
時間:2024-06-14 12:52:28 英語作文 我要投稿





  From the success of the little things

  Voltaire said, "people are not tired mountains of the original, but the grain of sand in their shoes." Life on the road, we need at any time in the shoes that poured out of sand grains.

  Life, you will hit the cross that is not always a huge challenge, but quite a number of trivial matters. Many people have this experience: When disaster strikes, people often as a result of fear, tension, real estate instincts give birth to a huge resistance forces. However, when you are troubled by some trivial matters, you may do anything, because they are the life of the detail, it is insignificant. It is these seemingly trivial, can never-ending human consumption of energy.

  A man who wants to make great achievements, but also from a piece of Pingpingchangchang, the real start small, is the so-called "journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Depending on the kind of small for that to do small good things are "superficial" and "low level" Yangaoshoudi, often the kind of light before reaching lazy, sick and elderly do not want to help "in any section" , To the great cause of the achievements are also difficult. A promising young man who must consciously from the side of the "little" to start, so even if a very small thing than as small as a strong person because of "the world will be difficult to make easy, and the world Event will be in fine "

  The success of a person, sometimes purely by chance, however, who say that it is not an inevitable? Department can be seen in the fine out of the ordinary, can be seen in the eternal moment, the sun can be seen in the water, grass can be seen in the spring. The above said is a "little", but not necessarily everyone is willing to raise their hands, or occasionally some people and it has not been maintained. Can be seen, "little" enough to reflect the noble and humble person.

  Young friends, life on the road, Mo ignore tens of millions of little things, not to small for.







  Lenin said to want to do a big thing, must start small. Since ancient times, a great man often starts from the minor matter.

  The ancients cloud: every journey begins with a single step. Only do a good job in everything around him, finally to achieve great things dry, someone said to do great things, whats the use of dry things. This sentence is wrong. We all know that leonardo Da Vincis story. His painting since elementary school. The teacher let him draw an egg only, he is very impatient. But the teacher said, there is no the same egg, it is not easy to want to draw good eggs. He listened to the teachers teaching. Practice painting eggs. Upon serious habit of starts from the minor matter, eventually become a generation of master of art.

  There is an old saying in China, called "why one house does not sweep, sweep the world." yes, even a sweep the room not clean person, how can sweep the world How important it is to visible, willing to do small things, we should mind "sweep the world", also should have "sweep a room" patience. Do things can lead you to success. Also, do small things can also be your wake-up call. Only the good side of every little bit can achieve. Now some people tend to "small dont want to do, things cant do it." being bitter, narcissistic, but often write wasted! Such people will accomplish nothing. So, please dont refuse to small. It is very important to pay attention to every detail, because it is the guarantee of success, it is also the key point of achievement. This requires that we have a down-to-earth spirit, should be conscientious solidly complete. Everything starts from the minor matter, do fine, do, to do strong, do big. "the constant energy does not shun streams into its great; mountain not fine soil to its high." we only start from the side every thing,, in this way can we do something great to get success.

  The classmates, no product Kui department step, no so far away; No product small flow into jianghai. A person has ambition is good, but he could not expect success, must go step by step, to success for the future. May we do every little thing, walk every step of the way, finally reached the pinnacle of glory!


  THE EARTH,our dearest mother--BUT,my friends,do any of you have considered how serious the problem will be when the earth is polluted,the air is not fresh,the forest is not flourishing?The environment pollution exist everywhere,the earth will lose its luster noon.

  my friends,shold we still keep insensible?our earth mother is not smiling anymore,doesn't it do something to us?

  Let's moving,my dear classmates,carry out environmental protection with a trifle to make the earth a pure land,and,let it hold a charming smile!



  "Filial piety" is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and filial piety comes first. To be a good child and a kind person, first of all, we must be filial. In ancient times, there were many touching stories about filial piety. In the twenty-four filial piety, the story of "fan pillow and warm quilt" touched me most. It's a story about a child as old as me who "fans" the cold pillow for his father in summer and warms his bed with his body in winter. Small as it is, it's moving.


  "Filial piety" doesn't need rhetoric, but a sincere heart. Let's start from small things and spread the virtue!


  Success begins with small things. Only minor things can do great things.This article is about one of the author's childhood. Probably, when the author was 7 years old, his father gave him a money box so that he could save money every day. Who knows, he spent all his money.His brother is seven years old, but after two years, brother money pot in as much as more than 700 yuan.One day, the father told the writer that his brother had no money to spend.He immediately woke up, the original father told them to save money every day is to test their perseverance.

  I also have firsthand experience of such things.I do not know when, I sensible, and suddenly one day, my mother said to me: "children, from today onwards, you can get 20 yuan per month from the mother's pocket money."."I am very happy, almost happy out loud: I can buy my love lollipop and soap bubbles, I was wild with joy when the mother said, "every time you have to spend money with my mother say, then make a note to yourself.Their own school supplies and extra-curricular books, etc., can make their own decisions, in addition to doing something useful, such as donations or rescue."I Sidongfeidong nodded.Since then, every month I have time to get 20 yuan of money, my money, my money is quite excited, East Tibet, Tibet Tibet, feeling a bit at a loss fortunately, mom's reminder, I use pocket money, Xintian piggy, saved three month pocket money was not the.But look at the new money I am very happy, I finally have my own private collections".Gradually, my pocket money saving more, sometimes I see a beautiful spring, the wind spinning top students around, I really want to release clutching the hand of change to have them, but in the end I will change back to the money cans, or I need to buy school supplies and books.

  Remember Wenchuan earthquake, Yushu earthquake, see a lot of children like my age need help, so I made a decision, Zhang donated one hundred yuan.When be informed mom, mom is very happy, and also told me to be a caring person, to help people in need, but must be from now on, we must study hard, with their own knowledge to do more useful things.

  There is an old saying: a small stream, to into a river a short step, a thousand miles.From this we understand that success comes from the accumulation of small things, small things are not small, we need to attach great importance to.

  Doing small things is the foundation of success.People can not start, then the high building, but also by a small brick masonry and tired.Again great cause also from small bit of little things, only the little things done, it is possible to do great things.Liu Xiang stands for a speed name.His success, no doubt, is to do small things on weekdays.Practice every day, and constantly repeat this movement, each spanning one, that is, an accumulation, every practice day, is also an accumulation.Day after day, year after year, the accumulation of little things, and ultimately the success of the birth of the champion.If Liu Xiang is not every day to do a good job to do things, thinking only Yibudengtian, every day lying in the stadium to sleep, he can Yangwei international sports?There is no doubt that it is not just Liu Xiang who can't do it.So, do small things, and finally can achieve great cause.

  Doing small things is the foundation of success.Good little things often reflect meticulous and rigorous style of work, which is a prerequisite for success.Mr. Zhang Ruimin, President of Haier, once said, "it's not easy to do every simple thing; to do everything ordinary is extraordinary.".The Haier group "management style is strict, fine, real and constant", the fine and referred to the important level, to the pursuit of zero defect, high sensitivity as the goal, to solve the problem of management control in the shortest time, the minimum range, to minimize economic losses, and gradually realize the fine management the elimination of all corners of the enterprise management, greatly reducing the cost of material consumption, make the management to achieve timely, comprehensive and effective condition, every link has a truly rigorous strict in demands, interlocking, and shuerbulou; change radically in recent years many companies also is, although its regulations are fine, lax, not real, but often said in the mouth, the paper, set in the walls, can not be put into action.The so-called real become the details, also the details, hoping the great, great, great but no trace; be willing to dull, conscientiously do a good job in every detail, but not great.

  Doing small things is the foundation of success.Small things are not small, often contain the opportunity to succeed, the opportunity to succeed.Why not sweep a house without sweeping the world?.Even if you don't clean your own house, how can you clean it?.It was a small matter to be cut off by the leaves, but Luban saw the saw. The apple fell to the ground was a small matter, but Newton discovered the law of gravitation".Everything is from small to large, do not want to do small things, things will become a dream.There is no particular reason why celebrities are famous, just more attention to detail than ordinary people.The wise man is good at ordinary trifles in the child is father of the man, from the profound philosophical enlightenment.


  The picture shows that a young boy said to his father that he was worried about the waste of nuclear, but the father said if you can empty the dustbin , you can do anything . So whatever we want to do ,we must do small things first before undertaking something big .

  In contemporary society , many young people enjoy taking big , but they always can’t finish anything . Because details decide success or failure . If we don’t start from the minor matters , only do the big things , we may get nothing in the end . So do the small things first , and then , we can finish something perfectly without wasting our unnecessary energy .

  As far as I’m concerned , doing small things first is very important . For example , if we want to live , we must do some small things like cleaning the room , washing the clothes and so on , and then , we can make our life comfortable . So don’t ignore details , the details are the key to success.


  We can see from the illustration there is a father talking to his son. Having heard his son's words "Dad, I am a bit worried about disposing of nuclear weapons", the father replies, "If you can empty the dustbin here, you can do anything", pointing the garbage can beside him.

  Funny and common as the conversation sounds, it reflects that the father intends to advise his son to do small things before undertaking the big. Unquestionably, doing small things is the first step of success and will lay root for doing something big. By doing something small, we are enabled to accumulate experience, master skills and train ourselves to be more patient. In other words, we can be well prepared for further challenges in the course of fulfilling small things. By contrast, those who set out to do something big will be constantly haunted by disappointment, frustrations or even failures. As when opportunity "something big" appears, they can hardly seize them because of the lack of experience and confidence stems from doing small things. Taking the picture presented above as a case in point, how can the little boy succeed in disposing of nuclear weapons if he even doesn't know how to empty the dustbin?

  From my perspective, under no circumstances should we undervalue the power of doing small things. Instead, we should regard small things as the source of experience, skills and the prerequisite of success. "Great achievement only belongs to those who can do small things perfectly." Aristotle once said.


  The world is not only hungry,but also thirsty for water. This may seem strange to you, since nearly 75 % of the earth's surface is covered with water. But about 97% of this huge amount is sea water, or salt water. Man can only drink and use the other 3% -- the fresh water that comes from rivers, lakes,underground, and other sources. And we cannot even use all of that, because some of it is in the form of icebergs and glaciers. Even worse, some of it has been polluted.

  However, as things stand today, this small amount of fresh water, which is constantly being replaced by rainfall, is still enough for us. But our need for water is increasing rapidly-- almost day by day. Only if we take steps to deal with this problem now can we avoid a severe worldwide water shortage later on. A limited water supply would have a bad effect on agriculture and industry. Let me give you just one small exampie of how necessary water is to industry. Did you know that to produce a single ton of steel, it takes about 91, 000 liters of water?

  We all have to learn how to stop wasting our precious water. One of the first steps we should take is to develop ways of reusing it. Experiments have already been done in this field, but only on a small scale.





  Success begins with small things. Only minor things can do great things.This article is about one of the author's childhood. Probably, when the author was 7 years old, his father gave him a money box so that he could save money every day. Who knows, he spent all his money.His brother is seven years old, but after two years, brother money pot in as much as more than 700 yuan.One day, the father told the writer that his brother had no money to spend.He immediately woke up, the original father told them to save money every day is to test their perseverance.

  I also have firsthand experience of such things.I do not know when, I sensible, and suddenly one day, my mother said to me: "children, from today onwards, you can get 20 yuan per month from the mother's pocket money."."I am very happy, almost happy out loud: I can buy my love lollipop and soap bubbles, I was wild with joy when the mother said, "every time you have to spend money with my mother say, then make a note to yourself.Their own school supplies and extra-curricular books, etc., can make their own decisions, in addition to doing something useful, such as donations or rescue."I Sidongfeidong nodded.Since then, every month I have time to get 20 yuan of money, my money, my money is quite excited, East Tibet, Tibet Tibet, feeling a bit at a loss fortunately, mom's reminder, I use pocket money, Xintian piggy, saved three month pocket money was not the.But look at the new money I am very happy, I finally have my own private collections".Gradually, my pocket money saving more, sometimes I see a beautiful spring, the wind spinning top students around, I really want to release clutching the hand of change to have them, but in the end I will change back to the money cans, or I need to buy school supplies and books.

  Remember Wenchuan earthquake, Yushu earthquake, see a lot of children like my age need help, so I made a decision, Zhang donated one hundred yuan.When be informed mom, mom is very happy, and also told me to be a caring person, to help people in need, but must be from now on, we must study hard, with their own knowledge to do more useful things.


  Everywhere in life calls for the protection of the environment, the realization of green living. But, how should do? Use cloth bag - we go to the store or farmers market shopping, almost every items will come with a plastic bag, back to home, these plastic bags often immediately thrown into the bin. As rubbish, plastic bags left our home, but they didnt disappear in the world. In most parts of our country, it is can be seen everywhere in a plastic bag. To increase the number of garbage bags, cultivated land, contaminated soil and groundwater. More serious is that cannot degradable plastic in nature, there are hundreds of years, if for burning, and generate toxic gases. We should always fine tradition. Proud of his bag shopping! As far as possible by bus, car exhaust emissions, at five to ten year in strong sunlight, the formation of photochemical smog, lead to eye disease, laryngitis and have a headache, and also reduces the atmospheric visibility, increase the traffic accident and the plane crash. Nowadays, the management of automobile exhaust gas has been quite successful, but a sharp increase in the number of the car is still the main source of air pollution in cities. Not only that, in the process of manufacturing cars also consume natural resources, also want to the discharge of pollutants, the car also generate noise and other hazards. And the increasing cars have significant pressure to urban traffic, causing traffic jams. These are seriously affects our lives, and one of the solution is less by car, advocated by bus. Refuse to use disposable goods, in the modern society life, waste and disposal is common, especially the disposable items using surge. Although it is true that one-time items to a certain extent, meet the special needs of people, but also waste a lot of energy and resources, make a lot of rubbish, increase the burden of the environment, and even damage to the environment. Our country is a large country with a population of billions, advocating the use of disposable supplies, consumption will be huge, not only wastes the resources, and produce wastes may cause unpredictable disasters. So we should use less disposable items, use the recycled things. With close the tap - life, we often meet to a drop of water or none of the tap after using. Maybe a lot of people think that how much water cant flow. Our fresh water resources is extremely limited. Although there are more than 71% of the area of the earths surface is water, a total of about 1.385 billion cubic kilometers, but 97.2% is cannot use salt water. Actually for human use of freshwater resources Account for only one over one thousand of the worlds water supply. Water is the source of life, to cherish water resources is to cherish the future of humanity. Lets start from the side, in the bath, wash your hands after using water play soap and washing the dishes when intermittent, conveniently close the tap. We shall start from the minor matter, the realization of green living.


  Voltaire said, "people are not tired mountains of the original, but the grain of sand in their shoes." Life on the road, we need at any time in the shoes that poured out of sand grains.

  Life, you will hit the cross that is not always a huge challenge, but quite a number of trivial matters. Many people have this experience: When disaster strikes, people often as a result of fear, tension, real estate instincts give birth to a huge resistance forces. However, when you are troubled by some trivial matters, you may do anything, because they are the life of the detail, it is insignificant. It is these seemingly trivial, can never-ending human consumption of energy.

  A man who wants to make great achievements, but also from a piece of Pingpingchangchang, the real start small, is the so-called "journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Depending on the kind of small for that to do small good things are "superficial" and "low level" Yangaoshoudi, often the kind of light before reaching lazy, sick and elderly do not want to help "in any section" , To the great cause of the achievements are also difficult. A promising young man who must consciously from the side of the "little" to start, so even if a very small thing than as small as a strong person because of "the world will be difficult to make easy, and the world Event will be in fine "

  The success of a person, sometimes purely by chance, however, who say that it is not an inevitable? Department can be seen in the fine out of the ordinary, can be seen in the eternal moment, the sun can be seen in the water, grass can be seen in the spring. The above said is a "little", but not necessarily everyone is willing to raise their hands, or occasionally some people and it has not been maintained. Can be seen, "little" enough to reflect the noble and humble person.

  Young friends, life on the road, Mo ignore tens of millions of little things, not to small for.







  What can I do for our environment?

  Everyone can do something for our environment. For me, I should try to save electricity in my daily life. For example, if I am the last person leave the classroom in the evening, I will always remember to turn off the lights. In order to protect our forests, I will use paper wisely. I should try to use both sides of paper whenever it is possible. I will not use things like paper cups and disposable chopsticks because they are made of wood. I believe that doing all these small things will improve our environment and help make our world a better place to live in.


  To the great career, must first starts from the minor matter. Is is why "one house does not sweep, sweep the world".

  Ancient famous craftsman lu class from the simple practice will begin wood cut into square, after several years of hard practice, the building that eventually become famous through the ages inventor.

  Ruban had a knowledgeable old craftsman teacher training to him. He arrive every day, the teacher will, starting from the practice of cutting wood, after the hard to proficiency, began to chop wood and wood based training. Make all sorts of small model later. Accumulate over a long period, he finally one day his inventions and created the first kiosk -- now umbrella "prototype". And later became the famous craftsman, civil construction inventors.

  The reason why I think ruban will have its former glory, because of his perseverance that day can start small, technology, experience, can have the achievement. I realized that doing everything to start small.

  Our beloved premier zhou, he was setting out "for the rise of the Chinese reading" the grand goal. In his youth, is the top grades, is a wide range of social activities. He run a newspaper, wrote articles, steady stream of speech, have great eloquence and wit, these for him as prime minister in the future when eminently have to say there is considerable influence. If he doesnt have the down-to-earth work, so, when he was faced with a vast country, hundreds of millions of people in the face of the complicated situation at home and abroad, in the face of sudden natural disasters, he can be a good prime minister of sate?

  I think the premier zhou was able to be a good sate of the countrys prime minister, because of his great achievements of the glorious revolution performance with his early start small work is inseparable.

  But it is not only a great achievements, but the same goes for the environmental protection.

  In fast food restaurants, people eat fast food boxes, disposable wooden chopsticks. A day in fast-food restaurants, and each with a pair of chopsticks, chopsticks throw them finished, very convenient, but not environmental protection. According to this calculation, will expend, two thousand pairs of wooden chopsticks every day, a week more than ten thousand pairs. So, accumulate over a long period, how many have graceful tree fell "sacrifice"? If everyone use the disposable tableware, down a week at least can save several tree to afforest environment.

  Therefore, I believe that I cant stand on the platform Shouting slogans: how can we get green. But I really can make it use less or dont use disposable chopsticks. So small, I think we can can also, why the need for exaggeration to say: "I want to environmental protection"? As long as the eyes can can do small things well done, do it do real environmental protection.

  Is doing everything to start small. Why do bad things in life, do achieve great things, into a great cause!

  Small matter, manifested wisdom; Small matter, determine success or failure; Small matter, change your fate. Because pay attention to small things, day and night ruban unknown practice model of be handed down from ancient times. All great men and become eternal immortal to distinguish it from mediocre. Our life, but also because of the fine things fall, shed tears when you fine things, because of the fine things grow.


  Success is something that many people strive for, but that not everyone among us attains. When we consider the various factors that play a role in determining whether a person is successful in life, ambition and action are

  wtwo of the first to come to mind. Just as American writer Napoleon Hill put it, “If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way. ”

  Numerous examples can be given, but this will suffice. A young person who aspires to be a great chef might decide to buy some cookbooks, spend

  weekends practicing and refining his culinary techniques, or take on a part-time job at a local restaurant. On the other hand, if he simply end up spending all has spare time surfing the Internet or playing video games, neither of which would give him the skills or experience needed to succeed。

  In conclusion, doing great things and doing small things are both essential in determining whether we flourish or fall behind. The former gives us the drive and direction to move forward, while the latter enables us to implement our vision and “make things happen”. In combination, they represent the winning formula that will put us firmly on the road to success。

  成功是許多人所追求的目標(biāo),但這個目標(biāo)非每個人都能實現(xiàn)。在考慮到?jīng)Q定一個人是否成功的因素時,我們最先想到的兩個因素世雄心與行動。正如美國作家拿破侖 希爾所說:“如果你不能做偉大的事情,那就以偉大的.方式做小事。”



  總之,做大事和做小事都是決定我們成功與否的重要因素。前者給與我們前進(jìn)的動力和方向,后者使我們能夠積極主動地實現(xiàn)愿望。而把兩種因素結(jié)合起來,才是我們走上成功之路的秘訣。 希望以上這篇英語六級范文對大家有幫助,想要了解更多英語六級備考信息可以與文都網(wǎng)校咨詢老師進(jìn)行交流、溝通。


  It is important to deal with the rubbish in cities...

  Saving Our City

  It is important to deal with the rubbish in cities. Rubbish must be treated properly. Otherwise it may cause a lot of problems. It may pollute the air and water. When people breathe the polluted air or drink the polluted water, they may get iii.joozone.com

  Our city has begun to pay attention to the problem. As far as I know, some rubbish is sorted and sent to different factories. Rubbish,such as old newspapers and glass, is recycled.

  Some harmful rubbish is sent to a certain place and buried.Waste air is cleaned before it goes into the air. Waste water is treated before it is poured into rivers。

  To protect the environment, the government has passed laws to prevent people from throwing rubbish everywhere. We should do our best to take good care of the environment and fight against pollution.














