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今天偷得半日閑,翻檢舊物,發(fā)現(xiàn)我的兩個兒子--先后負(fù)笈美利堅--之一用英文寫的一篇讀后感,他曾以之作為申請常春藤盟校[1]大學(xué)本科必交的Essays之一篇,這篇短文對于他被錄取很是給力,所以覺得有些紀(jì)念意義,特轉(zhuǎn)錄敝人博客。本人也極喜歡Frost的這首雖短小卻意義非同尋常的詩作The Road Not Taken,于是搜尋、附上作者簡介,詩人本人及他人誦讀的錄音,以饗同好。我兒子的這篇讀后Thoughts on Frost's"The Road Not Taken",或可供申請讀美國大學(xué)的高中生和他們的家長參考。


[1]常春藤盟校或常春藤聯(lián)盟(Ivy League)指的是由美國東北部的8所高等學(xué)府組成的體育賽事聯(lián)盟。這8所學(xué)校有著許多共同的特點:它們都是美國最頂尖、最難考入的大學(xué)、也是全世界生產(chǎn)最多羅德獎學(xué)金得主的大學(xué)聯(lián)盟、全世界接受捐款最多的學(xué)府、擁有優(yōu)秀的學(xué)生與師資。此外它們也是美國歷史最悠久的大學(xué):8所學(xué)校中的7所是在英國殖民時期建立的。這八所學(xué)府常跟美國兩個世界一流的理工大學(xué)麻省理工學(xué)院與加州理工學(xué)院,相提并論,而這八所常春藤跟兩所理工大學(xué)常常被稱為「美國十大名!。常春藤盟校包括:布朗大學(xué)、哥倫比亞大學(xué)、康乃爾大學(xué)、達(dá)特茅斯學(xué)院、哈佛大學(xué)、賓州大學(xué)、普林斯頓大學(xué)、耶魯大學(xué)。所有的常春藤盟校都是私立大學(xué),雖然它們大多也接受聯(lián)邦政府資助以鼓勵學(xué)術(shù)研究。

Thoughts on Frost's The Road Not Taken Author:One of the Bloger's Sons Robert Frost:The Road Not Taken Two roads diverged in ayellow wood,

And sorry Icould not travel both And be one traveler,long Istood And looked down one as far as Icould To where it bent in the undergrowth.

Then took the other,as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,

Because it was grassy and wanted wear;

Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same.

And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black.

Oh,I kept the first for another day!

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if Ishould ever come back.

I shall be telling this with asigh Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in awood,and I--

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

Pulitzer Prize winning poet Robert Frost(1874-1963)often drew inspiration from his rural life in New England.He dealt with themes of philosophy,social life,and mortality."The Road not taken"is one of the most quoted poems.



Photo by Karsh Robert Frost(March 26,1874– January 29,1963)

Robert Frost was born in San Francisco on March 26,1874.He moved to New England at the age of eleven and became interested in reading and writing poetry during his high school years in Lawrence,Massachusetts.He was enrolled at Dartmouth College in 1892,and later at Harvard,though he never earned aformal degree.

F rost drifted through astring of occupations after leaving school,working as ateacher,cobbler,and editor of the Lawrence Sentinel.His first professional poem,"My Butterfly,"was published on November 8,1894,in the New York newspaper The Independent.

In 1895,Frost married Elinor Miriam White,who became amajor inspiration in his poetry until her death in 1938.The couple moved to England in 1912,after their New Hampshire farm failed,and it was abroad that Frost met and was influenced by such contemporary British poets as Edward Thomas,Rupert Brooke,and Robert Graves.While in England,Frost also established afriendship with the poet Ezra Pound,who helped to promote and publish his work.

By the time Frost returned to the United States in 1915,he had published two full-length collections,A Boy's Will and North of Boston,and his reputation was established.By the nineteen-twenties,he was the most celebrated poet in America,and with each new book-including New Hampshire(1923),A Further Range(1936),Steeple Bush(1947),and In the Clearing(1962)-his fame and honors(including four Pulitzer Prizes)increased.

Though his work is principally associated with the life and landscape of New England,and though he was apoet of traditional verse forms and metrics who remained steadfastly aloof from the poetic movements and fashions of his time,Frost is anything but amerely regional or minor poet.The author of searching and often dark meditations on universal themes,he is aquintessentially modern poet in his adherence to language as it is actually spoken,in the psychological complexity of his portraits,and in the degree to which his work is infused with layers of ambiguity and irony.

In a1970 review of The Poetry of Robert Frost,the poet Daniel Hoffman describes Frost's early work as"the Puritan ethic turned astonishingly lyrical and enabled to say out loud the sources of its own delight in the world,"and comments on Frost's career as The American Bard:"He became anational celebrity,our nearly official Poet Laureate,and agreat performer in the tradition of that earlier master of the literary vernacular,Mark Twain."

About Frost,President John F.Kennedy said,"He has bequeathed his nation abody of imperishable verse from which Americans will forever gain joy and understanding."

Robert Frost lived and taught for many years in Massachusetts and Vermont,and died in Boston on January 29,1963.











