room was empty . Then he saw something and laughed . The radio was still on . “I should have turned it off this morning , ”he said , “but I forgot ! ”

1 . Mr . and Mrs . Clark came back from the seaside ______ .

A . late in the morning B . on Sunday afternoon

C . late in the evening D . on Sunday morning .

2 . They heard someone talking on their way ______ .

A . downstairs B . upstairs C . home D . to the living - room

3 . They stood outside the living - room quietly ______ .

A . to make sure that there was someone talking there

B . to see what the men were talking about

C . to try to catch the men

D . to play games with them

4 . There was no answer in the living - room because ______ .

A . the men were too excited to speak

B . the men had run away

C . there wasn\'t anyone there at all

D . the men in the anyone there at all

5 . When he came into the living - room , Mr . Clark found ______ .

A . there was nothing in the room

B . his TV was on

C . he had left his radio in the room

D . there was not the two men but his radio working


A singer with a Balloon (氣球)

New York can be a very dangerous city ___ especially(特別)at night. Many people do not go out alone into the streets after dark. Their problem is even worse for women. One New Yorker found an unusual answer to the problem. As a singer, she has to drive alone to clubs (俱樂部)late at night. Then she has to drive home after the show (表演)

The singer needs a “friend”. So she has got herself Bob___ a balloon that looks like a man. He sits in the passenger (乘客)seat of her car while she drives at night. People in the street think the woman driver has a man with her, and she feels safe.

1. Many people in New York are afraid to go out alone after dark because _______.

A. it is dark in the street. B. it is hard to drive a car at night

C. the city is not safe at night D. the people often prefer to stay at home

2.The New Yorker in the story is ______.

A. a woman B. a man passenger C. a man driver D. the woman’s friend

3. When she drives home after the show, _______.

A. it’s late at night B. it’s about supper time

C. it’s late in the evening D. it’s getting dark

4.Bob is the name of _______.

A. the singer’s husband B. the car driver

C. a strong passenger D. a big balloon

5. She feels safe because _______.

A. she has a balloon along with her B. nobody knows Bob is a balloon

C. she has a man together with her D. many people are afraid of balloons


The Way That Some Last Name Started

You have a first name to tell you who you are. You have a last name to show which family you are from.

But a long, long time ago, people didn’t have last names. Later they had to invent last names because there were so many Charlies, too many Roberts, and too many Marys. People started to ask, Which Charlie? Which Robert? Which Mary?

So if a Charile was a carpenter (木匠),he became Charlie Carpenter. If a Robert was a son of Peter, he became Robert Peterson. If a Mary lived near the woods, she became, Mary Woods.

This is the way that some last names started long long ago.

1.One’s last name can also be called the _______.

A.parents’ name B. brother or sister’s name

B.family name D. second name

2. A long time ago, people didn’t have last names because _______.

A.they didn’t know how to invent last names

B.They didn’t want to make their names too long

C.there was not a need

D.they were living in one big family

3. What was the first name of David Johnson’s forefather (祖先)?

A. David B. John C. Johnson D. None of the three

4. Which of the following last names was invented by place?

A. John Smith B. Jack Tomson C. Joe Hill D. Amy White

5. Which of the following last names was invented by job?(職業(yè))

A. Lily Wood B. Kin Jackson C. Bruce Green D. Nick Cook

Ⅴ. 短文改錯

Yesterday Tim helped his father in the 1 . ______

garden . Tim is youngest in the Black 2 . ______

family . Tim and his father dug two hole . 3 . ______

They planted two trees . “Our garden looks 4 . ______

very beautifully , ”Tim said . 5 . ______

“It\'s filled of weeds , ”father said . 6 . ______

“It\'s the nice garden in the street , ”Tim said 7 . ______

“The nicest ones ? ”his father asked . 8 . ______

“Yes , ”Tim answered . “Nobody grass is 9 . ______

longer than our . 10 . ______


When Jimmy was a boy, he always liked watches and clocks very much.(1) he was eighteen years old, he went into the army, and after a year, he began to teach (2)to mend watches. A lot of his friends brought him(3)watches, and he mended them for (4).

Then his captain(5) about this, and one day brought them him (6) watch (7) and said, “My watch has stopped. (8) you mend it (9) me, please.”

Jimmy said, “Yes, sit, I can.” (10) a few days, he brought the watch (11) the captain.

“How much do I owe(欠款)you?” the (12) asked.

“One pound, sir,” Jimmy answered. Then he took a small box (13)his pocked (14) gave it to the captain, saying, “Here are three wheels(齒輪)from your watch. I did not (15) a place for them when I put everything back.”

1.A. Until B. When C. If D. Before

2.A. fiends B. others C. himself D. him

3.A. breaking B. broken C. break D. broke

4.A. theirs B. they C. themselves D. them

5.A. heard B. listened C. sounded D. asked

6.A. the B. an C. / D. a

7.A. too B. also C. either D. yet

8.A. Should B. Need C. Must D. Can

9.A. with B. for C. to D. at

10.A. For B. In C. After D. Before

11.A. back to B. again to C. back from D. out of

12.A. office B. officer C. official D. soldier

13.A. out of B. out C. of D. off

14.A. but B. or C. so D. and

15.A. look for B. look at C. find D. see

答案:Ⅰ . 1 . D 2 . A 3 . D 4 . B 5 . C 6 . C 7 . C 8 . C 9 . B 10 . B 11 . C 12 . B 13 . D 14 . D 15 . B 16 . C 17 . C 18 . A 19 . B 20 . B Ⅱ . house , quickly , has , and , not , sit , are , my , your , rode , went , met , saw , Look , riding Ⅲ . 1 . speak 2 . sorry 3 . out 4 . Who\'s 5 . take 6 . call / ring / telephone 7 . that 8 . right 9 . OK 10 . give Ⅳ . (A) 1-5 C BACD (B) 1-5 CAADB (C) 1-5 CCBCD Ⅴ. 1 . √ 2 . 在 is 后加 the 3 . 改 hole 為 holes 4 . √ 5 . 改 beautifully 為 beautiful 6 . 改 filled 為 full 7 . 改 nice 為 nicest 8 . 改 ones 為 one 9 . 改 Nobody 為 Nobody\'s 10 . 改 our 為ours Ⅵ . 1-5 BCBDA 6-10 DADBC 11-15 ACADC

八年級英語第二十一單元Mainly Revision_八年級英語教案-英語教案,試題,論文,聽力

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