
時間:2022-10-29 11:16:05 資料大全 我要投稿





  1. What star is not seen in the sky? A: a film star

  2. What changes a pear into a peal? A: a little “L”

  3. What match cannot be put in a match—box? A: football, basketball, volleyball

  4. What is always filled when it is used and empty when at rest? A: a shoe

  5. What is there in your house that ought to be looked into? A: mirror

  6. When I eat I live, when I drink I die, what am I? A: fire

  7. What is in the middle of the night? A: G

  8. What letter is a question? A: Y

  9. What part of a clock is always old? A: the second hand

  10. What has four legs but can’t run? A: bed , desk

  11. I have hands and a face, but I can’t touch or smile, what am I? A: watch, clock

  12. What question can you never answer “yes” to “?”? A: Are you asleep?

  13. What begins with T, ends with T, and full with T? A: teapot

  14. What comes twice in a moment, once in a minute and never in a hundred years? A: M

  15. What tables de we often see in fields? A: vegetable

  16. Which two words can be pronounced fast and quick? A : fast, quick

  17. Which is the longest word in English? A: smiles

  18. What is white when it is dirty? A: blackboard

  19. What is that which you break by even naming it? A: silence

  20. In another three years Tom will be three times as old as he was three years ago. How old is Tom now? A: He is six

  21. I am something that can run but can’t walk. What am I? A: water

  22. I am something that has teeth, but can’t eat. What am I? A: a comb

  23. I am something that every living person has seen, but no one will ever see me again. What am I? A: yesterday

  24. I am something that always increases the more I shared with others. What am I? A: happiness

  25. It wasn’t my sister, nor my brother, but still was the child of my father and mother. Who was it? A: myself

  26. Two Indians are standing on a hill, and one is the father of the other’s son. What relation are two Indians to each other? A: husband & wife

  27. What belongs only to you and yet is used more by others than yourself?A: your name

  28. Ten men were in a boat. The boat tipped over and nine men got their hair wet. Why didn’t the teeth man get his hair wet? A: He was bald.

  29. Why is it useless to send a telegram to Washington today? A: Because he is dead.

  30. What country is popular on Thanksgiving Day? A: Turkey

  31. What city is a famous President? A: Lindon or Washington

  32. What country does the cook use? A: Greece (greese)

  33. What two numbers multiplied together will give you seven? A They are 7&1)

  34. What is it that gives light to the world although it is black it self?A: Ink

  35. What fruit is never found singly? A: A pear

  36. What is it that has legs but can’t walk? A: a table or a chair

  37. What is it that is the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space, the beginning of every end, the end of every race? A: the letter “E”

  38. what is it that falls often but never gets hurt? A: snow

  39. What is it that you cannot see, but is always before you? A: the future

  40. What is it that doesn’t ask questions but must be answered? A: a telephone

  41. What is it that can carry a message to anybody in any tow? A: a letter

  42. What word, when deprired of one of its letters, makes you sick? A: M (music)----------you sick

  43. What word of five letters has six left after you take you away ? A: sixty

  44. From the letters PNLLEEEESSSSS a single English word can be made. What is it? A: sleeplessness

  45. What nation is dreaded by schoolboys? A: Examination

  46. What nation is a fanciful nation? A: Imagination

  47. Though I dance at a ball. I am nothing at all. A: a shadow

  48. What is it you can touch, and also you can fell; It has neither size nor shape, but just the same, it’s real . A: the air

  49. What nation is a teacher’s nation? A: Explanation

  50. We are very large though we seen small, we float on high and never fall, we shine like jewels in the night, but in the day are hid from sight. What are we? A: starts

  51. I am something that is full of holes and yet can hold water. What am I?A: a sponge

  52. What kind of table has no legs? A: timetable

  53. What has a neck but no throat? A: a bottle






  3 whydoibirdsflysouth?


  4 whencanyougoasfastasaracingcar?



  1、santaclaus、 圣誕老人、

  2、becauseitcan"tsitdown、 因為它不能坐下、

  3、it"stoofartowalk、 走著去太遠了、

  4、whenyou"reinit、 當你坐在跑車里時、






















  1.What is it that is white and black and red all over?

  2.What table do we see in the fields?

  3.What is that which goes up the hill and down the hill and yet stands still?

  4.Why are fixed stars like pens,ink and paper?

  5.Why are the tallest people the laziest?

  6.How can we change a lady into a boy?

  7.What kind of animal will ome larger when its head is cut?

  8.Where can we always find money when we look for it?

  9.Where do animals speak with each other?

  10.When will a net hold water?

  11.When can we see things without our eyes open?

  12.What has a lot of teeth but no mouth?

  13.What goes up but never comes down?

  14.What tree is of the atest importance in history?

  15.Why is a madman like two men?






  5.a(chǎn)use they are always longer in bed than others.

  6.Take away“y”(lady—lad).



  9.In the fairy tales and fables.

  10.When the water turns to ice.

  11.When we are dreaming.


  13.Your age.


  15.a(chǎn)use he is a man beside hilf.


  What stays hot even if put in a fridge(什么東西就是放在冰箱里也是熱的)


  Which side is the left side of a pie(哪邊是餡餅的左邊)

  Keys:The side that is not eaten,yet(還沒有吃的`那一邊)。(the left side of a pie有兩層意思:餅的左邊;餅剩下沒吃的那一邊。)

  Who is closer to you,your mom or your dad爸爸和媽媽誰和你更親

  Keys:Mom is closer,because dad is farther媽媽更親,因為爸爸更遠。

  Can you go to the Cinema With your watch broken你手表壞了,可以去看電影嗎

  Keys:Of course not,for I dont have the time當然不行,因為我沒有時間。(I dont have the time有兩種理解:①我沒有時間;②我沒戴表或我的表壞了,不知道時間。)

  Why is the comet like Micky Mouse為什么說彗星像米老鼠

  Keys:Its a star with a tail因為它是帶著一根尾巴的星星。(tail/teil/ n(動物的)尾巴;彗(星)尾)

  Whats the largest room in the world世界上最大的房間是什么房間

  Keys:The room for improvement改進的空間。

  Whats the poorest bank in the world最沒有錢的銀行是什么銀行

  Keys:The river bank河堤。(bank n銀行;堤岸)

  When is coffee like the surface of the earth咖啡什么時候像地球表面

  Keys:When its ground被碾成粉末時。(ground n地面,它也是grind/grind/v磨碎,碾碎的過去分詞形式。)

  What month do soldiers hate當兵的不喜歡幾月份

  Keys:March三月。(march n行軍)

  When is a person not a person什么時候人不是人

  Keys:When he is a little cross當他有點惱怒時。(cross adj煩惱,惱火; n十字架)

  When is a door not a door什么時候門不是門

  Keys:When its ajar當它虛掩時。(ajar/+DN:/adj(門)虛掩著,露了一條縫的音似ajar(一只壺)。)

  When are boys not boys什么時候男孩不是男孩

  Keys:When theyre bare-footed當他們赤腳時。(bare-footed赤腳,音似bear-footed,腳和熊一樣。)

  When is a clock dangerous什么時候時鐘是危險的

  Keys:When it runs down the stairs and strikes one當它滾下樓梯敲響一點鐘時。(strikes one另一層意思是:擊中一個人)

  What will you break once you say it (什么東西一說出來就打破)

  Silence (沉默)

  Will liars be honest after they die (騙子死了之后會誠實嗎)

  No, they wont They lie still after they die。(不會,他們依舊撒謊。Lie still躺著不動,依舊撒謊。)

  What always goes up and never goes down (什么東西只升不降)

  Your age (你的年齡)

  Why did the boy make his dog sit in the sun (男孩為什么讓他的狗坐在陽光下)

  He wants to have a hot dog (他想要一條熱狗。)

  Why can a bride hide nothing(為什么新娘子什么也藏不住)

  Because someone will give her away (因為有人會揭發(fā)她。Give away揭發(fā),在婚禮上把新娘交給新郎)

  Why is the library the highest building(為什么圖書館是最高的建筑物)

  It has the most stories (它的樓層最多。Story故事,樓層)

  What is the smallest bridge in the world (世界上最小的橋梁是什么)

  The bridge of a nose (鼻梁)

  What is the difference between the North Pole and the South Pole (北極與南極的區(qū)別是什么)

  A whole world (整個世界。 a world of difference天壤之別)

  What makes naughty boys long to work in a clock factory (淘氣的男孩為什么想去鐘表廠工作)

  They want to make faces (make face做鬼臉,做鐘表面)

  What bird lifts heavy things (什么鳥能舉起重物)

  Crane (鶴。Crane鶴,舉重機)

  why are people tired on April Fools Day為什么在四月一日愚人節(jié)人們都很累

  Because they have just had a long March因為他們剛度過了一個很長的三月(行軍)march除了三月以外還有行軍的意思。

  what letter is an animal哪個字母是一個動物


  What letter stands for the ocean key:C(sea)哪個字母坐落在海邊


  what letter is a question哪個字母是一個問題








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