
時間:2021-09-04 09:30:24 英語作文 我要投稿




  With the progress of the times, we have made a great change in China, and the night dinner is a good witness.

  The words at the end of twentieth Century, on every new year's Eve every family all at home with a big "blessing" word, in a small square table placed on delicious food, a family of three sat at the table, eating reeky meals, laughing and talking. "It's another year, I'm going to be a year old again!" One wearing glasses, wearing a white tunic grandfather holding a cigarette said with a smile. The opposite wearing flower jacket grandmother holding chopsticks, answered: "yes, my son grow up, we are old." "Dad, mom, you are still young, not so fast..." After only listening to a young man in a black suit, the two old men laughed. Don't look at this year's night meal simple, simple, in fact it is very warm. This is a warm year's dinner.

  The evening meal in the early twenty-first Century was quite different from that in the past. This time they came to the hotel, and hotel, there is a lively scene. Look, a bright ribbon hanging on the wall, a large "Fu" word in the middle. A pair of couplets is especially attractive: Happy Spring Festival and auspicious new year. Hengpi: good luck in everything. Look at the table again, and the delicacy is full of the table. Two men, the father and son, sit at the round table and raise their glasses. The son says, "Dad, I'll give you a cup and wish you health." Dad laughed and said, "good, good." After talking about his neck, he drank the wine at one breath, and the son drank the glass too. The wife holds the little baby in the middle of the sleep. Look, the little guy is asleep in her mother's arms. My mother stood beside my father, smiled and said: "Oh, today is really happy ah!" Oh, this is a happy dinner.

  Today's night dinner is simply not the same as before. Son drove white to "fly", carrying on elderly parents, wife and children have grown up, smiling. The son said, "Dad, mom, now living conditions are good, high technology everywhere." Mom and dad nodded frequently and said, "yes, yes!" Under the "flying number", it is a high building with different shapes, triangular and rectangular shapes. Oh, this is a high tech year's dinner.

  The day and night, the better and better, reflects the change of our China and wishes China more prosperity and prosperity.



  話說20世紀(jì)末,每逢除夕家家戶戶都不約而同地在家中貼上一個大大的“!弊,在小方桌擺上美味佳肴,一家三口圍坐在桌子旁,吃著熱氣騰騰的飯菜,有說有笑!坝质且荒昴暌癸垼矣忠弦粴q嘍!”一位戴著眼鏡,穿著白色中山裝的老爺爺拿著香煙笑著說道。對面穿著花棉襖的老奶奶拿著筷子,附和道:“是呀,兒子長大了,我們老了! “爸,媽,您們還年輕著呢,不會那么快就老的”只聽一位穿著黑西裝的小伙子說完,兩位老人都會心地笑了?蓜e看這樣的'年夜飯簡單,樸素,事實上卻很是溫馨。這是一頓溫暖的年夜飯。











