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  考研英語詞匯全真模擬試題 1


  1. The professors lecture was so ______ that all the students were deeply engaged.

  A. captivating

  B. mediocre

  C. monotonous

  D. obsolete

  2. The company is known for its ______ approach to customer service, always going the extra mile.

  A. lackluster

  B. diligent

  C. perfunctory

  D. exemplary

  3. His argument was rather ______, lacking solid evidence to support his claims.

  A. plausible

  B. tenuous

  C. conclusive

  D. robust

  4. The new policy aims to ______ economic growth and stability.

  A. hamper

  B. foster

  C. impede

  D. undermine

  5. She has a ______ personality and is always cheerful and positive.

  A. morose

  B. sanguine

  C. pessimistic

  D. melancholy


  1. The scientists research is highly __________ (innovative/archaic) and has the potential to revolutionize the field.

  2. His speech was full of __________ (platitudes/sophistication), offering little real substance.

  3. The artists work is known for its __________ (vibrancy/dullness), captivating audiences with its vivid colors and bold forms.

  4. The teams efforts were __________ (fruitful/futile), resulting in a significant breakthrough.

  5. Her behavior was __________ (decorous/indecorous), causing discomfort to those around her.


  1. distinguish / differentiate / discriminate

  The ability to ______ between right and wrong is essential for moral decision-making.

  It can be difficult to ______ one species from another.

  Some people ______ against others based on race or gender.

  2. ambiguous / equivocal / obscure

  The instructions were rather ______, leaving us unsure of what to do.

  His answer was ______, giving no clear indication of his position.

  The poems meaning is ______, open to multiple interpretations.

  3. transient / ephemeral / fleeting

  Beauty is often ______, lasting only a short time.

  The moment of happiness was ______, soon replaced by worry.

  His stay in the city was ______, as he had to move on for work.


  1. The advent of new technologies has transformed our lives in countless ways.

  2. She is renowned for her intellectual acumen and creative thinking.

  3. The project requires meticulous planning and diligent execution.

  4. His actions were motivated by a sense of altruism and compassion.

  5. The novel explores profound themes of love, loss, and redemption.



  1. A(captivating 迷人的;B 平庸的;C 單調的;D 過時的)。教授的講座如此迷人,所有學生都深深投入其中。

  2. D(exemplary 典范的;A 無光澤的;B 勤奮的;C 敷衍的)。這家公司以其典范的客戶服務方式而聞名,總是付出額外的努力。

  3. B(tenuous 站不住腳的;A 貌似有理的;C 決定性的;D 強健的)。他的論點相當站不住腳,缺乏堅實的證據支持其主張。

  4. B(foster 促進;A 阻礙;C 妨礙;D 破壞)。新政策旨在促進經濟增長和穩(wěn)定。

  5. B(sanguine 樂觀的;A 憂郁的;C 悲觀的;D 憂郁的)。她性格樂觀,總是開朗積極。


  1. innovative(創(chuàng)新的;archaic 古老的)。這位科學家的研究極具創(chuàng)新性,有可能徹底改變這個領域。

  2. platitudes(陳詞濫調;sophistication 復雜,老練)。他的演講充滿陳詞濫調,幾乎沒有實質內容。

  3. vibrancy(活力;dullness 沉悶)。這位藝術家的作品以其活力而聞名,以鮮艷的色彩和大膽的形式吸引著觀眾。

  4. fruitful(富有成效的;futile 徒勞的)。團隊的努力富有成效,取得了重大突破。

  5. decorous(得體的;indecorous 不得體的)。她的行為不得體,讓周圍的人感到不舒服。


  1. distinguish(區(qū)分,辨別);differentiate(區(qū)分,區(qū)別);discriminate(歧視)。

  The ability to distinguish between right and wrong is essential for moral decision-making.(區(qū)分對錯的能力對道德決策至關重要。)

  It can be difficult to differentiate one species from another.(區(qū)分一個物種和另一個物種可能很困難。)

  Some people discriminate against others based on race or gender.(有些人基于種族或性別歧視他人。)

  2. ambiguous(模糊不清的);equivocal(模棱兩可的);obscure(晦澀的)。

  The instructions were rather ambiguous, leaving us unsure of what to do.(這些說明相當模糊不清,讓我們不確定該做什么。)

  His answer was equivocal, giving no clear indication of his position.(他的回答模棱兩可,沒有明確表明他的立場。)

  The poems meaning is obscure, open to multiple interpretations.(這首詩的意思晦澀,有多種解釋。)

  3. transient(短暫的`);ephemeral(短暫的);fleeting(飛逝的)。

  Beauty is often ephemeral, lasting only a short time.(美麗常常是短暫的,只持續(xù)很短的時間。)

  The moment of happiness was fleeting, soon replaced by worry.(幸福的時刻轉瞬即逝,很快被憂慮所取代。)

  His stay in the city was transient, as he had to move on for work.(他在這個城市的停留是短暫的,因為他不得不為了工作而繼續(xù)前行。)


  1. 新技術的出現(xiàn)以無數方式改變了我們的生活。

  2. 她以其敏銳的才智和創(chuàng)造性思維而聞名。

  3. 這個項目需要精心規(guī)劃和勤奮執(zhí)行。

  4. 他的行為是出于利他主義和同情心。

  5. 這部小說探索了深刻的愛、失去和救贖的主題。









