Poor作文|Poor 英語作文

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Poor作文|Poor 英語作文

  在學(xué)習(xí)、工作、生活中,大家都不可避免地會(huì)接觸到作文吧,作文一定要做到主題集中,圍繞同一主題作深入闡述,切忌東拉西扯,主題渙散甚至無主題。那么你知道一篇好的作文該怎么寫嗎?以下是小編整理的Poor作文|Poor 英語作文,僅供參考,希望能夠幫助到大家。

Poor作文|Poor 英語作文

  “Poor?” “Want to cry?” “Is life difficult?” “Is the world fair?” Countless questions mingled together, but in the end it was all four words: “are you happy?”

  In order to pursue fame and wealth, for their own vanity, by all means, are you really happy in the end? If the world really understands happiness this way, there must not be many people who are really happy, right? In the pursuit of fame and wealth, we really lost too much. The world has become a bit strange because we go after our so-called “happiness”. Is the world‘s happiness must be vanity? No, it’s just because people who love vanity don‘t understand that there is a real happiness in the world called the simplicity of the world. They don’t know that the ease of the world is also a pursuit of life, and they can never understand the happiness of poverty.

  Poor, can not be happy? Why not? Rich children intrigue, fight very lively, mutual comparison makes people some doubt the purity of the world. No one pays too much attention to the poor, so they have their own world. Being indifferent to fame and wealth, Tao Yuanming lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests, didn‘t he enjoy himself? If you are really poor, without the happiness of the world, how can Li Bai be free and easy in the world.

  If we can never jump out of our comfortable circle and habitual thinking, then living is really a tragedy. Take off the mask and take off the mask to experience life. How can people who can’t find the true meaning of life understand the meaning and value of life.

  Today‘s hot all over the network “Chaoyang winter swimming strange pigeon”, we call “Ollie to Uncle”, his days can be said to be really poor to the head. He has been a primary school teacher, a master of ceremonies and even picking up garbage. However, he has never given up his life. On the contrary, he has always been optimistic and frank about life. Every morning live broadcast, a day almost no long time for him to rest, his video expression is very grandiose, but to make people laugh. But his life is really inspirational. He has never had a good meal all year round, but he has been cheering people in front of the camera. He cheers us on is also cheering himself. In the face of the ridicule of countless people on the Internet, he also laughs it off. He thanks the world for giving him life. Although he is not rich, he also experiences the warmth and coldness of the world. “Ollie to” he completely live on the Internet, people praise his life, all kinds of advertising pay are followed, but he refused, he said, poor, but poor integrity, a lifetime is worth it. He has never seen a little tired of life on his face. He is always greeting with a smile. He is really like a “free man” in the world.

  Poor, really not terrible, terrible is that we have given up life, lost the original, lost their own. When we fall into the abyss, there is no possibility of getting up again. The road of life is short, there is no chance for us to go wrong. Every fork in the road is the choice of our life, but it is also where we affirm and value the meaning of our own life. Poverty is a kind of character, and it is not necessary to look down on poverty. Poverty has its own law and fun.

  Some people say that “I would rather cry in a BMW than laugh behind a bicycle”, but in fact, if you cry in a BMW, you will never see the scenery behind the bicycle. What you think is the most beautiful is the best.

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