living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文

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living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文(精選34篇)

  在我們平凡的日常里,大家都寫過(guò)作文,肯定對(duì)各類作文都很熟悉吧,作文是人們把記憶中所存儲(chǔ)的有關(guān)知識(shí)、經(jīng)驗(yàn)和思想用書面形式表達(dá)出來(lái)的記敘方式。下面是小編為大家整理的living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文,希望對(duì)大家有所幫助。

living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文(精選34篇)

  living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文 1

  With the development of new technology and increasing population,more and more modern architecture,which is attractive,are built in the big city.The number of people who want to live in the big city is keeping climbing.


  However,there are both advantages and disadvantages to live in the big city.Living in the big city do may bring much convenience to people.Because the supermarket,food shops and clothes shops are everywhere,you can make a purchase as you like.Furthermore,there are parks,zoos,museums and so on accessible to people,where people can relax from hard work mentally and enrich their knowledge.But on the other hand,the big city are always crowded,people living there are more likely to suffer from heavy pressure.What is more,the environment in the big city has been polluted,which has bad effect on the health of people.


  In my opinion,we should pay more attention to protecting our surroundings when we live in the big city,making it greener and harmony.Only in this way,can we enjoy living in the big city to the full.


  living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文 2

  Never in our history has the phenomenon that living in a big city become so common.With cities growing larger and larger,there has been a steady rise in the number of people who flood into those big cities.Obviously,it will give rise to a host of trials to the new citizens.


  First and foremost,people will have to face with the high living expenses.For most people in big cities,they have to rent to live and the cost of daily products may also see a rise.


  Then,the challenge of working under great pressure couldnt be denied.While having high salaries,people living in big cities will also encounter with intensive working pressure.


  Finally,there may be other difficult tasks like long commute distance,jammed traffic,poor air conditions and etc.,dealing with such issues can be really challenging.


  Taking all these into account,there are still great amount of people choose to work and live in big cities,because great challenges always come along with great opportunities.


  living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文 3

  Nowadays,the price of house has increasing so fast,which brings great pressure to the young generation.Many young people choose to stay in the big cities to fight for their future.Indeed,big cities means more chances to realize their dreams.Young people are full of passion and they need to be given more chances to find their own places.


  Whats more,when you are working with the excellent co-workers,you will know what kind of skills you should be equipped with,thus to get improved.While there also comes with the negative sides.The traffic gets congested during the working hours and the air is polluted badly.In addition,the fast pace of lifestyle makes people easy to lose themselves.In all,living in the big cities is still the main choice for young people,even though they face some challenges.


  living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文 4

  In the eyes of many people,city is attractive with all its advantages and conveniences.People can buy almost all kinds of things at supermarkets or shopping malls,dine out in good restaurant,they can have more educational opportunities.However,with the expansion the city,more and more people are flowing into the big city.Now the traffic is heavier and heavier.The pollution problem is getting more and more serious.


  The living condition is worse and worse.Most people love the advantages of city life,but a big city also has its disadvantages.


  living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文 5

  I prefer to live in the big city.I was a rural child.When I was a little kid,I was curious about kids living in the big cities.Great school,modern equipment,luxurious house,they were one of my dreams in the childhood.But now,I am a college student,and I still want to live in the big city and I dont want to be a small fish in a big pond.A big city always means more opportunities,more career development and naturally higher salary.


  In addition,my future children are inclined to get an education with a higher quality compared with the counterparts who live in the small city.Furthermore,there are more commodities and services,more available public utility,even more foreign guys to communicate with.You know,as an English major student,it is really essential yardstick.


  Every upside has a downside.I have to admit that living in a small city has its own advantages,like less completion pressure,more fresh air and a quieter atmosphere.But personally speaking,to live in a metropolis is never an unwise choice for me.


  living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文 6

  A number of people prefer to live in countryside because they consider that living in big cities has many disadvantages.


  First of all,the most obvious problem is traffic. In big cities,traffic jam is quite common everywhere,especially in the rush time. And a large number of people have to spend a great deal of time in going to work and coming back from work. In addition,traffic accident is another threat.


  Second,with the increase of cars and buses in big cities,air pollution has become another disadvantage of living in big cities. Besides,a growing number of factory have also accounted for air pollution in big cities. Consequently,many diseases caused by air pollution are emerging in an endless stream.


  Finally,another image of big cities is relative to noise,such as the noise of transportation,the noise of construction and so on.


  In a word,living in big cities has many advantages but also disadvantages. And living in big cities or countryside should depend on our personal preference and needs.


  living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文 7

  Before students go to college,they need to consider many factors to decide which college they should choose.Many people gave their opinions according to their experience.It has been admitted that studying in the big cities is a good choice and they explained the reasons.


  For those people who have been working for some time,they feel the difference between graduates from small cities and big cities.It is obvious that students from big cities have access to advanced information and when they face the new things,they can get used to them quickly.It is the great advantage to keep pace with the time and know what newest information is.


  Whats more,the big cities attract students from different areas,so in the campus,the students from all countries have the chance to communicate and make friends with each other.They can share the interest and culture,which broadens their vision.


  The stage of college is important.Students learn to deal with all kinds of relationships.Big cities provide the better chance to get newest information and meet more friends,which can be a great help to their future success.


  living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文 8

  Nowadays,traffic jam is a growing worry for the residents in most metropolises,contributing to irritation of drivers and pedestrians.How to cope with this problem??Almost all local government in China is irritated by this problem.From my point of view,its evident that we should pay more attention to this issue and any country or city which turns a blind eye to this issue will pay a heavy cost.


  In order to deal with this conundrum in the essence,firstly,I am firmly convinced that regulations that ban the abuse of private car must be taken into action.Personally,each family ought to have less than 3 cars,the individual who doesnt abide by the rules must be punished or charged more taxation. Additionally,the infrastructure also serves as a linchpin.Without roads and streets of high quality,the citys transportation system will easily paralyzed during rush hours.Therefore,government should fix time and energy on the construction of infrastructure with high quality.


  Whats more important,since this conundrum will not solved in a short period of time,its necessary for all drivers and pedestrians to have a good attitude towards traffic jam when traffic piles up.Great methods such as listening to the music,can readily relieve the anger and anxiety of drivers and pedestrians.With the cooperation of both government and individuals,we may finally get over this trouble with our perseverance,confidence and fortitude.


  living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文 9

  In recent years there has been a marked growth of fire accidents in big cities of our country.almost every day we see fire engines rushing through the streets.fires have not only resulted in heavy economic losses but also injured and killed many people.what are the causes of fire accidents? most of the fires are brought about by carelessness and violation of fire safety regulations.others are due to the poor quality of home electrical the way,some people dont know how to use them properly.besides,there are quite a few businesses which focus so much of their attention on profits that they tend to neglect and even ignore fire precautions.


  In my opinion,in order to prevent fires we should first of all foster peoples sense of fire prevention.the second thing we have to do is to increase the number of professional fire fighters,to whom regular training courses should be offered.finally,we are to improve the eisting fire engines and add more fire facilities to high-rise this way,a reliable fire prevention system will be formed.


  living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文 10

  Living in a Large Modern City or in the Country?


  "Avoid the rush-hours" must be the slogan of large cities the world over.Wherever you go,especiailat week-ends or on holidays,you11 find that the trains are packed,streets crowded,buses queued,restaurant tables shared.MoreOver,the smallest unforeseeh event like a power-cut,an exceptionally heavy snowfall or rainfall can bring about conditions of utter inconvenience and chaos.


  City-dwellers are obliged by their environment to adopt a wholly unnatural way of life.They lose touch with nature and all the simple,good things of life like sunshine and fresh air at a premium.Tall buildings block out the sun.Traffic fumes pollute the atmosphere,The flow of traffic goes on unceasingly and the noise-never stops.


  The funny thing about it all in a large modern city is,that you pay dearly for tht "privilege" of living.The demand for accommodation is so great that it is often impossible for ordinary people to buy a house/flat of their own.Furthermore,the cost of living is very high.Just about everything you buy is likely to be more expensive than it would be in the country.


  In addition,city-dwellers live under constant threat.The crime rate in most cities is very high.Houses are often burgled.Cities breed crime and violence and are full of places you would be afraid to visit at night.If you think about it,they are not really fit to live in at all.Can anyone really doubt that the country is what man was born for and where he truly belongs?


  living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文 11

  Housing problem has become one of the biggest concerns for people in big cities.With the rapid development of industry and great increase in employment,more people are swarming into cities.Accommodations have become ever difficult,causing inconvenience to people's work and life.


  Many proposals have been put forward to solve this problem.Some suggest that more high buildings be constructed.Some insist that the underground be developed.Others propose that satellite cities be built.Still others argue that cities should be expanded to move people to the suburbs.


  Personally,I am in favor of building satellite cities in the suburbs.For one thing,these cities are not far away from big cities.It is still very convenient for people to go downtown as they wish.For another,the fresh air and adequate space there will be a great attraction for people who are living in crowded cities.If many people move to the satellite cities,the housing problem in big cities will cease to exist.I am against the idea of developing the underground.Because compared with building satellite cities,it is more costly.With each house to light even at daytime,we need a lot of electricity.Besides,it witt deprive people of the fresh air and bright sunshine which they can get so easily when they are above the ground.


  living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文 12

  Never in our history has the phenomenon that living in a big city become so common.As cities growing larger and larger,there has been a steady rise in the number of people who flood into those big cities.Obviously,it will give rise to a host of challenges to the new citizens.


  First and foremost,people will have to face with the high living expenses.For most people in big cities,they have to rent to live and the cost of daily products may also see a rise.


  Then,the challenge of working under great pressure couldnt be denied.While having high salaries,people living in big cities will also encounter with intensive working pressure.


  Finally,there may be other challenges like long commute distance,jammed traffic poor air conditions and etc.,dealing with such issues can be really challenging.


  Taking all these into account,there are still great amount of people choose to work and live in big cities,because great challenges always come along with great opportunities.


  living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文 13

  Great changes have taken place in the ownership of houses in cities in China from 1990 to 2000.While the number of state owned houses decreased,that of private houses increased.In 1990,seventyfive percent of the houses were state owned whereas only twenty five percent of the houses were private.In 2000,however,the proportion of state owned houses reduced to twenty percent and that of private houses increased to eighty percent.


  There are many reasons for the great change in the ownership of houses in cities.The development of the economy is the most important one.Thanks to this development,people make more money than they used to.As a result,they can set aside some money to buy houses after their daily necessities are satisfied.The measures the government adopts may be the next incentive.Nowadays,people can have access to various kinds of loans from banks when buying the house.The large supply of housing may be the last reason.Wherever you go,you can see houses of various designs and sizes available for people to choose.


  These changes will have a great influence on both the living standard of the individual and the productivity of the society.People can live in the spacious houses of their own and the government can increase the productivity by using the money from selling the houses.


  living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文 14

  With the rapid development and the overpopulated in this society,more and more people rushing into the big cities for personal development.So,the housing problems in the big cities is becoming more and more serious.


  In my humble opinion,there are several ways to slove this problems.First of all,we can expend the cities,and build more apartment in the country.The fresh air and clean water will attract young people to live there.What more,the housing price will be lower than the big cities.Second,the government should control the price of the house.If the house is too expensive,many people may not be able to afford a house on their own.The government should build some cheap apartment for the poor,the young people.Last but not least,we should have more skyscapes,the land is limited,we need more space to support people to have a good living condition.


  A good living condition is the key to social stability.if our country have enough houses,the pressure can be relieved to some degree.And our people can live a better environment.


  living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文 15

  Modernization and urbanization bring both benefits and problems.In order to solve the problem of housing,high-rise buildings have been and are being put up in ever greater numbers in more and more big cities.


  High-rise buildings have their advantages and disadvantages,of course.In urban areas where land is expensive,they take up less space.Some people say that high-rise buildings can give a city striking beauty.Some buildings are apartments,which can house hundreds of families under one roof.


  On the other hand,high-rise buildings may be dangerous.What if there is a fire or an earthquake? What if power and water are in short supply? In addition,high-rise buildings/blocks may not be suitable for children and old people.


  To conclude,it goes without saying that high-rise buildings are necessary,but their number should be limited.At the same time,effective measures must be taken to solve such problems as the supply of water and power.


  living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文 16

  Guangzhou is the capital of guangdong.It is the biggest city in south china.And it is one of the most important cities in guangdong.The population of guangzhou is more than 15 millions.Just like many cities,there are a lot of cars,buses and trucks.So the air in the city is not clean.Guangzhou is a noisy and crowded city.But i like it most.Because guangzhou is my home.


  living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文 17

  Shen Zhen is my favorite city.It is a young and promising city.I have been living in this city for over ten years.I love the seafood in this city as well as its beautiful scenes.In summer,I can go to the sea to see the sun rise,or enjoy the fresh cool sea water.On weekend,I can go to the park to have a walk.Shen Zhen is my hometown.When I grow up,I want to make contribution to this city and make it becomes a better city.


  living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文 18

  My favourite city is Beijing.It is in the north of China.It is the capital of China.There are many famous and interesting places in Beijing.The Palace Museum is most popular.You can feel the history and culture of the Palace Museum here.I like Beijing Zoo best.Because there are many animals in the Beijing Zoo,and the park is very big.


  I like Beijing best!


  living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文 19

  The environment of the city is getting worse and worse today.There are wastes,air pollution and so on.What can we do to save our city? about the wastes,we should sort the wastes,to see if they can be recycle used; use the reusable shopping bag instead of the plastic bags.about the air pollution,we should go to school on foot or by bike; we should also ask our family not to use car as much as possible,take the subway or bus instead.I hope everyone can see the environment problem and do the best to save our city.


  living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文 20

  Life in the city is very different from life in the villages and on the farms.People in large cities are much more careful to respect the privacy of the individual.Sometimes this feeling seems to be one of indifference,but it is a convention of city life to curb ones curiosity about the personal affairs of strangers.Villagers and farmers are likely to show a great deal of interest in all their neighbors.Opportunities for bright young people are greater in the cities and there has been a steady stream of hopeful jobseekers from the villages and farms to the large metropolitan areas.


  living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文 21

  i live in a big city.but this summer holiday i want to go to the countryside to relax.the big city is modern and lively,but there is much noise,pollution,traffic,and the people in it are very busy.i dont like it.


  i like to visit nice and quiet countryside far away from the city.i like walking where there are no shops,crowds or the tube.the air is fresh,the water is clean,the trees are green,and the atmosphere is quiet.i can boat in the lake,fish and swim in the river,climb the hills and pick up the fruit.


  i hope that i can go to the countryside.that will be very interesting and healthy.


  living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文 22

  I prefer countryside to city.Because the environment of countyside is much better than the one in the city.


  For example,The ground in the countryside is cleaner than the one in the city,its quieter in the countryside then in the city and the air in the countryside is fresher while the air in the city is dirtier.Moreover,there are many noises in the city while its peaceful in the countryside.And the trees are greener and taller in the countryside.Urban people are living a busier life.The only advantage of the city is that the road is wider than the one in the countryside.


  living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文 23

  Guangzhou is the capital of guangdong.It is the biggest city in south china.And it is one of the most important cities in guangdong.


  The population of guangzhou is more than 700 million.Just like many cities,there are a lot of cars,buses and trucks.So the air in the city is not clean.Guangzhou is a noisy and crowded city.But i like it best.Because guangzhou is my home.


  living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文 24

  Living in a big city has both advantages and disadvantages. One of the major benefits is the wide range of job opportunities. Big cities are usually the economic centers, attracting numerous companies and industries. This means that people have more choices when it comes to finding a career that suits their skills and interests. For example, in a city like Shanghai or Beijing, there are countless job openings in finance, technology, and marketing.

  Another advantage is the rich cultural and entertainment options. Big cities offer a variety of museums, theaters, concerts, and sports events. One can easily enjoy different forms of art and leisure activities. Moreover, the educational resources in big cities are often superior. There are prestigious schools and universities, providing high-quality education.

  However, living in a big city also comes with challenges. The cost of living is typically high, including housing, transportation, and food. Traffic congestion is a common problem, which can lead to long commutes and wasted time. The pace of life is fast and stressful, and people may feel isolated and lonely in the midst of the crowd.

  In conclusion, living in a big city can be exciting and rewarding, but it also requires one to cope with various difficulties. It depends on an individuals preferences and abilities to make the most of the opportunities and overcome the challenges.





  living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文 25


  This is a bustling city that used to have a human touch, but after years of technological development, it has become indifferent. Now, this city is full of deception, lies, scheming, and hidden dangers.


  From the bustling streets, one can see the flow of evil, but no one stops these things, just watching coldly from the side; This means that the warm and amiable city I used to know is gone, leaving only this city full of danger.


  During the day, people in the city flow incessantly on the streets, and no one stops to admire the flowers, trees, insects, and birds in the park... These beautiful things, only remember to keep rushing forward, with a merciless expression on their faces, and no one with a smiling face; At night, neon lights were dazzling, and when I looked up, I didnt see any stars, only a sky covered in dark clouds; And the noise is noisy, it only calms down in the middle of the night.


  In this densely populated city with towering buildings, there are still some people silently making efforts and sacrifices for this city of desire. Those who do not pursue fame and fortune, but are dedicated to helping this city return to its former simple and peaceful appearance, have become very rare. Therefore, now we can only slowly and gradually find the original appearance of this city.


  This is the city where I live, it will become a more colorful and safer city.

  living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文 26


  The morning light slowly enters my sleep; A gentle breeze blew into my small room one by one, and I woke up from that unreal dream. I saw that sometimes ruthless, sometimes passionate, it was the city I lived in.


  Walking towards the bustling city center, the tall and low buildings are like a forest, perhaps colorful in the eyes of others, but I see the indifference in the city; The cold gaze of everyone makes crime rampant, and "indifference" has become a sign in the city. The noisy noise of cars and the noise of people make the city even more prosperous.


  From the bustling desire to the simple rural path, there are no tall buildings or skyscrapers here, only small apartments; There are no vehicles running on the main road, only bicycles in the alleys. Leaves drifted down from before my eyes, and as I looked up, there were blue skies, white clouds, and tender leaves. It seemed like I hadnt embraced the sky for a long time.


  In the afternoon, the clear sunshine took me back to the bustling city. Although there were no colorful flowers, I was still accustomed to bright signs, towering buildings, and crowded shopping malls. Supermarkets were a small corner of the city where I lived. The noisy sound of cars and the bustling city filled my life, it is the city where I live.

  living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文 27


  I grew up in a land of abundance - Chengdu. In peoples eyes, Chengdu is a "beautiful" city, from the Tianfu Square in the city center to the surrounding areas, all of which are places worth longing for. In my heart, the civilized city of Chengdu is a "Garden of Eden".


  Starting from the city center, its like a park where the elderly take a walk, dance, and exercise, while the children run and play in the garden, looking happy and lively. Everywhere is green, only the lilies, peonies, and orchids in every small place bloom brightly and beautifully. There are also many pools of water where various types of fish, big and small, swim happily. Generally, many couples come here to feed the fish, symbolizing that happiness can be poured into the pool forever. In this central garden, there is a harmonious and green world.

  living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文 28


  I live in a beautiful city, which is the capital of Dongguan - Dongguan. Not only is it renowned for its culture, industry, and cuisine, but it is also picturesque all year round, making people linger and forget to leave.


  In spring, when all the flowers are in full bloom, various floral fragrances fill the air. If there is anything bothersome, as long as you smell the wonderful fragrance of the flowers, everything will be resolved. Jasmine, Milan, hibiscus and other flowers are countless in number, with red, yellow, blue... making people dizzy.


  In summer, the pond in the park is filled with lotus flowers, red, pink, and white. They stand tall and graceful like fairies swaying in the breeze. The lotus leaves are like a stage for frogs. Frogs always like to sing love songs to the lotus flowers on stage, expressing their love for them. The beautiful city flower - Magnolia and the beautiful egg flowers - are representative examples that bear the brunt.


  In autumn, a messenger of autumn falls from a tree, wearing a golden skirt to tell people that autumn has arrived. Although autumn rain may not be ethereal, it still brings a sense of relaxation and joy. Everywhere, there are various types of plum blossoms, Bauhinia, and sugar gum trees, making it overwhelming.


  Winter has arrived, Dongguan is different from the north. The north will experience heavy snowfall and piercing cold winds. But in Dongguan, its called warmth. Sometimes the sun is too warm and it can make us feel dizzy and dizzy. The lush trees and colorful exotic kapok are decorating this beautiful city in full swing.


  This is my home - beautiful Dongguan, do you like it? Welcome to be a guest.

  living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文 29


  The place where I live is a bustling and bustling city. Surrounded by towering buildings, highways and roads run rampant, cutting the entire city into pieces; Among them are the piercing noise, the constant flow of people, and various bizarre events. It exudes a mysterious atmosphere, luring unsuspecting people into its dazzling swamp.


  During the day, the sunlight falls on the tall buildings, draped with a faint golden hue, and the pure white shop windows reflect dazzling sunlight, making people unable to open their eyes; The bustling traffic and bustling crowds on the road awakened the entire city from sleep with hurried footsteps. I roamed the streets of the city, watching various pedestrians pass by, including office workers waiting for buses, elderly uncles leisurely walking their dogs, and energetic children. The busy sound of cars and the bustling voices of people were heard incessantly, opening the colorful prelude to the city.


  As night falls, it brings a different atmosphere. Dazzling neon lights and colorful signs light up one by one, and people stroll through them, sinking into this bustling city of desire and unable to extricate themselves. The bustling night market, where various shops can be seen everywhere, makes peoples desires deeper and deeper; Between the alleys and alleys, there is a constant flow of evil, with dangers lurking everywhere. Heartless people ignore them, and cheap promises are commonplace, full of illusion and unreality.


  The city I live in is a prosperous yet mysterious place, it is dazzling and illusory, with various bizarre and bizarre events constantly unfolding; But occasionally, there is also warmth. Ten thousand kinds of charm woven together into this bustling city.

  living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文 30


  Walking on the street, the neon lights of the shop are dazzling, and the noise of the shop gradually fades away; The pedestrians on the road had no trace of a smile, and their faces were only engraved with the words "indifferent"; The winding alleyway harbors malice and hidden secrets. The city where I live is a prosperous city.


  Streets one by one, telling their own stories; Some are ancient symbols, some are newborn babies, but no matter what, they are the sons of the city. In my understanding, prosperity is inversely proportional to peoples hearts. In a bustling city, only indifference and harmony exist; A rural area full of people, but without convenient living, who knows if the two can coexist? I think it is possible. The city I live in is the capital of peoples desires, with high-rise buildings and skyscrapers rising and falling one after another, symbolizing our economic strength; But in this concrete jungle city, there is a hidden human touch, perhaps this is the "tip of the iceberg" that only I know.


  The birds were singing in the air, and I looked up. The sky was divided into scattered fragments, and there was no trace of the birds; Perhaps in the survival rules of this city, hearing is far superior to sight. This city is an extraordinary one, it is not a ruthless base, "indifference" is not its signature, let alone a synonym for "isolation", because in this way, I am even more proud of the city I live in.


  The city I live in is not a city that people have passed down by word of mouth. It is a place with a soul, emotions, and warmth. "The human heart is timeless," I think this can never be applied to us, because "the heart is retro" is the best adjective for this city.

  living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文 31


  Dongguan is such a beautiful and bustling city! It is a historical and cultural ancient city in Guangdong Province, with many scenic spots and historical sites, abundant tourism resources, and a long history. And this is my home! Now, let me take everyone on a trip to Dongguan!


  Dongguan is a historical and cultural ancient city in Guangdong Province, home to one of the four famous gardens in Guangdong, such as Ke Yuan, Yuan Chonghuans former residence, Huangqi Ancient Temple, and so on... It adds a touch of pride and pride to our faces. Moreover, Dongguans night view is the most beautiful, with every high-rise building shining with colorful lights, which is extremely beautiful. The night here is as colorful as Beijing, especially the night view of Wanjiang Bridge, which is like a big cake with candles, making the entire Dongguan bright and magnificent.


  The changes in Dongguan have been too great. In the past, Dongguan was still an inconspicuous small city, where people lived in bungalows or tiled houses. The roads were built and uneven, and at night, the sky became so dark that it seemed to be covered in a black cloth. And what about Dongguan now? Its really surprising that small bungalows have been phased out, and now we all live in high-rise buildings. Whenever night falls, colorful lights light up one after another, which is so beautiful. The spacious asphalt roads have replaced the uneven paths, and a brand new big city has appeared in front of me. Moreover, Dongguan has been named the "National Flower City" this year, which is truly amazing!


  Dongguan, how much I love you, how proud and proud I am of you. Dongguan - My City, My Home.

  living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文 32


  My hometown is Mengzhou, which is the hometown of Han Yu, the leader of the Eight Great Families of the Tang and Song dynasties. It has beautiful scenery and abundant resources throughout the year, making it a lovely place.


  My city, my home, I am a member of this big family, so I want to take care of our city, save every kilowatt hour of electricity, save every piece of paper... I will strive to be a small environmental protection officer in the city, and contribute my own strength to the construction of our urban home.


  One day during this summer vacation, the weather was very hot. My mother asked me to turn on the air conditioner to cool down. I said to my mother, "Mom, turning on the air conditioner not only wastes electricity but also pollutes the air. Why dont we go swimming together?" My mother happily agreed.


  My mother strode to the garage, ready to push out the motorcycle. I said to my mother again, "Mom, the Dragon and Phoenix Pond is not far from us. Lets go by bike! This way, it saves fuel and money, and its also a low-carbon lifestyle, very environmentally friendly."


  "Okay, okay, okay." Mom readily agreed again! Along the way, my mother kept praising me as a small environmental protection worker for doing very well today.


  Friends, the city is my home. We want to live an environmentally friendly and low-carbon life. Starting from now, starting from ourselves, starting from small things, we will add luster to the construction of our beautiful urban home.

  living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文 33


  The city I live in is a "big garden". In this "big garden", we can always see scenes that make people feel refreshed and happy every day - clean, tidy, and shaded by green trees. This beautiful "big garden" is Shanghai. The beauty of Shanghai is not only attributed to the cleaners and green chemicals, but also to us citizens who are indispensable.


  On a hot noon, when I walked on the Nanjing Road Walkway, the sweat on my head continued to flow down. With more sweat, I naturally used more paper towels. My mother also used almost all the paper towels in her pocket. I saw my mother throw a paper towel that had wiped off the sweat on the ground. I quickly stopped her, and then put the paper towel into the garbage can. My mother was happy and a little embarrassed when she saw it. Not long after, the weather became even hotter, and tissues and plastic bags were scattered everywhere on the streets. When I saw this situation, the conflicting mentality left me at a loss: pick it up, but Im afraid its dirty; Dont pick it up, you did it wrong. Finally, I made up my mind to pick up the tissues and plastic bags on the ground and put them in the trash can. At this point, the street became much cleaner.


  Although my personal strength is insignificant, I am willing to do my best. I hope that every Shanghainese can add more brilliance to this beautiful city like me.

  living in a big city英語(yǔ)作文 34


  Changsha, the capital of Hunan Province, is known as the "hometown of Qu Jia" and "Xiaoxiang Zhusi". Ningxiang, a county-level city under the jurisdiction of Hunan Province, is managed by the provincial capital Changsha City. Ningxiang is named after its meaning of "local peace", and therefore ranks 18th in the top 100 counties in China.


  With the creation of a civilized city, our city has undergone magnificent transformations time and time again. A high-quality modern city that is shaded by green trees, clean and comfortable, revered for morality and etiquette, and striving for progress is now before us.


  When it comes to Ningxiang, one cannot help but talk about the wetland park along the river scenic belt, Weishan Scenic Area, Tanhe Ancient City, Guanshan Ancient Town... The stone road that stretches for several miles in the wetland park is a good place for many citizens to take a walk, and people can exercise their bodies everywhere; The air in Weishan Scenic Area is fresh, the sky is clear, and the sky is clear, with a vast expanse of blue and blue. The verdant scenery and atmosphere are everywhere verdant, breathing fresh air one by one, refreshing and refreshing. Speaking of the Song Dynasty Charcoal River Eternal Love Performance in the ancient city of Charcoal, hundreds of actors passionately performed, singing a touching and timeless legend of Charcoal River in the three-dimensional space of water, land, and air.


  Tall buildings stand tall on this beautiful land, and city stations are set up in every community for citizens to rest and enjoy! The under construction Changyi Changsha high-speed railway is expected to take only 10 minutes from Ningxiang to Changsha by high-speed rail, making it convenient for citizens to travel. The Automobile Bridge and Shahe Bridge are transportation arteries that cross the Wei River in the urban area of Ningxiang City. They are currently being demolished and rebuilt, and are planned to be a two-way six lane urban main road. The upcoming urban subways and light rails will also make travel more convenient for the public. The location advantage, urban image, and taste of Ningxiang will be further enhanced.


  I believe our city will become even better!

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