
時(shí)間:2023-06-06 16:10:19 許清 英語作文 我要投稿




  內(nèi)在美英語作文 1

  "There is no lack of beauty in life, but the lack of eyes to find it." Some people say grass is beautiful, some people say ordinary is beautiful, some people say setbacks are beautiful, and I think beggars are beautiful.

  A beggar sat by the roadside, wrinkled and worn, as if he had experienced all the hard things in the world. His clothes were ragged and dirty. He had no legs, his upper body was propped up on a board with four wheels, and he was constantly begging people who came and went by the roadside. But no one took any notice of him.

  Maybe it is because they are ugly and unclean. I hate beggars very much. So every time they ask me for money, I always hold my head high and walk past without looking. And this beggar made me change my mind about them.

  Never know who is lost a banana peel on the ground, the beggar with stroke in the past, scrambling to pick up it, and then have a cross to a nearby garbage can, ready to throw the banana skin to go in, but because he couldnt reach garbage can, had to helplessly throw a banana peel on the ground of close to the garbage can, and then turned away, disappear in the boundless huge crowd......

  Looking at his back, my feeling arises spontaneously: the appearance of beauty and ugliness can not represent a persons character and personality. He is ugly in appearance, but he has a heart of gold. Isnt it the most beautiful thing that a small gesture can show the nobility of humanity in a vast crowd?






  內(nèi)在美英語作文 2

  Nowadays, many people in our society only pursue external beauty, but ignore the importance of internal beauty.

  Went downstairs one day to buy snacks. After buying something, he turned his head and saw the fruit seller Shouting, "Fresh fruit!" An aunt picked the fruit carefully. At this time, a very handsome uncle slowly approached the aunt, he looked around, quietly ed his hand into the aunt is picking fruit bag. I thought to myself: broken, is a thief.

  When I was anxious, suddenly a very ugly middle-aged uncle appeared in front of the thief shouted: "young man, what are you doing? Keep your hands and feet on the line." The thief got a fright and pulled his hand back. My aunt turned around and realized what had happened. When the thief saw that he had no chance, he ran as fast as he could. The aunt thanked the uncle repeatedly. Uncle although ugly, but a smile is particularly sincere. Looking at the back of the uncle away, my heart is warm. Uncle is not handsome, but he has a beautiful heart.

  Although physical beauty can attract people, it does not necessarily win respect. I have a classmate, very beautiful, big eyes, black hair, skin is very white, but he always like to bully small students, sometimes also say some dirty words. When this happens, I dont think shes beautiful at all.

  Therefore, we should not only pursue external beauty, but also pay attention to internal beauty. Beauty inside and outside is true beauty.






  內(nèi)在美英語作文 3

  One day, the weather was fine and the air was fresh. The little white rabbit jumped up from the bed and shouted: "Mom, mom, get up!" Mother rabbit got up from the bed, rubbing the sleepy eyes, asked: "Whats wrong?"

  The small white rabbit excitedly said to her: "Mom, you see the mushrooms are mature outside, we go to pick mushrooms today!"

  "All right! Mother rabbit dressed while saying, "a few days ago has been raining, today just go out to breathe fresh air." Say that finish, rabbit mother then picked up the basket, took the small white rabbits hand, walked toward the woods.

  In the woods, the small white rabbit began to pick mushrooms. It saw a big tree growing a lot of beautiful mushrooms, thought: "These mushrooms are so beautiful, pick back to cook mushroom soup must be very good to drink." So he stretched out his hand and went for it. Mother rabbit saw, rushed over, took the small white rabbits hand. "You cant pick it! Mother Rabbit shouted, "These mushrooms are very poisonous!"

  "What? Is it poisonous?" The little white rabbit was frightened and quickly drew back his hand.

  Mother rabbit significantly said to the small white rabbit: "Although these mushrooms look very beautiful, but the body contains deadly venom, whether it is human or animal, as long as you eat it, dead!"

  After listening to the small white rabbit, finally understand a truth: "the appearance of beauty is not necessarily the inner beauty".








  內(nèi)在美英語作文 4

  I remember three years ago, I saw a gorgeously dressed lady standing in the street, she dressed in gold and silver, elegant manner, looks extraordinary temperament, let people shine at the moment.

  Next to the lady was a cleaner, in rags and patched clothes, with untidy hair, a poor look, but dedicated to sweeping the streets, day after day, year after year. There was never a pause. Through rain and rain, she never gave up her job.

  At this time, the lady casually threw the dirty garbage on the ground, and disdainfully glanced at the cleaner, then left with a snort, the cleaner without another word, bent down to pick up the garbage and throw it back into the trash can.

  I saw what happened with my own eyes. He thought to himself, "How can that lady do that? She really knows everyone and knows nothing. Just pity the cleaner, so hard, despised, is it worth it? The cleaner left after he had finished his work.

  Looking at the cleaner gradually blurred back, I think of drinking to her so unknown, not seeking fame and wealth. Of course, I also think of a lady who only cares about her appearance, not her inner beauty. But what is the use of appearance in pleasing the eye? It wont make people admire you, wont make people look up to you. But having inner beauty makes a difference. It really makes people look at you differently.

  Although this matter has passed for 3 years, but still imprinted in my heart, will never be erased, so many this year, I am still looking for the familiar figure, but the figure seems to evaporate, disappeared without a trace......







  內(nèi)在美英語作文 5

  Early spring, there is still a burst of biting wind, there is no trace of spring around, the tree did not open a flower, winter girl stopped here, do not want to go?

  On the way to school, is still a cold road, but is not the same, the corner of a bright red flower, is so graceful, graceful. Was she the first emissary sent by Sister Chun? Bright petals with a few drops of dew, two green leaves drooping on both sides. She went forward gently, swaying in the arms of the cold wind.

  Isnt she cold? She must be cold. I felt her petals, cold and cold, but she was still so soft, so smooth, so beautiful, as if the cold didnt even touch it.

  Isnt she tired? She must be very tired. She flounced gently, and the cold wind, unsympathetic, cruelly scraped one of her beautiful petals. She kept her head down. How did she get out of such hard soil? How fragile she was.

  Isnt she sad? She must be very sad, no spring breeze warm embrace, no grass and her play, no spring rain moisten her, only the cruel erosion of the cold wind, only the hard soil company, only the storm beat her.

  How small she was, but how did she get out of the hard earth? How can she withstand the cold wind? Its being strong, its being brave, its trying, its trying, its succeeding.

  How beautiful she is, and how strong she is. Her outer beauty and inner beauty are one and the same.








  內(nèi)在美英語作文 6

  One day, I came to the wardrobe, saw my mother has a dress is very beautiful, I readily took the clothes out, put on their own, came to the mirror in front of the left and right, always feel something missing.

  I went to my mothers dressing table again and rubbed my lips with lipstick. Because my hands do not listen to order, wipe to wipe to make like a "big face", but I feel beautiful.

  At five o clock in the afternoon, my mother came back and looked at me like this. She couldnt laugh or cry. I asked my mother: "Mother, am I so beautiful?" Mother stroked my head and said earnestly: "Silly children, light appearance beauty, not really beautiful, but also to see the beauty of the inside, when the student is the first thing to do well in learning."

  I seemed to understand my mothers words, and I began to get serious in my study. At the end of the term, I reviewed carefully, and I got good grades in the final exam. I went home to my mother. Mother said happily: "Today, my daughter is really beautiful."

  I listened to my mother, very happy.






  內(nèi)在美英語作文 7

  It is the "beauty" on the outside that is not necessarily pleasing. What people care about is the "beauty" on the inside. Inner beauty includes wisdom of the United States and personality, temper, the most important is "self-confidence", so we also want to know where their beauty, but also know how to appreciate themselves.

  From birth to now, we all praise my eyes, my mom and dad are also proud of my big eyes, my teachers have taught me that my features are very beautiful. When I look in the mirror, I know my appearance is not bad, but I also remind myself to "repair both inside and outside" and be a beautiful girl with connotation.

  I like to share my "wisdom" with others. It is a good feeling to share the beauty of understanding with everyone. Unfortunately, my temper is hard to say, sometimes as gentle as an angel, sometimes as fierce as a lion abnormal bad, this is my shortcomings, must improve.

  I am a love beautiful little girl, but I do not only care about appearance, I care more about inner beauty!





  內(nèi)在美英語作文 8

  Throughout ancient and modern times, only external beauty without inner beauty will soon be buried by the dust of history, and the inner beauty of the rich people are good reputation spread, for people to learn from. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Inner beauty is the foundation, laying the foundation for success. Andersen was born in a shoemaker family, lost his father in childhood, life was poor, but he loved literature, pay attention to observe life, experience life, get inspiration from life, write a popular fairy tale; Li Qingzhao was able to stand out as a well-known great female poet in the era when men were superior to women, because of her continuous enrichment of her own connotation and careful investigation of life. It can also be said that her inner beauty made her.

  Under the test of time, the person with abundant inner beauty becomes the witness of history, the pioneer, and the model to be sung by later generations. In todays society, inner beauty is very important for a person. It determines your future development direction and achievements. So, from now on, expand your knowledge, enrich your connotation, and lay a foundation for the future!

  Remember, when your inner beauty is completed, your charm will shine!




  內(nèi)在美英語作文 9

  One morning, rabbit mother put on the pink flower coat, wearing an apron, she woke up the white rabbit in vain: "Get up in vain, today is sunny, mother take you to the forest to pick mushrooms." "Thats great! He jumped up from the bed happily for nothing.

  Mother rabbit caught the basket, led the white came to the big forest, small mushrooms after the rain really beautiful ah! Like a small open umbrella. Mother rabbit and the little white rabbit picked up. Suddenly, in vain found a big tree growing a lot of beautiful mushrooms, she quickly shouted: "Mom, you come to see these mushrooms really beautiful ah!" Rabbit mother earnest said: "dont look at these mushrooms so beautiful, in fact, it flows a lot of venom in the body, but also a young man to poison it." Rabbit mother pointed to the basket said: "dont look at the appearance of these mushrooms is not very beautiful, but the nutrition inside is really high, eat can also complement the body oh!"

  Listen to mothers words significantly said: "the original appearance will deceive people, I will not be confused by the surface of the future." With these words, she hurried away from the place where the poisonous mushrooms were growing.




  內(nèi)在美英語作文 10

  There are many kinds of beauty and ugliness in this world. We should have both outer and inner beauty. But which is more important? Listen to me:

  First, let me ask you a question: What kind of flowers do you like? Chrysanthemums, peonies, cuckoos or daffodils? I like lotus flowers. Lotus has been praised by many poets, such as the Northern Song Dynasty scholar Zhou Dunyi wrote "Ailian said" : "to the only Ailian out of the mud without dyeing, Zhuo Qinglian without demon, in the straight, not sprawling branches, Xiang Yuan Yi Qing, pavilion net plant, can be far view can not be obscene play how." He said: I only like lotus, because it grows in the mud but not dirty, washed by waves but not coquiteness, modest and upright, not flowery, fragrance spread far away still fragrance, long graceful, can be viewed from afar, but can not be taken in the hand to play. I like lotus because it is not ostented, does not compete for the limelight, also has other characteristics: in the "troubled times", is not affected, cold and proud, does not yield to other flowers, and has a gentlemanly demeanor, I love lotus.

  However, there are some flowers, they "dress up", but there is no "real ability", once the wind and rain will be defeated, wither, and even die young.

  Our human beings are also like this, some people are highly educated, but modest and prudent; Some people have a little knowledge, without reservation to show it out; Some people have no real talent, but to compare with others, competition for the limelight.

  We have most of our lives ahead of us, but if we dont take all the time and all the opportunities we have, we are likely to become weeds on the wall, unknown. Inner beauty is really beautiful, now let us work hard, do an excellent young pioneers!






  內(nèi)在美英語作文 11

  Look at a person to see the inner beauty, external beauty is secondary. Outward beauty is natural capital, but inner beauty is slowly honed in the future life experience. Just imagine, a quiet and beautiful woman, a handsome promoted man from the appearance of pleasant to look at, but a speech is not good, what is more, as a national abuse as a mantra, careless and illogical...... Will people still like this physical beauty?

  Peoples moral character and sentiment are also an important part of the inner beauty of people. Moral character is a persons conscious moral consciousness, moral behavior; Sentiment is composed of thoughts, feelings, will, etc., relatively stable psychological state. They are all guided and conditioned by the philosophy of life, and they are all expressed by peoples words and deeds. Good character, high sentiment, must have a beautiful mind. At present, we should promote social ethics such as civility, care for public property, abide by discipline and law, promote professional ethics such as loving ones post and dedication, honesty and trustworthiness, return to society, and promote the virtues of respecting the old and caring for the young, gender equality, neighborhood unity and family. These are of great significance for shaping peoples inner beauty. Rich knowledge and accomplishment, but also the inner beauty of the indispensable. Especially in the rapid development of science and technology today, knowledgeable, intelligent, capable, well-cultivated people, people respect and admire. Those who are not afraid of rugged, dangerous road, brave to climb the peak of science, with their own knowledge to make contributions to the construction of human civilization, the inner world of experts and scholars is beautiful.

  Modern people should constantly enrich their knowledge and self-cultivation, so that the inner beauty is more enriched and perfect. So look at the inner beauty of people, external beauty is not very important.




  內(nèi)在美英語作文 12

  What is beauty? People abandon everything in order to pursue her. Some people say, "Beauty is only shown in contrast to ugliness. Nowadays, people pay attention to the beauty of shape, but pay more attention to the beauty of inner and spiritual. In our daily life, the most beautiful thing we can find is the persons appearance and dashboard beauty. A correct understanding of beauty and ugliness can reflect its view of beauty and ugliness. On the contrary, some people will not treat beauty and ugliness correctly. We know that the inner beauty of a person is how to reflect, it refers to the temperament and demeanor of a person, as well as the style formed in the long-term life to reflect it, it can also be reflected from a persons behavior and other places.

  Bacon once said, "There are many beautiful people who do nothing. They pursue their physical beauty too much, and give up their inner beauty. "As a result, people blindly pursue physical beauty in our society, but ignore the inner beauty of a person, and it is precisely through his inner beauty that the true beauty of a person is reflected. If a person abandons the inner beauty, then he will not be respected.

  Madame Curie, who won the Nobel Prize, was said to be unbeautiful, wearing a long black gown with no smile on her pale, thin face. But Madame Curie was so excited about the discovery of radium. All day in the tense work, solemnly said he did not have the kind of "temperament", but he has a contribution to the human spirit of the United States, a tenacious struggle of the spirit of the United States, can it be said that she is not beautiful?

  Premier Zhou is known as a handsome man, wearing patched clothes and sweaters with cuffed sleeves, but his beauty is reflected in his gestures. In the reception of foreign guests, Premier Zhous dashboard beauty again and again won the respect of foreign guests.

  As young people, when you are in the pursuit of beauty, let knowledge, culture into your heart, let you always exude the breath of beauty.






  內(nèi)在美英語作文 13

  Today, as the development of technology, people can change their faces by doing plastic surgery, because of the commercial ads, people are highly effected by the exaggerated facts that they can be the shining stars. So people pay special attention on the outlooks, they want to look perfect, as far as I am concerned, the true beauty is nothing with perfect looking, only the inner beauty makes you shining. In the fairly tale of Cinderella, the prince chooses the poor girl instead of the beautiful girls, because he admires Cinderella’s inner beauty, though she is nobody. Though it is just a story, it tells people that inner beauty makes one outstanding.

  People can make their faces perfect, but there is no way to fulfill their inner beauty by technology. Inner beauty is the most precious thing, beautiful outlook will fade away with the time, but inner beauty won’t, it only getting valuable.



  內(nèi)在美英語作文 14

  Now people should generally think that inner beauty is important? Zhang Xiaofeng doesnt think so. I dont think so.

  You cant see the inner beauty of a man, and you dont know. But external beauty, when you see his first eye, you can find. Sometimes, the external beauty is very important. "If I was hit by a motorcycle on the road, as long as I get a look, the man riding a new bright red car, wearing a beautiful white jeans, a brilliant yellow radiance of a sweater and, above all, there is a Omar Sharif type the character of the face, I have a soft heart, beat yourself up dust yourself walking and sincerely apologize to him, please dont mind my forehead he accidentally knocked his car paint. But if the man riding a vintage car ash not yellow is not yellow, with a swollen shiny untidy ugly face, (or, worse, it is a bit long beans.) I have not trouble him!"

  If only the inner beauty with flowers "but nobody heard guava flower? Who has ordered a poplar for a girlfriend? Melon, watermelon flowers flowers although future can ", but where had descendants flourish" anthography!"

  But people have the beauty of the outside, like a noble and beautiful rose - "to make flowers, you have to make beautiful roses." To be a man, of course, is great, otherwise, at least it will be beautiful! "

  Inner beauty, beauty in the heart, can anyone see it at the same time? Why is the plastic house so hot? Why do everyone want to plastic? There is only one reason: "I forgive Lin Daiyu, forgive the beauty, forgive the premature death of the Empress Dowager Mrs. Lee, although they are often ill. "The sick man of East Asia" is probably the kind of "East Asian sick woman students. But as long as the sick students like Lin Daiyu and rosy cheeks red, Xingmou shine, or like a beauty that frowns with heart, breath it, even to the beauty, can also get a prize for the best looking ". If you like her, although the body, good acting, and who would know?"

  I can not say that inner beauty is useless and military, and I have different views with the author.

  If people have only the external beauty but lack the connotation, I can only call it an empty shell without the soul. If people have not only the beauty of external but also the inner beauty, then the empty shells that are not useless are completely incomparable with the single soul.

  Although the present social appearance is more important than the connotation, the lifeless rose is never better than a rose with a spirit.









  內(nèi)在美英語作文 15

  Recently, many beautiful, sender actresses have been posing for sexy pictures to earn money. It is an easy way to become famous. However, their beauty goes no deeper than their lovely skin.

  If we understand what real beauty is , we can enrich ourselves with books to gain knowledge, or participate in all sorts of activities to gain experience. In my opinion, a dazzling and confident smile comes from someone with inner beauty.



  內(nèi)在美英語作文 16

  Whether its ancient, modern, or foreign, everyone loves beauty. But just the appearance of beauty may not necessarily make people happy, what people care about is actually the inner beauty. Inner beauty includes the beauty of wisdom, personality, temper, and most importantly, "confidence". Therefore, we also need to know where we are beautiful and appreciate ourselves.

  From birth to now, everyone praises my eyes, and my parents are also proud of my big eyes. My teachers who have taught me say that my facial features are very beautiful. Looking in the mirror, I know my appearance is not bad, but I always remind myself to "cultivate both inside and outside" and be a beautiful girl with meaning.

  I like to share wisdom with others, and the beauty of having knowledge together is a very beautiful feeling. Unfortunately, my temper is hard to say. Sometimes its gentle like an angel, but sometimes its exceptionally bad like a fierce lion. This is my weakness and I must improve.

  I am a beautiful little girl, but I not only care about appearance, I am more concerned about inner beauty!





  內(nèi)在美英語作文 17

  Internal beauty and physical beauty generally believe that physical beauty refers to a persons appearance has elegant attraction to others, while internal beauty refers to a persons moral standards, which has certain value to people. Many people think that appreciation is the most important, because there is one thing, physical beauty is good for everyone, on the other hand, attractive faces can help us win more opportunities to realize our dreams. Many people think that although spiritual beauty is very important, inner beauty is more important because it is something deep in our heart.

  In my opinion, it has a strong appeal to the society. Physical beauty coexists with internal beauty. Physical beauty is born, but internal beauty is acquired.

  Therefore, we must learn to be willing to help others, give to others, affectionate, selfish and tolerant The precious quality of inner beauty in people creates a harmonious living and working environment.




  內(nèi)在美英語作文 18

  E4be5 due to the importance of internal beauty, with the development of technology, people can change their faces by cosmetic surgery. Because of commercial advertits, people are affected by exaggerated facts, and they can become shining stars. Therefore, people pay special attention to appearance.

  They want to look perfect. In my opinion, real beauty is not perfect appearance, only internal beauty can make you shine In Cinderellas beautiful story, the prince chooses the r girl instead of the beautiful girl, because he worships Cinderellas inner beauty. Although she is just a story, she is not a person.

  It tells people that the inner beauty makes an excellent person perfect his face, but there is no way to realize their inner beauty through technology. Inner beauty is the most precious thing. Beautiful appearance will fade over time, but inner beauty will not.

  It will only become valuable.





  內(nèi)在美英語作文 19

  Many people, especially women, when they hear someone praising them, she says, "Wow, Hello, ah beauty" and "you become so beautiful". They always smile openly and pretend to be shy and respond with "no pull". But in fact, they are very happy in their hearts.

  This may be why few people have heard people say, "you are smart". Since advocating the new era, people pay more attention to the inner beauty Why do duplicity people go to see others? Vanity praises its hypocrisy because of its huge sense of happiness, which also shows that most people attach importance to their own beauty and are interested in pursuing their own beauty. However, on the charming appearance, they do not have a pure heart.

  They will pursue the external rather than understand the inner essence. Such a person is like a drive Shell, nihilism, not respected by people, is very difficult to succeed in the increasingly fierce contemporary society, will be very difficult to find their own foothold, do not let the beautiful appearance cover your eyes, open your heart, with knowledge, with talent to open up your brilliant road of life.




  內(nèi)在美英語作文 20

  Colorful flowers have their beautiful and beautiful appearance; tall tall and tall trees have their persevering heart; Beethoven has no intact facial features but unyielding willpower. Lai xx has its magnificent homes, glamorous dress, but no down-to-earth quality.

  The external beauty is of course important, but the inner beauty can also reflect a persons overall temperament.

  The first president of the United States in Washington, he has a higher right to manage the country, as the countrys president, his life his ordinary dress chastity. But he gave up his position and gave up the young man to take the position for his doubtful competence. He kept his feet on the ground and continued to enrich his life. Later, the war between the US and France could follow the mission of the country and stand out to protect the survival and development of the country and guide the war.

  His feet on the ground, his inner beauty popular.

  Beethoven, the great musician, his persistent and unyielding soul scattered brilliant and dazzling light under the torment of blindness and hearing loss. His indomitable and unyielding perseverance before the disaster let us feel kindly from the heros symphony. He never like other musicians as magnificent and solemn costumes, not that expensive and complete their music life, but his inner beauty let him have a seat in the music hall.

  His indomitable perseverance, unyielding respected and appreciated.

  In our daily life, we have not ruled Washington skills, not Beethovens super talent in music, not a born beauty appearance, but we have a pure and sincere heart. We are all ordinary and ordinary mortals.

  She was in the market for the first time she met her. She, very special. All the students walked into the examination room alone, and he needed the teacher to get into the examination room. Her body amputated, he could not walk like a normal person, she needs someone to take care of, and he has a thankful and optimistic heart, he is willing to help others solve the problem of learning, willing to help students open their hearts, her face always smiling, he has no sense of inferiority, no sorrow.

  The beauty of his mind is far beyond his physical defects.

  The beauty after packing is good, but pure, natural and plain beauty can move other peoples eyeballs more.












  內(nèi)在美英語作文 21

  Nowadays, many people in society only persist in pursuing external beauty while neglecting the importance of internal beauty.

  One day, I went downstairs to buy snacks. After shopping, I turned around and saw the fruit seller shouting, "Fresh fruit!" An aunt carefully picked out the fruit. At this moment, a handsome uncle slowly approached the aunt. He looked around and quietly ed his hand into the bag of the fruit picking aunt. I thought to myself: Its broken, its a thief.

  While I was anxious, suddenly a middle-aged uncle who looked very ugly appeared in front of me and shouted to the thief, "Young man, what are you doing? Be honest with your hands and feet." The thief was startled and squeezed his hands back. Auntie only realized what had happened when she turned around. The thief ran away as soon as he saw that there was no chance. Auntie repeatedly thanked Uncle. Although Uncle looks ugly, his smile is particularly sincere. Watching Uncles distant figure, my heart was warm. Uncle is not handsome, but he has a beautiful heart.

  Although external beauty can attract people, it may not necessarily win their respect. I have a classmate who is extremely beautiful, with big eyes, dark hair, and white skin. However, he always likes to bully his classmates and sometimes even says some dirty words. Whenever this happens, I dont think shes beautiful at all.

  So, we should not only pursue external beauty, but also pay attention to internal beauty. The true beauty is both inside and outside.






  內(nèi)在美英語作文 22

  Throughout history and modern times, those who have only external beauty but no internal beauty will soon be buried in the dust of history, while those who have abundant internal beauty will spread their reputation for learning and reference. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and inner beauty is the foundation, laying the foundation for success. Andersen came from a shoemaker family, lost his father in his childhood, and lived in poverty. However, he was passionate about literature, focused on observing and experiencing life, and drew inspiration from it, writing famous fairy tales; Li Qingzhao stood out as a well-known great female lyricist in that era of male superiority and female inferiority, thanks to her continuous enrichment of her own connotation, careful examination of life, and can also be said to be the result of her inner beauty.

  Under the test of time, those with inner beauty and abundance become witnesses and pioneers of history, and become role models for future generations to praise. In todays society, inner beauty is crucial for a person as it determines their future development direction and achievements. Therefore, from now on, expand knowledge, enrich content, and lay the foundation for the future!

  Please remember that when the improvement of inner beauty is completed, it is when your charm is highlighted!




  內(nèi)在美英語作文 23

  Everyone has a love for beauty, "it is impossible to say that a person does not love beauty. Perhaps many people believe that being beautiful is beauty, then you are completely wrong. Actually, there are two types of cents: inner beauty and outer beauty. External beauty may leave a momentary radiance and brilliance. But in contrast, inner beauty can be memorable and unforgettable.

  We should pay more attention to inner beauty, and pay more attention to our own character, temperament, and cultivation. Appearance is important, but like a dying meteor, it can only shine for a moment and cannot shine for a lifetime. Is it beauty to have someone who looks beautiful but has a very ugly soul? So while appearance is important, inner beauty is the true beauty.

  Appearance may be innate capital, it is something that comes with being born. However, inner beauty requires us to be with us in our future lives, gradually honed through experience. Only a life that possesses inner beauty can realize a life that people revere today, which is a happy, beautiful, and fulfilling life.

  In the "50 Most Beautiful Women in China" selection event hosted by dozens of mainstream joint media, Yang Jiao topped the list, while Yu Dan was shortlisted in the top few. However, Li Yuchun, who had previously been highly acclaimed, fell out of the list. Some corn question: Is our spring not as beautiful as Professor Yu Dan? From the perspective of "connotation beauty", she was elected as the third most beautiful woman in China in 2008. Di Yudan is naturally harmonious and happy. She said, "Every womans first 20 years were spent living by her beautiful appearance, while the latter half of her body was cultivated by herself.

  If perfection is a hundred points, then internal beauty accounts for 80%, while external beauty only accounts for 20%. However, Professor Yu Dan the reason why she was selected as the third most beautiful woman in China is not because of how beautiful she looks, but because of her temperament, cultivation, and other qualities that demonstrate inner beauty.

  Perhaps inner beauty is something that many people value, but starting today, let us pay more attention to inner beauty, just like a beautiful pearl, which was created by Du Li through countless hardships.















