
時(shí)間:2023-04-25 00:54:21 讀后感 我要投稿
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上個周末一口氣讀完了彼得巴菲特的自傳《人生由你做主》Life is What You Make It。作為股神巴菲特的兒子,彼得隨和淡定,將自己和父親的故事娓娓道來;作為頗有成就的音樂家和作曲家,彼得的故事讓我感嘆他對音樂和譜曲的執(zhí)著勇敢;作為自傳的作者,他樸質(zhì)而悠揚(yáng)的文筆感染了很多無名小眾。 如果說彼得是富二代中的富二代,那他的成長過程可是再普通不過-出生在美國東部再普通不過的溫馨大家庭,彼得深深感受到父輩的呵護(hù),回過頭來,他覺得告訴爺爺今天學(xué)了什么,與爸爸一起看棒球比賽都為他今后的人生道路做好鋪墊。如果說彼得是艾美獎的作家作曲得主,那他對美國土著民(印地安人)的關(guān)心和關(guān)注便是他創(chuàng)作靈感的源泉。從三十秒的廣告到電視配樂,從電影中兩分鐘的插曲到自編的大型音樂劇,彼得的不氣不餒的精神提供了他前進(jìn)的動力。希望每個人都可以透過這本書找到真實(shí)的自我,而不是活在別人的影子里的寄生蟲! 現(xiàn)將彼得巴菲特自傳中比較好的語錄摘錄下來與大家分享。望共勉之! Values are the steady currency that earn us the all-important rewards of self-respect and peace of mind. If trust is the core value that allows us to meet the world in a cheerful stance, then tolerance is the equally important quality that allows us to deal with the realities of differences and conflict. Diversity is the spice of life. Our ability to embrace diversity makes our own lives richer. …But looked at from a broader perspective-perspective of making our lives as rich and rewarding as they can possibly be-books and school may be the tool of education, but they are not its substance. The substance of education has to do with understanding human nature- both our own inmost hearts, and the motives and longings of people very different from ourselves. For my father-and now for me-they essence of a good work ethic starts with meeting a challenge of self-discovery, finding something you love to do, so that work-even, or especially, when it is very difficult and arduous-becomes joyful, maybe even sacred. A sane and durable work ethic keeps the emphasis not on fickle rewards, but on the work itself-on the passion and focus and seriousnesss of purpose with which the work is approached. True success comes from within. It is a function of who we are and what we do. It emerges from the mysterious chemistry of our abilities and passion and hard work and commitment.










