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  科學(xué)技術(shù)英語作文 1

  Knowledge is power, especially scientific and technological knowledge. Science and technology are the motive power of the social development. Without them human society could never have developed from primitive society to modern society. Therefore, to conquer and transform nature, we must master scientific knowledge. However, social knowledge is also essential. Without it we can not understand society and don't know the law of the social development.

  As a result we are unable to tovern society. Therefore, besides scientific knowledge we need to master social science, philosophy, politics, history, aesthetics, etc, so that we can know society from all perspectives and form a correct world outlook. To meet new challenges in he 21st century, we university students should lose no time to acquire as much knowledge as possible so that we will become qualified successors of the socialist cause.

  科學(xué)技術(shù)英語作文 2

  There are a lot of inventions in the history. Some of them play an important role in people’s life and some have greatly changed the world.

  In my opinion, I think the most important invention is the car. First, people used to travel by train or by plane. But now, they can go any place by car. Second, when holiday comes, they can visit their family and friends by car. Third, they can also go to many places of interest to enjoy themselves.

  In a word, I do agree that cars are the most important invention.

  科學(xué)技術(shù)英語作文 3

  human life can not continue without science and technology. for many years, human society has developed with the advance of science and technology while the development of science and technology has in turn brought the process to mankind. so the life we are living now is more civilized than that of our fore fathers.

  the development of science and technology have brought about many changes in peoples life. for eample, the invention of television and space rocket have opened a new era for mankind. through the use of tv people can hear the sound and learn the events happening thousands of miles away. owing to the invention of spaceship and rocket, the dream of mans landing on the moon has now come true.

  science and technology also play an important role in our socialist construction. we may say, our socialist construction is just like a skyscraper, while science and technology are its base. without the base, the skyscraper cant be built. therefore, we should try our best to contribute to the development of science and technology so as to provide a more solid base to build our country.

  科學(xué)技術(shù)英語作文 4

  Knowledge is power, especially scientific and technological knowledge. Science and technology are the motive power of the social development. Without them human society could never have developed from primitive society to modern society. Therefore, to conquer and transform nature, we must master scientific knowledge.

  However, social knowledge is also essential. Without it we can not understand society and don't know the law of the social development. As a result we are unable to tovern society. Therefore, besides scientific knowledge we need to master social science, philosophy, politics, history, aesthetics, etc, so that we can know society from all perspectives and form a correct world outlook.

  To meet new challenges in he 21st century, we university students should lose no time to acquire as much knowledge as possible so that we will become qualified successors of the socialist cause.

  科學(xué)技術(shù)英語作文 5

  Science enables human beings to progress rapidly and lead a better life. For example, Edisons invention of the light bulb brought our gloomy life to theendand created a bright world for us. Another case in point is Watts discovery of the steam engine, which triggered the industrial revolution in the western countries, and later all over the world.

  Meanwhile, sometimes science does have some side effects. A good illustration of this is atomic energy, which can destroy humanbeings completdy when used in nuclear weapons.

  Anyhow, it is men who develop science. And science, in turn, will do us good in general. As for its side effects, I believe human beings will be rational enough to avoid them or keep them under control.

  科學(xué)技術(shù)英語作文 6

  If asked whether the Internetis the greatest discovery of the 20th century, my answer would be yes. The Internethas drawn the world closer together, realized countless incredible dreams, and provided modern people with a great many conveniences and a brilliant life.

  Today, many people simply feel they cannot live without the Internet. Governments publish their latest policies anddecisions onlinefor worldwide recognition. Political campaigns are oftendone onlineto gain wider public support. Companies and enterprises resort to the Internetfor more business opportunities and potential customers home and abroad. Universities and researchers turn to the Internetif they’d seek international cooperation or funding. Common folks like us also rely on the cyber world in various ways,for communication, entertainment, banking and shopping.

  The power of the Internetis all pervasive, yet its many negative effects are already visible. For example, Internetaddicts tendto withdraw to their own fantasy world ratherthan communicate with a real person. Children are exposedto onlinepornography and violence. Internetfrauds are an everyday occurrence. In view of all this, you are advised to use the Internetwith wisdom. Keep it at a safe distance and never lose yourself.

  科學(xué)技術(shù)英語作文 7

  In a world full of changes and challenges, we are faced with new problems every day. One of them may be the top concern of high school graduates. If there are two choices: for me, science or humanities, I prefer the latter reason, you may wonder whether I should choose the humanities major.

  The reasons can be summarized as follows: the most important thing people quoted One of the reasons is that directly or indirectly majoring in humanities can not only enrich our basic understanding of Persian culture, but also improve peoples insight into daily life, which is very important for us. More importantly, the study of humanities can enable us to have an independent personality and a deeper vision of the world, if not for these two characteristics How can we achieve great goals in this predatory world? First of all, in such a society which emphasizes the depth of thought, it must be the best way to major in humanities. Therefore, in my opinion at least, it is preferable for college students.

  If they have the opportunity, we will cultivate an innovative thinking mode in the process. As the saying goes, no innovative thinking mode can solve the problem There is no gate that can not be opened by the innovative thinking mode, and can not be surpassed without the innovative thinking mode of high mountain.

  科學(xué)技術(shù)英語作文 8

  Science is important to most people living in the modern world for a number of reasons.Science is important to world peace, to the understanding of technology,and to our understanding of the natural world. Science is also an interesting area of study for a number of reasons.

  Some areas of science are espacially interesting because they deal with questions all men and women ask themselves.Science tries to procide some explanations for what happens to people.

  Science is hard to study.One of the reason is that there are so many questions without answers.Much of sciece involves asking questions, and then studying and doing research to try to find the answers.Some questions have been studied by research scientists for many years,and the answers are still not known.

  However,scientists are slowly but surely able to answer more and more questions about life,and these answers change our lives and also explain them.

  All of the many different kinds of science are important and interesting.Scientists are asking and answering many interesting and important questions about people and their lives.A basic knowledge of science can help you to understand both the questions and the answers. In the modern world,this ability is essential to everyone.

  科學(xué)技術(shù)英語作文 9

  When I was a child,I always dreamt of finding out the secret of various phenomena in the world.

  After entering the university, I pioneered a way to explore the cause of life. At last, I found the way to create life, and after a long time of hard work, I succeeded in creating a being, which was more like a monster than a man.When he opened his eyes, it seemed that he was very hungry, as he started to search my laboratory and tried to find something to eat.I was scared to death when he rested his eyes on me. “Oh dear, I’m not his food. Who can save me! ” I thought. But nobody came to help me.

  He came up to me directly. I felt as if Death were waving his hands to me. Suddenly I heard a strange sound that was just like a crack of a bone. At the same time he stopped——he fell to the ground.Exactly it was I myself who saved me. I made a mistake when putting the bones into the big man’s left leg.Before he could stand up, I raised the gun and killed him without hesitation. I knew very well that if I hadn’t killed him I would have been killed.

  It was lucky that my creation was not a perfect one. After all, that was my first creation. Maybe, I should create a gentleman next time.

  科學(xué)技術(shù)英語作文 10

  here is a difference between science and technology.Science is a method of answering theoretical questions; technology is a method of solving practical problems. Science has to do with discovering the facts and relationships between observable phenomena in nature and with establishing theories that serveto organize these facts and relationships; technology has to do with tools,techniques, andprocedures for implementing the findings of science.

  Another distinction between science and technology has to do with the progress in each. Progress in science excludes the human factor. Scientists, who seekto comprehendthe universe and know the truth with the highest degree of accuracy and certainty, cannot pay heed to their own or other peoples likes or dislikes, or to popular ideas about the fitness of things. What scientists discover may shock or anger people--as did Darwins theory of evolution. But even an unpleasant truth is more than likely to be useful; besides, we have the option of refusing to believe it! But hardly so with technology;we do not have the option of refusing to hear the sonic boom produced by a supersonic aircraft-flying overhead; we do not have the option of refusing to breathe polluted air. Unlike science, progress in technology must be our slave and not the reverse.

  The legitimate purpose of technology is to serve peopie--people in general, not merely some people; and future generations, not merely those who presently wish to gain advantage for themselves. We are all familiar with the abuses of technology. Many people blame technology itself for widespread pollution, resource depletion and even social decay in general--so much so that the promise of technology is obscured. That promise is a cleaner and healthier world. If wise applications of science and technology do not lead to a better world, what else will?

  科學(xué)技術(shù)英語作文 11

  "She has this thing where she goes to a movie theater, watching a horror movie and there was a wolf howling in the background.” University of Cambridge zoologist Arik Kershenbaum, talking about his collaborator Holly Root-Gutteridge, a biologist at Syracuse University. She said to herself, ‘Well, thats wrong. Thats clearly a European wolf and not a North American wolf like it should be in the scene."

  Slight variations in the way we speak allow us to tell whether someone is from Boston or New York just by listening to them. The same turns out to be true for the animals known as canids, which includes wolves, dogs and coyotes. They all howl to communicate—but those howls vary. Canids can tell which howls belong to their known associates and which belong to strangers.

  So Kershenbaum and Root-Gutteridge decided to categorize the howls of different canids around the world. Together with colleagues, they compiled recordings of more than 2,000 canid howls, including European wolves, Mexican wolves, arctic wolves, dingoes, coyotes, golden jackals, domestic dogs, New Guinea singing dogs, and more. A computer program sorted the howls into different types. The study was published in the journal Behavioral Processes. [Arik Kershenbaum et al, Disentangling canid howls across multiple species and subspecies: Structure in a complex communication channel]

  Based on the analysis, canids use 21 different kinds of howls to communicate. If you think of the howls as words, then all canids have the same vocabulary—but each species or sub-species has its own unique dialect. Some words are more common in one dialect, while other words are more common in another dialect and so on. By matching dialect with species and geography, researchers could monitor endangered species, like red wolves, just by listening.

  AK: "Being able to distinguish between the howls of a coyote and the howls of a red wolf opens the possibility for techniques of passive monitoring, passive population monitoring, using acoustics."

  Meanwhile, ranchers have tried to broadcast specific howls to discourage grey wolves from feasting on their livestock, but its never been successful.

  AK: "Because we dont really know what message were conveying to the wolves when we play back an arbitrary howl. For all we know, we could be playing back a howl that means come and eat, theres lots of interesting food over here."

  The research could thus finally bring peace to the conflict between ranchers and wolves, by finally speaking to the predators in their own language.

  —Jason G. Goldman

  科學(xué)技術(shù)英語作文 12

  "She has this thing where she goes to a movie theater, watching a horror movie and there was a wolf howling in the background.” University of Cambridge zoologist Arik Kershenbaum, talking about his collaborator Holly Root-Gutteridge, a biologist at Syracuse University. She said to herself, ‘Well, thats wrong. Thats clearly a European wolf and not a North American wolf like it should be in the scene." Slight variations in the way we speak allow us to tell whether someone is from Boston or New York just by listening to them. The same turns out to be true for the animals known as canids, which includes wolves, dogs and coyotes. They all howl to communicate—but those howls vary. Canids can tell which howls belong to their known associates and which belong to strangers. So Kershenbaum and Root-Gutteridge decided to categorize the howls of different canids around the world. Together with colleagues, they compiled recordings of more than 2,000 canid howls, including European wolves, Mexican wolves, arctic wolves, dingoes, coyotes, golden jackals, domestic dogs, New Guinea singing dogs, and more. A computer program sorted the howls into different types. The study was published in the journal Behavioral Processes. [Arik Kershenbaum et al, Disentangling canid howls across multiple species and subspecies: Structure in a complex communication channel]

  Based on the analysis, canids use 21 different kinds of howls to communicate. If you think of the howls as words, then all canids have the same vocabulary—but each species or sub-species has its own unique dialect. Some words are more common in one dialect, while other words are more common in another dialect and so on. By matching dialect with species and geography, researchers could monitor endangered species, like red wolves, just by listening. AK: "Being able to distinguish between the howls of a coyote and the howls of a red wolf opens the possibility for techniques of passive monitoring, passive population monitoring, using acoustics." Meanwhile, ranchers have tried to broadcast specific howls to discourage grey wolves from feasting on their livestock, but its never been successful. AK: "Because we dont really know what message were conveying to the wolves when we play back an arbitrary howl. For all we know, we could be playing back a howl that means come and eat, theres lots of interesting food over here." The research could thus finally bring peace to the conflict between ranchers and wolves, by finally speaking to the predators in their own language. —Jason G. Goldman

  科學(xué)技術(shù)英語作文 13

  "She has this thing where she goes to a movie theater, watching a horror movie and there was a wolf howling in the background.” University of Cambridge zoologist Arik Kershenbaum, talking about his collaborator Holly Root-Gutteridge, a biologist at Syracuse University. She said to herself, ‘Well, thats wrong.

  Thats clearly a European wolf and not a North American wolf like it should be in the scene." Slight variations in the way we speak allow us to tell whether someone is from Boston or New York just by listening to them. The same turns out to be true for the animals known as canids, which includes wolves, dogs and coyotes. They all howl to communicate—but those howls vary. Canids can tell which howls belong to their known associates and which belong to strangers. So Kershenbaum and Root-Gutteridge decided to categorize the howls of different canids around the world. Together with colleagues, they compiled recordings of more than 2,000 canid howls, including European wolves, Mexican wolves, arctic wolves, dingoes, coyotes, golden jackals, domestic dogs, New Guinea singing dogs, and more. A computer program sorted the howls into different types.

  The study was published in the journal Behavioral Processes. [Arik Kershenbaum et al, Disentangling canid howls across multiple species and subspecies: Structure in a complex communication channel] Based on the analysis, canids use 21 different kinds of howls to communicate. If you think of the howls as words, then all canids have the same vocabulary—but each species or sub-species has its own unique dialect.

  Some words are more common in one dialect, while other words are more common in another dialect and so on. By matching dialect with species and geography, researchers could monitor endangered species, like red wolves, just by listening. AK: "Being able to distinguish between the howls of a coyote and the howls of a red wolf opens the possibility for techniques of passive monitoring, passive population monitoring, using acoustics." Meanwhile, ranchers have tried to broadcast specific howls to discourage grey wolves from feasting on their livestock, but its never been successful. AK: "Because we dont really know what message were conveying to the wolves when we play back an arbitrary howl. For all we know, we could be playing back a howl that means come and eat, theres lots of interesting food over here." The research could thus finally bring peace to the conflict between ranchers and wolves, by finally speaking to the predators in their own language. —Jason G. Goldman

  科學(xué)技術(shù)英語作文 14

  Humanities since I was a primary school student, I have done a lot of reading and writing. I like philosophy, politics, science and fairy tales. I study history carefully, especially about the history of our own people and country.

  It is always pleasant to sit on the grass and read my books in an open place. For me, my university major will be one of the humanities. In my opinion, when I am with young students in class or anywhere, we will discuss a philosophy of life, a way of thinking, a democratic concept, a concept of right and wrong, and a concept of beauty.

  Writing: directions: suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to major in the humanities, write an article stating your point of view. In this world full of changes and challenges, we have to face new problems every day. People may be most concerned about high school graduates.

  If there are two choices: for me, majoring in science or humanities, I prefer the latter. Why? You may wonder whether I should choose humanities. The reasons can be summarized as: directly or indirectly, humanities Science can not only enrich our basic understanding of multiculturalism, but also improve peoples insight into daily life.

  Whats more, learning humanities can enable us to have an independent personality and a deeper vision of the world. If not for these two characteristics, in such a society that emphasizes the depth of thought, how can we survive in such a society that emphasizes the depth of thought In order to achieve great goals in the world, it must be the best way to choose humanities as ones major. Therefore, in my opinion at least, it is preferable for college students.

  If they have the opportunity, we will cultivate an innovative thinking mode in the process. There is no difficulty that can not be solved by an innovative thinking mode The door of innovation thinking mode can not be opened, there is no mountain that can not be overstepped by innovative thinking mode.

  科學(xué)技術(shù)英語作文 15

  Science had its beginning when man started asking questions about his environment. He wondered where the sun went at night and why the sky was blue. He questioned why the wind blew and the leaves fell. He sought answers to these and other questions. Not all his answers were correct, but at least he did want to know.

  Curiosity and Imagination

  Science began to develop rapidly when man laid aside his wrong beliefs and begs to seek true explanations. Young children are curious about how things work. The child wants to take apart a watch to see what makes it work.

  Benjamin Franklin wondered about lightning. He combined his curiosity with imagination and carried out his well-known experiment to show that lightning and an electric spark are the same thing. Curiosity and imagination are important qualities which help stimulate the discovery of new facts and advance science.

  Belief in Cause and Effect

  Scientifically minded people believe in a "cause-and-effect" relationship. They feel there is a perfectly natural explanation for everything. For example, there is a good reason why some leaves turn red and others yellow in the fall. Changes such as these, which are easily observed, are called phenomena. Some common phenomena, however, are not completely understood. Still others cannot be explained at all at this time. In cases where the explanation is unknown the scientific point of view is that there is a reason if it can only be discovered.

  Being Open - Minded

  Open-mindedness is also extremely important to a scientific attitude. This means the ability to face the facts as they are regardless of what one has previously thought. It includes an ability to accept new and sometimes even disagreeable ideas. The worker in science must face facts whether they are pleasant or unpleasant. He must expect many failures and be willing to try again. Thomas Edison failed thousands of times before he succeeded in producing the first electric lamp.

  The solutions to real problems cannot be seen in advance. Scientists must be able to change their thinking and to adapt their theories to new facts as they are discovered. The mind cannot be made up once and for all. New knowledge may make a change in thinking necessary. This is another way of saying that mans understanding is always less than perfect. What is accepted as true often is relatively, and not absolutely, true. A scientific truth offers an explanation that is acceptable only in the light of what is known at a particular time.

  Respect for the Views of Others

  Another part of a scientific attitude is respect for the views of others. This is easy when these views are like ones own. The difficulty comes up when their ideas are different. Views which are entirely new or foreign may also be hard to accept.

  New ideas are frequently very slow to be accepted. Scientists such as Galileo, Louis Pasteur, and Edward Jenner were laughed at because they held theories that were not accepted. Respect for new ideas is important for continued progress in all fields of knowledge.

  Opinions on Evidence

  Sometimes evidence is not complete. It may take time for new facts to become available. When they are available, a person may have to change his mind. New findings may also require a “wait-and-see” attitude. For example, there is an experiment on the sprouting of seeds which has been running for more than 50 years. The purpose is to determine how long a time can be buried in the ground and still grow when proper conditions for growth exist.









