
時間:2023-07-17 10:03:23 禧雯 感謝信 我要投稿





  給老師感謝信的英語作文 1







Dear teachers

  Hello everyone! I am the mother of student Xiao Guo. My daughter started studying at your school this summer, tutoring in English, mathematics, and science. In the past few months, under the planned, targeted, and patient guidance of the homeroom teacher and teachers, as well as with the help of teachers from Longwen Education, Xiaoguos grades in various subjects have significantly improved. Her daughter is particularly happy that she feels that she has made remarkable progress in her studies! An important milestone! During that time, Xiaoguo almost went to Longwen every night (not the designated class time) to do her homework and consult with teachers in areas she didnt understand (these were not the teachers). These teachers were able to spare time, enthusiasm, and patience to provide explanations and guidance. Her daughter benefited greatly and greatly improved her awareness and confidence in learning, especially in mathematics. In the past, she had a poor foundation and developed fear, resistance, and even boredom towards mathematics, After your careful guidance, especially Teacher Lius education, she has become no longer afraid of doing math problems, but willing to learn and consciously learn. These improvements are a remarkable progress for Xiao Guo! A leap!

  I, Xiaoguo, and my mother all hold a grateful heart and sincerely thank you for everything you have done for Xiaoguo! Your hard work and good professionalism fully reflect the noble qualities of a teacher, as well as the educational purpose and excellent team spirit of your school.

  As a parent, I will try my best to cooperate with your school, so that Xiaoguo can cultivate good learning habits, play her strengths, overcome bad habits, and strive to enable her to achieve her own goal of life. She will be admitted to Shenzhen Middle School! Of course, there is still a big gap in her current academic performance, but we have confidence and work together to make Xiaoguo realize her ideal dream! This is a challenge for our parents and teachers at your school! A common wish!

  Thank you to:


  給老師感謝信的英語作文 2















Dear teacher


  After a busy year, your holiday has arrived again. After years of cold and heat, peach and plum fragrance. On this Teachers Day, your students want to say to you: Dear teacher, you have worked hard!

  Thank you for your concern, thank you for your help, and thank you for everything you have done for us. Please accept the best wishes from the students. Wishing you a happy Teachers Day and a happy day!

  Names carved on wooden boards may not necessarily be immortal, and names carved on stones may not necessarily be fragrant. Only names engraved in peoples hearts can last forever. Teacher, the engineer of the human soul, only this glorious name, because its connotation is as rich as the sea and as profound as the blue sky, so it will always live in my heart.

  Your thoughts and words are full of poetry and philosophy. How many wonderful ripples have stirred up in our hearts!

  You are not an actor, but you attract us to seek wisdom. You are not a singer, but let the spring of knowledge ring and sing charming songs; You are not a sculptor, but you have shaped the soul of contemporary youth.

  You use fire like emotions to warm everyones heart, allowing us to understand the charm of the traditional spirit of Peking University; You are strict with us and set an example by your actions; You are the role model in the minds of students. In the ocean of life, you are like a high light, standing on the vast sea, always guiding us forward!

  Some people say that teachers are like mountains. The mountain has fallen, urging those who came late to work hard. As the saying goes, new bamboo is taller than old bamboo branches and is raised by veteran cadres. The little progress and achievements of Peking University students have condensed your hard work and sweat. So, no matter when and where, no matter Tianya Haijiao, we will sincerely call your dear teacher!

  In front of this sacred and noble word, we are always students who need your enlightenment!

  Teacher, thank you for illuminating our journey with your own light of life.

  On this Teachers Day, the Student Union of Peking University, on behalf of all Peking University students, sincerely wishes you good health. Smooth work

  Thank you to:


  給老師感謝信的英語作文 3


  您好! 您教了我三年的語文,講課非常生動,每講一篇課文,就象聽了一個美麗的故事,您每次豉勵我發(fā)言,認真的批改作業(yè),每改一篇作文都很細心,每錯一、一個標點符號您都會幫我糾正過來,特別是用得好的句子,那紅色的波浪線,表示對我的'鼓勵,每一段評語是對我的贊揚,在評語,指出我的優(yōu)點、缺點。您教我認、寫、讀課文,鼓勵,有一點進步就表揚我…… 深深感謝您對我學習的幫助;感謝您對我作文的精心輔導,這次期中考試作文只扣了一分;感謝您精心的講解課文,使我輕松的背誦每一篇課文……

  尊敬的滿老師,您像地下的樹根,一點一點吸來知識的營養(yǎng),都輸送給嫩枝新葉,讓他們在陽光下爭比妖艷,您千辛萬苦,日夜操勞,在教學的工作中灑下汗水,為我們樹起閃光的路標。 滿老師,我決心學習您,抓緊時間,努力學習;學習您認真工作的態(tài)度;學習您不怕困難,奮發(fā)向上的精神;學習您熱愛學生的品德,去團結同學;爭取期末考試語、數(shù)都是95分,來向你報喜—讓尊敬的滿麗瓊老師滿意的微笑。 祝您




Dear teacher

  Hello! You have taught me Chinese for three years, and your lectures are very vivid. Every text you tell is like listening to a beautiful story. Every time you encourage me to speak, carefully correct my homework, and carefully correct every composition. Every mistake, a Punctuation, you will help me correct it. Especially the well used sentences, the red wavy lines, express encouragement to me, and every comment is praise to me. In the comments, point out my advantages Disadvantages. You taught me to recognize, write, and read the text, encouraged me, and praised me for any progress... Thank you deeply for your help in my learning; Thank you for your careful guidance on my composition. This Midterm exam composition only deducted one point; Thank you for your meticulous explanation of the text, which made it easy for me to memorize each text

Dear Teacher Man, you are like the roots of an underground tree, sucking in the nourishment of knowledge bit by bit, delivering it to the tender branches and new leaves, allowing them to compete in the sunshine for beauty. You work tirelessly day and night, shedding sweat in your teaching work, and setting a shining roadmap for us. Teacher Man, I am determined to learn from you, seize the time, and study hard; Learn from your diligent work attitude; Learn your spirit of fearing no difficulties and striving upwards; Learn the character of your beloved students and unite with them; Try to get 95 points in both language and math in the Final examination, and let me congratulate you - let the respected teacher Man Lizhou smile with satisfaction. Wishing you all the best

  Good health and pleasant work!

  Thank you to:


  給老師感謝信的英語作文 4









Dear leaders and teachers of Hengshi

  I am Xiao Hong, the parent of Hu Xiaohong in Class 35, Seventh grade of Hengshi. On the afternoon of the 23rd, Hu Xiaohongs buttock muscle strain and pain intensified. With your care, the child turned the corner. During this time, you have put in a lot of effort and injected comfort into the anxious mood of our parents. Here, we express our heartfelt gratitude to you.

  Starting from the 22nd, Hu Xiaohong experienced pain due to a pulled buttock muscle. Due to the upcoming third round exam, we did not send the child to the hospital for treatment. Under the arrangement of Teacher Wang Yan, Hu Xiaohong went to the school doctor for consultation and took medication and applied plaster. At around 5 pm on the 23rd, Hu Xiaohongs body pain intensified, making it difficult to stand and causing spasms in his fingers. Teacher Wang Yan promptly contacted me to communicate the childs condition, and we decided to call 120 emergency calls to send them to the hospital for treatment.

  After hearing the news, Zhao Jianjun, the deputy director of the department, made arrangements for Hu Xiaohong to seek medical treatment. Teacher Wang Lijiang, the head of the department, personally pushed Hu Xiaohong onto the ambulance. At 8:30 pm, we felt that while in the emergency room of Harrison Hospital, Director Wang Lijiang, Teacher Wang Yan, and other teachers were taking care of Hu Xiaohong and accompanying the child for a series of examinations. During this period, Principal Zhang Yubin repeatedly inquired with Teacher Wang Yan about Hu Xiaohongs condition through WeChat. At around 9 oclock, we decided to have Hu Xiaohong hospitalized for treatment. After multiple attempts at persuasion, the teachers left the hospital. At around 11 pm, Hu Xiaohongs pain relieved and we took a bus back to Xingtai. After resting at home for three days, on the 27th, Hu Xiaohong returned to campus smoothly.

  Hu Xiaohong fell ill and received warm care from school leaders and teachers. After calling 120, due to an urgent situation, the teachers urgently raised 3000 yuan for the childs medical expenses. Multiple teachers are waiting in front of Hu Xiaohongs bed, closely monitoring the childs physical and mental health. Every bit of care from the teachers makes our parents feel warm and grateful.

  Thank you to all teachers and to the warmth of the Hengshi family. In the future, we will continue to support the development of the school and do a good job in home school co education. Lets work together to unite and strive for a better future for our children, and work together for the construction and development of Hengshi.

  Thank you to:


  給老師感謝信的英語作文 5
















Dear Teacher Zhao


  You must be very surprised, I will suddenly write to you. As you are about to leave school, I would like to say to my most beloved Teacher Zhao, "I really appreciate you, thank you for cultivating us

  Since you came to our class in third grade, the whole world seems to have changed.

  At your initiative, our class has established an environmental protection and cleaning group. Students often come and go with dishcloth and brooms to clean the classroom, making it spotless.

  Under your guidance, we used folded paper books to write poems and essays one by one, cultivating the students writing skills.

  Under your organization, our class has held some rich and exciting games, allowing us to relax, forget our troubles, and maintain optimism while studying nervously.

  Whenever I see you working hard, grading our homework, and designing work papers, I always want to say to you, "Youre working so hard, you should take a good rest!" Whenever I see you feeling sad about our mischievous behavior, I want to say to you, "Im sorry, weve made you so sad. Well be even better next time

  Teacher Zhao, you are like a fireball in the sky, shining on us small flowers and grass every day, making us grow strong. You teach us knowledge in the classroom, enriching our knowledge.

  Teacher Zhao, although you are leaving our school now, I will never forget you, nor will I forget your care, guidance, support, and encouragement towards us.

  Teacher Zhao, today I would like to take this letter to say to you again, "Thank you, thank you for cultivating us


  All the best!

  Thank you to:


  給老師感謝信的英語作文 6






Dear teacher

  Hello! First of all, thank you for cultivating my daughter. Under your earnest guidance, she has made great progress. The "Southern Guangdong Young Eagle Action" provides her with an opportunity to exercise herself, but it cannot do without your guidance from the teacher. In the process of participating in the ".. Action", she was trained and exercised in learning and other aspects, allowing her to gain valuable experience. Our parents are satisfied with such activities and very grateful for the hard work and education of the teachers.

  Nowadays, social competition is so fierce that in order to succeed in the competition, one must improve oneself. The little girl has the opportunity to participate in activities and exercise her abilities, but all of these require the teachers guiding light to point out the direction for her. This time, we can participate in the "Top 10 Youth Selection" activity, which is fully supported by our parents. This not only increases her knowledge, but also enables her to achieve comprehensive development in learning, The school has given her such a rare opportunity to exercise herself, and we parents dont know how to thank you. This "Young Appraiser" activity allows students to experience educational activities, grow strong, cultivate civilized and self-cultivation character, and make them good students at school, at home, and in society. Thank you for your hard work as gardeners, cultivating the flowers of our motherland generation after generation. Thank you!

  Thank you to:


  給老師感謝信的英語作文 7











Dear teacher

  Hello! How time flies! In a blink of an eye, the third grade of elementary school was almost over. However, I have a lot to say to you from the bottom of my heart. Today, I will use a letter to convey my feelings for you!

  In nearly a year, you have always walked into the classroom with a smile to give us lectures. In order to help us understand the text more deeply, you have always tirelessly explained it in plain and vivid language over and over again, and often used metaphorical methods and unique teaching concepts to impart knowledge to us, so that we can get inspiration from it. In this way, under your meticulous cultivation and guidance, we have gradually learned how to write, how to take notes, how to understand the text, and so on??

  Teacher! You love the education industry and are dedicated to the teaching world. In order to improve our academic performance, and for the seeds you planted to bloom and bear fruit as soon as possible, you have given us dew like moisture and meticulous care. On behalf of my parents and all my classmates, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for this!


  Have a happy heart,

  Work smoothly,

  All the best!

  Thank you to:


  給老師感謝信的英語作文 8










Dear Teacher Zhang


  Time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, we are already third grade elementary school students, and you have been with us for three years. Over the past three years, we sincerely appreciate your sincere guidance and dedication to us.

  Teacher Zhang, you are both our Chinese language teacher and the vice principal of the school. It can be imagined that your work must be very hard and busy. You also need to worry about our mischievous children. Every time the semester ends, you have to visit each others homes and communicate everything about our children in school with our parents.

  Teacher, you are like the hardworking gardener, constantly watering and fertilizing us. When we need to cut the branches and leaves, you once again appear by our side and pay for us. You have put in too much effort for us, and we can only repay your expectations by studying hard.

  On this beautiful holiday, I would like to thank you for your careful guidance along the way. We will become more confident and brave

  Wishing you a happy holiday and good health!

  Thank you to:


  給老師感謝信的英語作文 9










Dear teacher

  Hello! Flowers are grateful for the rain and dew. Because rain and dew nourish its growth, eagles are grateful to the sky, because the sky makes it fly, mountains are grateful to the earth, because the earth makes it towering. I am grateful, many people... I am most grateful to my teacher. The torrent of time constantly washes away the floating life of history, and generations of teachers have done their best to cultivate and guide students one after another on the path to success. Teacher ", these two words call out from the bottom of my heart, how kind they are. It is you who have turned countless mediocrity into glory, and you who have turned ignorance into pillars. Your greatness cannot be expressed in words, your ordinariness is admirable, your holiness is indescribable.

  Teacher, you are like the second hand on a clock, running and running non-stop with that rhythm every day. You are so inconspicuous in the Zhong clan, but you are steadfast and hardworking, and you never stop for a minute.

  Teacher, you are like a hardworking gardener, constantly watering, fertilizing, and cutting for us. When we need rain and dew to nourish us, you appear by our side; When we need food to satisfy our hunger, you appear by our side; When we need to cut the branches and leaves, you once again appear by our side and pay for us.

  Teacher, you are like the spring silkworm, Spring silkworms die before they die.. Ah! Teacher, you have put in too much effort for us, and we find it difficult to repay you. But please believe that your efforts, teacher, are worth it. We will not disappoint your expectations of us, and we will definitely become useful talents in society when we grow up.

  Teacher, your tireless teaching will always be remembered in our hearts, because that is your most sincere words. Teacher, I admire you, so I want to be even more grateful to you! Thank you for your selflessness, hard work, and kindness! May you receive every blessing from your classmates in this festive season!

  Wishing you a happy holiday, all the best, good health, and smooth work!

  Thank you to:


  給老師感謝信的英語作文 10










Dear Teacher Huang


  Over the past three years, you have always been dedicated to imparting knowledge to us. At night, both the stars and the moon peacefully fell asleep, but you are still grading our homework. In the morning, you woke up early again and started a new day of work.

  Since childhood, my physical condition has been poor and weak, often due to illness, I cannot attend classes. As a result, my academic performance is average. In addition, I am also a bit lazy and not strict with my studies. After advancing to third grade, you noticed my shortcomings and patiently pointed them out to me multiple times, which made me realize my own shortcomings. So, I corrected it seriously. Firstly, you require me to practice my handwriting well and write it neatly. I used to be unable to read characters that I couldnt even read myself. With your guidance, I worked hard and finally wrote them correctly. You put a small red flag on my homework to encourage me, do you know? It is this small red flag that has given me infinite strength, boosted my confidence, and increased my interest in learning.

  My essay is also very poor, and I often write a few sentences to complete it. After you discovered it, you always patiently explained to me how to write a good essay. My writing level has been improving time by time, how happy I am in my heart! Teacher Huang, every step of my progress is inseparable from your guidance.

  Teacher Huang, thank you for your hard work. I will never disappoint your expectations of me, and when I grow up, I will definitely become a useful talent for the country and society.

  Finally, I wish you success in your work, good health, and prosperity all over the world!

  Thank you to:



  拾金不昧感謝信的英語作文 1








Leaders of the Municipal Peoples Hospital:


  On the afternoon of January 22nd, during a physical examination at the Peoples Hospital, I accidentally lost the money in my pocket. After Xiao Na, the deputy director of your pharmacy, found it and proactively asked if I had lost anything. After checking my belongings, I told her that I hadnt lost anything (I didnt realize I had lost it). Comrade Xiao Na asked me to go home and think carefully, and if I had lost something, I would come back to her tomorrow. After returning home, I realized that the money in my pocket was missing. The next day, I went to the hospital to find Comrade Xiaona and explained the situation. After confirming, she returned the money to me (she felt like I had lost it, but couldnt confirm either). At that time, I was very excited. After repeated questioning, she told me that her name was Xiaona and she worked in your companys pharmacy. I think everyone is trying to make money now, and there are still too few people who can find money and dont want it these days. Comrade Xiaonas behavior is really touching.

  Comrade Xiaonas noble qualities of being eager for others needs, thinking about others thoughts, returning money without hesitation, and helping others are exemplary of contemporary physicians. This lost and regained experience has made me truly feel Comrade Xiaonas noble character of returning money without hesitation, as well as his enthusiastic and helpful spirit of Lei Feng. At the same time, I also know that only with a good organizational culture can we have such high-quality employees.

  Finally, please allow me to once again express my sincerest gratitude to your company and Comrade Xiaona, and wish your company every success, a bright future, and smooth sailing.

  Thank you to:


  拾金不昧感謝信的英語作文 2







Leaders of the Public Utilities Management Department of the Beijing Forestry Bureau:

  On the morning of July 11th, while setting up a stall in the morning market, I accidentally lost 2300 yuan. This is the payment for the goods I have been selling at the stall for several days. I was very anxious and thought I had lost it. I was fortunate to have been picked up by Comrade Xiaohua from your company. When she handed me the fruits of my labor for so many days, I was extremely excited. I think everyone is trying to make money now, and there are so few people who find money and dont want it these days. I never imagined Comrade Xiaohuas actions like this would be so touching.

  I only found out her name and work unit after inquiring about others. In addition to my joy and excitement, I was moved by Comrade Xiaohuas noble character of never returning money. In todays society where it is widely believed that materialism is rampant, the world is declining, and the spirit of Lei Feng is gradually fading away, Comrade Xiaohuas noble qualities of thinking about others thoughts, being anxious about others anxieties, and not returning money have made me truly feel the noble qualities of Comrade Xiaohua and the staff of your unit who return money and are enthusiastic, passionate, and helpful. At the same time, I also deeply understand that only with a good cultural background can we have such high-quality employees.

  Finally, please allow me to express my sincerest gratitude to the leaders, all employees, and Comrade Xiaohua of the Public Service Management Department, and wish your company every success, a bright future, and smooth sailing!

  Thank you to:


  拾金不昧感謝信的英語作文 3









Dear leaders of Daqing Iron Man Middle School:

  Hello everyone!

  At around 11:00 on December 24th, I accidentally lost a wallet in front of a drilling company, which contained various documents, cards, and cash of around 400 yuan. I was very anxious at the time and didnt know what to do, so I had to comfort myself. Under the current circumstances, it was difficult for any gold to be found again, and there was no hope of recovery.

  I dont want there to be true love in the world. The kind-hearted person who found my wallet found my home address on my ID card and left their contact information in order to find the owner as soon as possible. When we received the phone notification from the street in our jurisdiction, we couldnt believe it and immediately contacted Teacher Xiaonan from your school. Teacher Liu smiled and said nothing more. After carefully confirming, she handed me all the items she had found. Thanks to Teacher Xiaonan, my lost wallet has been restored! I, who had no hope at first, was truly surprised and delighted at the moment I received my wallet. To show my gratitude, I immediately took out some cash in the hope of receiving it as a reward, but Teacher Liu insisted on not receiving it and said that this was what he should do.

  I was so excited at the time that I didnt know what to say. I always wanted to go, so I had to use this thank-you letter to express my sincere gratitude to this respected and kind teacher. Thank you to her for not being overjoyed by things, but also sincerely thank your school for cultivating such a good teacher! It is now difficult to find someone like Teacher Xiaonan who can set aside personal interests and return money. I think she is a learning model for everyone around us now! Meanwhile, as a peoples teacher, she has set an example for her students with her practical actions! Her behavior of returning her money fully reflects the moral character, noble qualities, and good social ethics of a peoples teacher. Therefore, we kindly request your school to praise Teacher Lius behavior, as this virtue is worth vigorously promoting and promoting in todays society of harmony! I hope your school can say thank you again to this respected teacher Liu on my behalf!

  Finally, I wish the leaders of your school good health and successful careers, and I wish the teachers and students of your school even better!

  Thank you to:


  拾金不昧感謝信的英語作文 4








Leaders of Chengde Petroleum School:

  Hello everyone.

  I am Xiaohao from the Department of Petroleum Machinery in Chengde. I accidentally lost my phone while attending the class meeting on the evening of October 30th. My phone was very important to me. I was extremely anxious and searched everywhere, but I couldnt find it. I was originally disappointed. Fortunately, Senior Brother Xiaoqiang from Class 1207 of the Petroleum Department found it, and he even called my dormitory to contact me and send my phone back. When I retrieved my lost phone, my heart was filled with mixed emotions. When I said I wanted to give him money, he said it was just a matter of returning the property to its original owner. How can I thank him. I think everyone wants to make money now. Nowadays, there are too few people who actively contact the owner of a mobile phone. I never dreamed of such a move like Senior Brother Xiaoqiang. Its really touching.

  While I was excited, I was deeply moved by the noble character of Senior Brother Xiaoqiang who never returned the money. His moral character deeply moved me and my roommate. It is widely believed that materialism is rampant and the spirit of Lei Feng is gradually moving away from us. Xiaoqiangs consideration for others and the noble quality of returning money can be regarded as our role models. This lost and regained experience has made me truly feel the noble character of Xiaoqiang and his classmates in school, as well as the enthusiastic and helpful spirit of Lei Feng. At the same time, I also know that only in a good environment can we have such high-quality students. I am proud to live in this good environment.

  Finally, please allow me to once again express my sincerest gratitude to the school and Mr. Xiaoqiang, and wish all teachers and students good health.

  Thank you to:


  拾金不昧感謝信的英語作文 5








Leaders of Huanggu Electric Power Bureau East Suburb Business Office:

  Hello everyone! On the morning of September 26th, after returning home from work, due to negligence, I left my small bag on the bicycle handle at the unit door and went upstairs to go home. However, I forgot about this small bag. When I got home, I received a call from the property management asking if I had lost my phone and money bag. I then rushed to the property management, The property management said that the comrade in charge of electricity meter reading in the community immediately picked up your small bag and requested the property management to contact the owner as soon as possible. They also stayed at the property management to assist in verifying the owners identity. I quickly asked the comrades unit and name, but she never said anything. She only said, "Its nothing, anyone would do this

  (Later, I learned from the property management that the comrade who returned the money was named Xiao Hong.) And I asked if there were any missing items. I took out the money to thank this comrade, but she firmly refused to accept it. She said that if it were for the sake of money and goods, it would not be delivered to the property management. I was very moved when I heard this. I once lost something in the community due to carelessness multiple times, but it didnt go down.

  But today I was overjoyed. In todays materialistic world, I have such a gold like character. It is truly precious to pick up the money and quickly deliver it to the property. I am afraid that the owner may be in a hurry and ask the property to contact me immediately. I believe that having such a comrade is worthy of your units pride, not seeking fame or fortune, caring, and willing to help others. This quality should be vigorously promoted.

  Thank you for cultivating such excellent employees in your organization. Such people have made me feel a strong positive energy, and this is the foundation of building a harmonious society. If everyone can be like her, then our environment will have a beautiful and harmonious atmosphere. Thank you again!

  Thank you to:


  拾金不昧感謝信的英語作文 6






Dear leaders and all employees of the County Health Hospital

  My name is Xiaoling. When I came to your hospital for treatment around 4:00 pm on February 17th, I accidentally lost my wallet at the charging window after paying the fee. The wallet contained over 1000 RMB, 5 bank credit cards, and valid documents such as my ID card. These things are very important to me. When I found out that my wallet was lost, I was extremely anxious, but fortunately, this wallet was picked up and kept by Ms. Xiaoying, the toll collector of your hospital, and returned to me in full.

  The experience of being lost and regained this time, Ms. Xiaoyings noble character of not returning money, deeply moved my whole family and surrounding relatives and friends. Today, it is widely believed that materialism is rampant, the world is declining, and the spirit of Lei Feng is gradually fading away. Ms. Xiaoyings noble qualities of being anxious about others needs, thinking about others thoughts, returning money, and helping others can be regarded as a model for contemporary youth. From her, she also fully reflects the good results that your institution has achieved in cultivating moral education for employees. Here, we would like to express our deep gratitude to Ms. Xiaoying and your institution, and suggest praising her noble behavior. At the same time, I hope that the general public can learn from this noble moral character of returning money, and I also hope that your hospital will continue to promote noble professional ethics, so that patients who come to see you feel comfortable, at ease, and at ease, and become a brand maternal and child health care hospital.

  Thank you to:


  拾金不昧感謝信的英語作文 7








Dear teachers and students of Longjing Second Kindergarten

  Hello everyone!

  On a certain day in April 2011, I sent my child to your kindergarten. Due to my eagerness to work, I accidentally lost my necklace while changing clothes for my child. When I was in class, I suddenly received a phone call from Teacher Zhu of the kindergartens (primary school) class, asking if I had lost anything. I dont know what it was. When the teacher mentioned the necklace, I touched my neck and felt a psychological sensation. My necklace was gone, so I quickly explained the appearance of the necklace to Teacher Zhu.

  After listening, Teacher Zhu told me that it was Teacher Xiaojuan from the freshman class who picked it up and contacted me. The next morning, I came to your garden to claim my necklace. Teacher Liu and the owner of the garden handed me my necklace. I am very grateful to this teacher Liu. Her spirit of returning money is excellent, and we are willing to thank her. However, this esteemed teacher insists on not accepting it. Our whole family can only thank this respected and kind teacher with this thank-you letter, thanking him for not being overjoyed by things and facing difficulties. We also thank your school for cultivating such a good teacher and hope that your school can take me to say "thank you" to this esteemed teacher. Thank you to this teacher.

  Finally, I wish the teachers and students of your kindergarten good health and successful careers.

  Thank you to:


  拾金不昧感謝信的英語作文 8



  晚上 0點多才想起這事。一晚上擔心沒睡好覺,今天早上8點多趕到澤林商場,手提袋仍然掛在原處,老板見了我,當即過來打招呼,告訴我昨晚我走后他們等了我很久才關門。我拿出 00元表示感謝,他們拒不接受。在此對澤林商場老板拾金不昧行為表示感謝和贊賞。





Dear mall owner

  Yesterday evening, I went shopping at Zelin Shopping Mall. While trying on clothes, I casually placed my handbag on the hanger and left after buying the clothes.

  It wasnt until around 0pm that I remembered this matter. Worried about not sleeping well all night, I arrived at the Zelin shopping mall around 8 oclock this morning. The handbag was still hanging in its place, but the boss saw me and immediately came over to say hello, telling me that they had been waiting for me for a long time last night after I left. I offered 00 yuan as a token of gratitude, but they refused to accept it. I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to the owner of Zelin Mall for his behavior of returning the money.

  The handbag contains 400 yuan in cash, around 30000 checks and jewelry, and two ID cards. Almost all the belongings. Unfortunately, I dont know the name of the boss. It should be a woman from Nanguan, whose family is at the south gate of the sports stadium.

  Nowadays, society advocates harmony, and I am fortunate to meet such people. Thank you again! In the future, shopping at Zelin Mall has become my first choice, and I believe that with such character, there will inevitably be high-quality products.

  Thank you to:


  拾金不昧感謝信的英語作文 9








Leaders of China Yanan Cadre College:

  With admiration in my heart, I came from Hainan Island to the holy land of Yanan to learn the spirit of Yanan. On the second day I arrived in Yanan, I fully felt the spirit of Yanan. At noon on December 5th, he rushed out of the room to catch up with the teaching vehicle going out.

  On the way, I lost my wallet containing ten thousand yuan. At that time, I didnt even know I had lost my wallet. It was the staff of your college who came to inquire if I had lost my wallet that I realized. And tell me that the wallet has been found and placed at the management office of your college. It was Xiao Fang, a logistics and property employee of your college, who found the wallet. Surprised, I was deeply moved by Comrade Xiao Fangs noble character of not returning the money. Comrade Xiao Fangs behavior of picking up money fully reflects the noble moral character, spiritual outlook, noble qualities, and good social morality of your college, and is the best interpretation of the Yanan spirit.

  Comrade Xiao Fangs behavior is also a full affirmation of the achievements of your colleges spiritual civilization construction and talent cultivation! Please also commend and acknowledge Comrade Xiao Fangs behavior from your college! Because in todays promotion of a harmonious society, this behavior is even more worthy of strong promotion and encouragement.

  We have reason to believe that with such an excellent leadership team and teaching staff, your college will definitely cultivate more outstanding cadres and employees, and all work will be further improved! Finally, I sincerely say: Thank you!

  Thank you to:


  拾金不昧感謝信的英語作文 10









Leaders of the First Middle School of Guangping County:

  In the days of striving to build a harmonious campus, good people and good deeds emerge one after another, especially among the teachers in your school!

  On the afternoon of May 7th at 3:40 pm, I drove a tricycle to work outside and accidentally lost my phone on the roadside of Renmin Road in Binhe Community. At that time, I was very anxious. There were many important documents, important contact phone numbers, and payment information bound to bank card numbers on my phone, and I thought I would definitely not be able to find them back. Just when I was disheartened, a teacher from your school returned my money and took my phone to the property management personnel in the community, restoring it. After receiving my phone, as a gesture of gratitude, I bought some gifts and he refused. He also refused the invitation, but the teacher did not leave his name. It was only after contacting the First Middle School that he learned his name. Surprised, I was deeply moved by the noble character of Little Saint Teacher, who never returns his money. This behavior fully reflects the noble character of the teachers and students in your school. Moral character and spiritual outlook, excellent qualities, and good social ethics. His behavior is also a recognition of the achievements of your schools spiritual civilization construction.

  I earnestly request your school to give praise and affirmation to Teacher Xiaoshengs behavior! Because in todays promotion of a harmonious society, this behavior is even more worthy of strong promotion and encouragement.

  Thank you to the leaders and teachers of your school. I believe that with such an excellent leadership team and excellent teaching staff, your school will definitely cultivate more excellent students with both academic and moral qualities in the future.

  Finally, I sincerely say to Teacher Xiao Sheng again, "Thank you

  Thank you to:



  助學金感謝信的英語作文 1












Dear leaders and teachers

  Hello everyone!

  I am a student who enjoys financial aid and I am very excited to speak on behalf of all the students who have received financial aid there today. Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to the enterprises and schools for their attention and practical assistance to us impoverished students. I would also like to express my deep gratitude to the leaders and teachers who have shown concern and helped us impoverished students!

  Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, our college life is already halfway through. When we first entered university, we looked at the world in a daze. Some of us were timid and even felt inferior due to our poor family background. We were once very uncomfortable with studying, and the pressure was particularly high. Under the encouragement and funding of the student aid policy, our lives and studies have been guaranteed, and we can pursue our dreams with peace of mind. We have freed ourselves from the shadow of our hearts and found a direction to work hard. In order to achieve our dreams, we always strive for self-improvement! The financial aid not only provides us with financial assistance, but also gives us an indescribable courage. It shows us the care and care of enterprises for students. And today, we are confident! I understand that we have the ability to achieve a perfect future.

  College is a Key Stage of life. Without a student aid policy and a college scholarship, our college life might be a different story. At this moment, I am proud to say that our university life is exciting, and we have not wasted our time, nor failed to live up to the expectations of our parents and teachers. We will continue our university life with a grateful heart!

  The ancients said, "Benevolence is rewarded with gratitude, and a drop of water is rewarded with a spring." We are grateful for the help and encouragement provided by the scholarship this year. Wishes can only be condensed into a short but expressive sentence, that is, thank you! After graduation, we must never forget the difficult years of university and the selfless and silent support of your company. At this moment, we are still students in school, and there is no better way or even no way to repay societys help with our own practical actions. I believe that in our future studies and life, we will wholeheartedly become excellent and virtuous students, as a reward for society, schools, and teachers. In the future, we will care about our classmates who need help just like you care about us, so that they understand that when you encounter difficulties, there are many people standing behind you.

  Once again, I would like to express my gratitude to the leaders and teachers of the school who have cared for and taken care of our growth over the past year. I would also like to express my gratitude to the students who have provided us with great help in our learning and life. I would also like to express my gratitude to the video scholarship for its care and support. Under the arms of your love, we are no longer afraid of wind and rain. Under the protection of your love, our hearts have grown healthy.

  The road to a better future is the witness of our courage and confidence. We will use our youthful vitality and perseverance to create a more splendid tomorrow! Please believe that the students who have received your help today must not disappoint your expectations and will turn this love into the best return for their country and society in the future!

  Thank you very much! Sincerely thank you all!

  Thank you to:


  助學金感謝信的英語作文 2



  新的一年即將到來,在此我祝愿萍鋼企業(yè)的各位領導在新的一年里身體健康,工作順利,萬事如意,家庭美滿幸福 !









Dear leaders

  Hello everyone!

  The new year is approaching, and I wish all leaders of Pinggang Enterprise good health, smooth work, good luck, and a happy family in the coming year!

  In the past year, I have been studying hard and my academic performance has always been at the forefront of my class. During my tenure as a class cadre, I conscientiously and responsibly completed every task; I am strict with myself, always keeping in mind the school motto of "diligent, rigorous, and pragmatic", striving to enrich and continuously improve myself. I am well aware that the only way to change the poverty situation in my family is to study hard, study hard, and rely on knowledge to change my destiny. Kung Fu pays off to those who care. Through nearly a year of hard work, I have finally been admitted to Fuzhou Key High School. The scholarship provided by Pinggang Enterprise is undoubtedly a timely help to me, not only solving my urgent needs, but also serving as a great motivation for me.

  The opportunity to study at Fuzhou No.1 Middle School was not easy won. I cherish this opportunity even more. During my school years, I never pursued material satisfaction, let alone random comparisons. The scholarship provided by Pinggang Enterprise has greatly reduced the burden on my family and made the foundation of my dream more stable. I will use this money reasonably, study hard, and strive to make progress every day, striving to repay the kind-hearted people who helped me during my growth period with even better grades, especially the leaders of Pinggang Enterprise.

  The company is providing us with a scholarship this time in order to create a better environment for us to learn and contribute to society and become useful people after learning well. I think we should first learn to be grateful, and only by having a grateful heart can we have a rewarding action. In fact, many times, gratitude does not lie in giving back anything, but in creating a friendly atmosphere of mutual influence between oneself, society, and others. When leaders help us, they do not hope that we can repay them in the future. They only want to pass on the love in their hearts to us, and they also hope that we can continue to pass on this love to others.

  If there is anything in the world that is really good and affordable, I think it must be the word "thank you". It doesnt require you to pay, but it can benefit from it. Here, I sincerely say Thank you to all the leaders who have helped me. It is your care that has illuminated my heart and made me feel the beauty of life.

  The kindness of a drop of water should be rewarded by a spring of water. I want to cherish this hard-earned scholarship, and use my best efforts to repay the care of my leaders and teachers for their support and care! Thank you again!

  Finally, I wish leaders a happy New Year!

  Thank you to:


  助學金感謝信的英語作文 3












Dear leader and teacher

  Hello everyone!

  Firstly, thank you very much for your care and love for our impoverished college students, as well as for your support and encouragement in our learning!

  On this special day, I wish you all good health and a happy life!

  It is a great honor for me to enter the palace of university after ten years of hard work. I come from Class 071, Electronic Science and Technology, School of Electronic Science and Information Technology.

  As a child from the countryside, I know how difficult it is for me to go to college. My parents are old, weak and sickly, but they are constantly working hard for my living expenses. But with inconvenient transportation and no available resources, for a rural family with poor land and just a small amount of crop income, how can I ensure my consumption. More importantly, both my younger brother and I were admitted to college at the same time, which further increased the financial burden on my family! But my parents never gave up, which gave me a lot of encouragement and support, and it is also my spiritual pillar!

  Since receiving that national scholarship, my heart has been too excited. I can no longer worry about my living expenses, nor am I confused about money issues. This is a dawn brought by the great motherland to our impoverished students!

  It is it that ensures my smooth completion of my studies! Thank you for the scholarship, thank you for the motherland. You gave me wings to soar, and you gave me a warm sunshine and energy! I will surely fly higher, farther, and more tenacious under your tremendous driving force! I will work harder to learn, develop myself comprehensively, and strive to become a new generation with lofty ideals and firm convictions, a new generation with noble morality and strong will, a new generation with broad vision and rich knowledge, a new generation with pioneering spirit and hard work, so that my youth will shine more brightly in the great cause of building Socialism with Chinese characteristics!

  Finally, I sincerely thank you once again for your care and help!

  Thank you to:


  助學金感謝信的英語作文 4






Dear leaders and teachers

  I am an ordinary college student from a farmers family. My parents are uneducated. But for our sisters to be promising, my parents work hard and save tuition fees and living expenses for us. Life is very tight. My sister and I are only 2 years apart. My sister first entered junior college to study, and then I was admitted to university. Every academic year, the beginning of school is the most worrying time for our family.

  I started working in the college student union since my freshman year. After the national scholarship helped me solve the problem of living expenses, I spent my spare time on student union work. If I wanted to repay the country, I had to repay the school and college first. I conscientiously completed all the tasks assigned by the college and was elected as the Minister of Sports Department of the Student Union in my sophomore year. I began organizing meaningful activities to enrich the lives of my classmates, promoting the cultural life of our college throughout the school, and organizing the morning exercise management work of the entire college in an orderly manner. I also organized all students to participate in the 30th Sports Games of our school. In my third year of college, I took on the position of Vice Chairman of the Student Union and did my best to guide my junior brothers and sisters to do a good job. I think in order to become a useful person for the country in the future, we need to learn more skills now. So I started working as a tutor during the holidays, which not only improved my teaching skills but also earned me a certain income. With this money, I applied for a computer training class and successfully passed the National Computer Level 2 Examination.

  Thank you to:


  助學金感謝信的英語作文 5









Dear leader

  I am glad to have the opportunity to write this thank-you letter to express my gratitude to the country and the school; First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to the country and schools for their help to our impoverished students. Once again, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the teachers and classmates for their help in my studies and life. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you all, who were good teachers and friends during my university years. I will remember your great help when I encountered difficulties.

  Being selected for the national scholarship this time is not only a material help, but also a spiritual encouragement. I am grateful for the care of my motherland, school, teachers, and classmates. I want to turn your care into a driving force for progress, study hard, and participate in various social welfare activities to repay society. Some people say, With the support of the state,

  1、 To return to society with a grateful heart;

  2、 Plan reasonably and spend money where its worth it This sentence is very correct, especially for me, a poor student who is particularly skilled in utilizing resources and will never spend a penny recklessly. I dont know the family situation of other impoverished students, but I believe every family has a difficult book to read. Let me talk about it myself. Dad and mom are the main sources of family income. My parents not only have to worry about the cost of my education, but also about my family. Now that I have grown up myself, I have to continue studying. For a rural family that relies on farming for a living, this is a large amount of money. At this time, the financial aid provided by the government and the school is undoubtedly a timely help to me, solving my living expenses problem, and I can also spend more time studying. At the same time, it also reduces the burden on my parents. In the future, I will work harder to learn, actively participate in various social welfare activities, and be a useful person to repay society and serve the country.

  I remember the teacher said, Material poverty is not true poverty, but spiritual poverty is true poverty. Always repay my countrys help with a grateful heart, while also doing my best to contribute my meager strength to this society.

  Thank you to:


  助學金感謝信的英語作文 6







Dear teachers

  First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to the country and the school for their care for us impoverished college students, who are not just ordinary computer network students in our school. I am fortunate enough to receive the national scholarship, as it not only helped me realize my dream of university, but also allowed me to study with peace of mind on the university campus, without worrying about the poor economic conditions of my family. The national financial aid has greatly alleviated the difficulties in my life and saved me from having to live a very tight life. It has been a year since I came to university, and in the past year, I have never dared to slack off. I study hard every day.

  So far, my academic performance has always been at the forefront of my grade, and I have also served as a class leader in the class, and even held relevant responsibilities in the student union. For my tasks, I will conscientiously and responsibly complete every work arrangement, and have very strict requirements for my own learning. Because I know that during my college years, there were only a few short years, which could be the last time I systematically accepted my studies. So I dare not slack off, I can only constantly demand myself strictly, constantly enrich and improve myself, in order to achieve better. Because I always believe that only relying on knowledge can change my destiny, and only relying on knowledge can change the impoverished environment in my family. After more than a year of study, the care and support of the country and the college have not only earned me an inspirational scholarship, but also related certificates. This is more of a spur for me, but it also solves my urgent needs.

  Due to the poor economic conditions at home, I have to allocate some time to part-time jobs during my studies to improve my life. Nowadays, a lot of time has largely left me in a stagnant state in my learning. I am very lucky to receive a national scholarship, and I am also grateful for the help and care of the teachers in the school. I will definitely cherish this hard-earned national scholarship, and I will use my own efforts to repay the countrys care for me and the schools care for me.

  Thank you to:


  助學金感謝信的英語作文 7












Dear leaders and teachers

  Hello everyone!

  I am a grant winner of Modern Liberal arts college of Shanxi Normal University. Firstly, I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the teachers and leaders who have helped and supported impoverished college students. I would like to express my gratitude to the national financial aid for their care and care towards us. Thank you all for your support and support!

  I still remember the moment I received the admission notice from our school, with a mixed feeling of joy and worry. I am a tutoring student, and receiving a notice from our school brings more joy to my parents than me. However, when I face expensive tuition fees, I start to worry. For an ordinary family, this tuition fee is so difficult. With the hard earned money from my parents, apart from family expenses, I have to save and use the remaining money to barely cover my tuition fees. However, my parents believe that all I need to do is read good books, so I started my college life.

  With a sense of unease, I started my college studies and truly began my college life. Only then did I realize that I had to worry not only about tuition fees, but also about monthly living expenses. Despite my frugality, my living expenses were still tight. At this moment, I learned about the national scholarship. As the conditions met, I applied for the scholarship. With the enthusiastic help of all the leaders, teachers, and classmates, I applied for the national second-level scholarship. When this was hit on my card, infinite hope suddenly rose in my heart.

  I told my parents the good news as soon as possible, and now I still remember my mothers choked words when she heard the news: you must study hard, be a promising person, and be worthy of this good policy of the country. In this way, I studied even harder and didnt dare to neglect. I know what I need to do is to study hard and master solid knowledge. In the future, when I join the workforce, I will do my best to repay the country and never disappoint the expectations of my parents and teachers. With this feeling in mind, I have spent three years of my university studies. I believe that in the following final year, I will be more focused and secure in my studies, striving to make my own contributions to society and the country with my own strength as soon as possible.

  It was two years ago that I accepted the national scholarship, but now when I bring it up, the gratitude in my heart is still rolling in. The scholarship that came to my life like a charcoal in the snow gave me the opportunity to look into the vast sky, achieved my courage, gave me the opportunity to pursue our distant dreams, and even gave me the opportunity to repay my parents and the country. In short, the assistance provided by the national scholarship cannot be calculated, and I will definitely maximize its effectiveness.

  In fact, the biggest impact of the national scholarship on me was that it gave me a grateful heart, understanding gratitude as a beauty in life, and facing my life with a grateful letter. Give back to those who support and help me with gratitude, convey my sincerity and gratitude with gratitude, serve my country with gratitude, and contribute to society!

  Thank you again for the help from the country and society.

  Thank you to:


  助學金感謝信的英語作文 8









Dear Principal Zhang

  As an ordinary third year high school student, I am honored to write to you to express my gratitude to my alma mater.

  Three years ago today, without knowing anything about the school, I chose to experiment and was immediately impressed by the lively and thriving atmosphere of the new students. In a blink of an eye for three years, looking back on my past academic life, I have proven that choosing experiments is my greatest fortune. I am deeply grateful to my alma mater.

  I did not have any special talents but was deliberately cultivated by the school leaders and teachers, and was greatly flattered: due to the difficulties of my family, the school gave me a partial reduction in tuition fees; At all previous awards, I have been commended and honored with the honorary title of "Provincial Three Good Students"; Developed as a probationary party member by the party branch; Obtaining the "Spring Seedling" scholarship... Seeking knowledge in bright classrooms, wandering in beautiful campuses, and unforgettable teacher kindness. The sound of care and help, giving me endless motivation in times of difficulty, how happy it is to be a child studying in a different place

  I will definitely report to the school leaders, teachers, and parents with excellent results.

  Wishing you good health and smooth work!

  Thank you to:


  助學金感謝信的英語作文 9







Dear leaders and teachers

  Hello everyone! First of all, please allow me to express my heartfelt gratitude to the country, school, leaders, and teachers on behalf of all the students who have been assisted. Thank you for your cultivation, care, and trust in us. Thank you for your care and love for our impoverished high school students, as well as your support and encouragement for our learning. This has given us the same opportunity to learn in the classroom as other students, to listen to teachers imparting knowledge and education, to pursue our thoughts and goals in school with peace of mind, and to strive to achieve our life goals.

  Secondly, please allow me to express my sincere gratitude to my teachers and classmates on behalf of myself. Thank you for your material and spiritual support and assistance to us. The national scholarship has given me great help. It has realized our dreams and greatly reduced the burden on our families. We will make reasonable use of this money, study hard and make progress every day, and contribute to the prosperity of our country in the future. In the days ahead, we will work harder and strive to achieve even better results.

  In the face of the support, assistance, and encouragement you have provided, our heartfelt gratitude and wishes can only be condensed into a short but expressive sentence: Thank you, dear leaders and teachers. After many years of success, I will never forget university. In the difficult years, we will never forget the people who selflessly and silently supported us during high school. You are my pillar, and we will never forget our loved ones in our lifetime. Thank you all! Sincerely thank you all!

  Thank you to:


  助學金感謝信的英語作文 10





  首先,我非常感謝國家助學政策的'幫助,國家領導非常關心我們學生的成長,注重人才的培養(yǎng)。每年,都為優(yōu)秀大和貧困大學生提供了的國家獎學金、國家勵志獎學金或國家助學金。為我們大學生,特別是貧困的我們掃清了在學習知識道路上的障礙。作為一個貧困生,我對此更是深有體會。 我出生于一個貧困的農村家庭,從小到大,都親身經(jīng)歷,親眼所見生活在農村的貧困,也見證了由貧困走向富裕的歷程。在這一歷程中,都大部分是從學習中,謀求更好的出路,也只有求學對農村的孩子來說最重要,也最有意義!在這一群特殊的民眾中更有著一批更特殊的人。那就是像我們一樣的生活在農村的學生!現(xiàn)在國家出臺了一系列的助學措施,極大限度的提高了入學率。“教育乃過之根本”的卻沒錯。一切的發(fā)展都需要強的教育科技力量做依托。也為我們貧困生提供了更多更好的學習機會!從貧寒的家庭走出,背負著學業(yè)和家庭的雙重壓力,求學的艱辛,銘心刻骨。然而國家的資助政策讓我不僅圓了學習夢,還讓我找到了生活前進的動力和方向!助學貸款給了我一種莫大的肯定、鞭策和希望。






Dear leaders and teachers,

  Hello everyone!

  The fallen leaves hover in the air, composing a grateful movement, which is the gratitude of the tree to the earth that nourishes it; White clouds float in the blue sky, painting touching images one after another, which is the gratitude of white clouds to the blue sky that nurtured them. Because of gratitude, there is a colorful society, and because of gratitude, there is sincere friendship. Thanks to gratitude, we have learned the true meaning of life!

  I come from a rural area and my family is poor, but I never complain. Instead, I love poverty because it can exercise my will and allow me to learn more knowledge and principles in dealing with people in poverty! Today, I enjoy the national scholarship and feel extremely excited and fortunate! I would like to express my deep gratitude and highest respect to the rewards given by the country

  Firstly, I am very grateful for the help of the national student assistance policy. The national leaders are very concerned about the growth of our students and pay attention to talent cultivation. Every year, national scholarships, national inspirational scholarships, or national scholarships are provided to outstanding and impoverished college students. For us college students, especially those in poverty, we have cleared the obstacles on the path of learning knowledge. As a poor student, I have a deep understanding of this. I was born into a poor rural family and have personally experienced and witnessed the poverty of living in rural areas from childhood to adulthood. I have also witnessed the journey from poverty to prosperity. In this process, most of them are seeking a better way out through learning, and only studying is the most important and meaningful for rural children! Among this special group of people, there is a more special group of people. Thats the students living in rural areas like us! Now the country has introduced a series of measures to assist students, greatly increasing the enrollment rate. It is true that education is the foundation of mistakes. All development requires strong educational and technological support. It also provides us with more and better learning opportunities for impoverished students! Coming out of a poor family, carrying the dual pressure of academic and family, the hardships of studying are unforgettable. However, the national funding policy not only fulfilled my dream of learning, but also gave me the motivation and direction to move forward in life! The student loan gave me a great affirmation, encouragement, and hope.

  It was because of this scholarship that I was able to live a real college life. I no longer need to be afraid to participate in various activities because I dont have money. More importantly, it can reduce the burden on my family and help them send less money every month.

  It is because of this scholarship that it has given me another warmth during my university years. It has shown me that my world has also given me beautiful colors.

  It is because of this scholarship that it truly shook my heart, changed my values, realized that life is not without hope, and realized that this society is full of love.

  Thank you to:



  離職感謝信的英語作文 1







Dear boss, landlady, and Manager Wu

  Hello everyone!

  I am delighted and honored to have been able to interact and cooperate with you for over a year. Thank you to the company for giving me my first formal job in my life. Over the past year, as an ignorant and inexperienced young man, I have gradually adapted to the workplace life and learned a lot of professional knowledge and principles in work. Thank you to the boss for her tolerance and understanding of my mistakes in work, and even more for her trust and support in my work. Without your care and care, there wouldnt be what I am today. Manager Wu is also very grateful for the many things you taught me. Sitting next to you was a bit stressful at the beginning. Ive been together for a long time, but youre actually quite kind. Your business skills and smooth speaking skills have greatly benefited me.

  All things come to an end, and good times are always so brief and memorable. Due to personal reasons, I left the company, but I will always remember in my heart that the company gave me a good start, and I will always be a part of the company. Finally, I sincerely wish the companys scale continues to expand and performance continues to improve. I wish all colleagues in the company smooth work and a happy life!

  Thank you to:


  離職感謝信的英語作文 2








Dear leaders and colleagues

  Hello everyone! Tonight, I write this letter with a feeling of reluctance. In life, there is no banquet that never ends. Choosing to leave this place of nine years of life and work on this day is not because the company provides too little, nor is it a matter of salary and benefits; But due to personal reasons, I cannot continue to contribute to the companys glory, which makes me very sorry.

  Looking back on these nine years, the company has given me too many opportunities to become a better myself. Firstly, I would like to express my great gratitude to the company for providing me with a great work platform and for the cultivation and care I have received during my nine years of service. This makes me deeply grateful at all times and proud to be a witness to the development and growth of AVIC Propertys Changsha and Yueyang branches. On this journey, I have gained so much from AVIC Property, and I will always be grateful for it.

  Thanks to AVIC Property, all leaders of AVIC Property (Liu Wenbo, Zhang Li, Zhu Jian, Xu Zhiping, Xia Xingang, Feng Zhongliang, Pan Shiqiang, Shen Junhu, Wang Bohua, Liu Hui) and all my colleagues, brothers and sisters who helped and supported me. During my time at AVIC Property, I felt fulfilled and joyful. Becoming a colleague with excellent AVIC property managers and working together has greatly benefited me. They have deeply influenced me, allowing me to grow and mature, and establishing a deep friendship in my daily interactions. This is my lifelong wealth.

  In short, there are too many words to thank. In my future life, I will always take pride in working at AVIC Property and work together with everyone towards a better future. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude again to everyone and wish them all the best in everything and good health.

  Thank you to:


  離職感謝信的英語作文 3









Dear leaders and colleagues

  Hello everyone!

  Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the company for providing me with a great job opportunity, as well as for the cultivation and care I have received during my three months in office, which has always filled my heart with gratitude. Due to personal reasons, I am unable to continue contributing to the brilliant future of the company and will officially resign on the 10th of next month. I am deeply sorry for this.

  During my two-year working experience, the company has provided me with multiple opportunities to participate in the implementation of various projects, which has allowed me to accumulate a certain amount of CRM professional knowledge and experience in customer operation management, member management, and other aspects of my job. At the same time, I have also learned many principles of being a good person outside of work. I cherish and thank the company for all of this, as it has brought me help in my future work and life.

  In addition, during this period, I have benefited greatly from working with many outstanding people as colleagues, and I believe it will also deeply affect me in the future. I sincerely thank you all for helping me grow. During the two years of spending time with colleagues, we have also established a friendship from shallow to deep. From the bottom of my heart, I hope this friendship can continue and last forever.

  Sincerely wish the companys scale continues to expand and its performance continues to improve! I also wish the company leaders and colleagues smooth work and a happy life!

  Thank you to:


  離職感謝信的英語作文 4







Dear boss, landlady, and Manager Wu:

  Hello everyone!

  I am delighted and honored to have been working with you for over a year. Thank you to Zhenghua for giving me my first formal job in my life. Over the past year, as an ignorant little boy, I have gradually adapted to the workplace life and learned a lot of professional knowledge and principles in dealing with people in the workplace. Thank you to the boss for her tolerance and understanding of my work mistakes, and even more for her trust and support in my work. Without your care and care, there would be no journey today. Manager Wu is also very grateful to you for teaching me a lot. Sitting next to you was a bit stressful at first. Ive been together for a long time, but youre actually quite kind. Your professional skills and fluent speaking skills have really benefited me a lot.

  Every banquet in the world has an end, and good times are always so brief and unforgettable. Xiaocheng left Zhenghua for personal reasons, but at Xiaocheng, I will always remember that Zhenghua gave me a good start, and I will always be a part of Zhenghua. Finally, I sincerely wish the company a continuous expansion and improved performance. Wishing all colleagues smooth work and a happy life.

  Thank you to:


  離職感謝信的英語作文 5











Dear leaders/colleagues

  As I am going to East China Normal University in Shanghai to study management as a graduate student (full state fee), I would like to say goodbye to all leaders and colleagues, and express my sincere gratitude and thanks! Thank you very much to all the leaders/colleagues for their continuous care, support, trust, and guidance towards me.

  Everyone has moved me too much, and every time I think about it, my heart surges, my blood boils, and I cant help it. Today, I bid farewell to the group for my dream, but no matter how I choose, I am already engraved with the imprint of the group. I will also feel proud and proud that the group has chosen me, and I will be proud and proud of every leader and colleague of the group. Of course, my feelings for the group will also become deeper and stronger.

  Standing here, my mood has been restless for a long time! The flow of time can never erase my longing for the group, but it has made me mature step by step and has also brought me countless touches! Where does my emotion come from? It comes from our hot collective, warm home, and sunny harbor! Every colleague from the group, with your warm hands and meticulous guidance, has made my ordinary experience more exciting and beautiful! Thank you really!

  Looking back on last June, a young and inexperienced young man came alone to the beautiful and vibrant Longcheng, to the automotive group with a long history and cultural heritage. It was your sincere, friendly, and meticulous arrangement that gave me the initial work experience, solid professional skills, on-site factory internship in the region, and practical business responsibilities and training in the department that gradually made me a qualified human resources management personnel. I sincerely thank the land that nurtured me, which is a hot spot for exercising me

  Along the way, I have always felt the warmth of a big family and the care of loved ones. The passion for the automotive industry and the deep affection for the group have melted into my blood. This nurturing kindness will motivate me to work harder to shoulder new responsibilities, and will also become a source of strength for me to study and work harder in the future.

  Although I am about to go to Shanghai to further my studies, my heart has not left. The group is my eternal home, where there are leaders and colleagues who have always cared for and helped me. I will cherish and forever remember your thoughtful cultivation and education towards me; Here are my brothers and sisters who are like brothers and sisters. We know each other, encourage each other, and share the same cause, goal, and struggle. We have forged a deep friendship of common purpose, and become good colleagues, partners, and friends. This friendship is the most valuable asset in my life. Over 430 days and nights, little by little, have condensed too much laughter and hard work. The shining emotions of youth keep appearing in front of me, so familiar, so nostalgic.

  Finally, I sincerely wish the group prosperity, prosperity, and improvement. I also wish all leaders/colleagues a sweet and happy life, smooth work, and all the best. Thank you very much indeed!

  Thank you to:



  醫(yī)生感謝信的英語作文 1




  在住院期間,我深深地感受到貴院醫(yī)護人員的高尚醫(yī)德、精湛的醫(yī)技和良好的護理作風。小淞主任、小鵬醫(yī)生高操的醫(yī)術和崇尚的醫(yī)德堪稱時代楷模。還有科里的'小程、小果、小玲等醫(yī)生亦謂醫(yī)界精英。他們醫(yī)治病人,懸壺濟世;護理病人,體貼入微。病人如果有問題找醫(yī)生,不管是不是自己的主管醫(yī)生,他們都能給予認真的解答和及時處置。不像市里某大醫(yī)院,患者有問題,主管醫(yī)生不在的情況下,其他醫(yī)生互相推諉,這是貴院難能可貴之處,這種團隊精神值得醫(yī)界學習。還有大內護士長、腫一科護士長和全體護士對病人的責任感、對工作的一絲不茍,同樣令我們敬佩,在我們的心中,她們都應該獲得“南丁格爾”獎。 在貴院,與其它醫(yī)院不同的是醫(yī)生更注重心理治療,有許多患癌癥的患者入院時心理壓力比較大,醫(yī)生就對病人及家屬耐心而細致地講解病情和治療前景,足以讓病人和家屬在黑暗中尋得一線光芒,經(jīng)過一段時間的藥物治療和心理慰藉,精神面貌有了明顯的改觀。每次查房,都會從病人和家屬們目光里看到,有感動和感激,有信任和敬佩,有欣慰和幸福。在此,我們要深深地感謝腫瘤一科全體醫(yī)護人員,向他們道一聲“辛苦了”!




Dear leaders of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital/Oncology Department:

  Hello everyone.

  I am a colon cancer patient who underwent surgery at Yuhuangding Hospital in December and needs chemotherapy. According to a friends introduction, the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine therapy used for chemotherapy in a traditional Chinese medicine hospital is less painful and effective. So I went to the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in admiration and sought medical attention from Vice Dean Hou Aihua. The head of the hospital arranged for me to be hospitalized in the oncology department. Director Xiao Song and the supervising doctor, Dr. Xiao Peng, warmly received me and conducted a thorough examination for me. After nearly six months of chemotherapy, I developed a treatment plan. As I was about to recover and complete the entire treatment process, I would like to express my feelings and the common voice of the hospitalized patients.

  During my hospitalization, I deeply felt the noble medical ethics, exquisite medical skills, and good nursing style of the medical staff in your hospital. Director Xiaosong and Dr. Xiaopengs advanced medical skills and revered medical ethics can be regarded as role models of the times. Doctors such as Xiao Cheng, Xiao Guo, and Xiao Ling in the department are also known as elites in the medical industry. They heal patients and serve the world by hanging a pot; Take care of patients and be considerate. If a patient has any questions, they can consult a doctor, whether it is their own supervising doctor or not, and they can provide serious answers and timely treatment. Unlike a major hospital in the city, where patients have problems and the supervising doctor is absent, other doctors shift blame to each other. This is a valuable aspect of your hospital, and this team spirit is worth learning from in the medical industry. We also admire the Matron of the university, the Matron of the first department of swelling and all the nurses for their sense of responsibility for patients and meticulous work. In our hearts, they should all win the "Nightingale" award. In your hospital, unlike other hospitals, doctors pay more attention to psychological treatment. Many patients with cancer are under great Psychological stress when they are admitted to the hospital. Doctors patiently and carefully explain their condition and treatment prospects to patients and their families, which is enough to let patients and their families find a glimmer of light in the dark. After a period of drug treatment and psychological comfort, their mental outlook has changed significantly. Every time during ward rounds, we see from the eyes of patients and their families that there is emotion and gratitude, trust and admiration, comfort and happiness. Here, we would like to deeply thank all the medical staff of the Cancer Department 1 and say hard work to them!

  Finally, thank you to the leaders at all levels of the hospital, and thank you for cultivating such good doctors and nurses. In todays society where the Doctor–patient relationship is so tense, you have interpreted the true meaning of the Doctor–patient relationship with your wholehearted efforts and efforts.

  Thank you to:


  醫(yī)生感謝信的英語作文 2







Dear hospital leaders and doctors

  We have a baby! Thank you for your meticulous treatment and care over my many days, so I am very grateful to the doctors and nurses at the hospital! Although it is your responsibility to treat others, your meticulous care and treatment of every patient truly moved me!

  Two months ago, my wife and I wanted to give our child, but we couldnt succeed several times. So, my wife and I went to the hospital to register for medical treatment. The doctor told me that I had prostate disease, but my wife didnt have any problems, mainly in my area. So the doctor asked me to undergo prostate surgery. After the surgery was completed, the doctor said to me: Once you recover, you can go to sleep with your wife again, There should be no problem now! My mood suddenly improved a lot, until after I fully recovered, my wife and I went home. After more than a month, my wife sometimes felt nauseous. I thought I had some illness, so I took her to the hospital for a check-up. The results were so happy that I was almost excited! The doctor said to me and my wife: Congratulations, you can become parents now!

  A sentence made the heart in my throat go down my stomach! Thank you so much to the hospital. It was you who gave me the right to be a father and added a lot of harmony and laughter to our family!

  Thank you to:


  醫(yī)生感謝信的英語作文 3










All epilepsy doctors at Shanghai Haibin Hospital:

  Hello everyone!

  I am the parent of Xiaoping patient in the third ward. On the occasion of the childs recovery and discharge, I believe many parents, like me, have a lot of psychological feelings. I am very, very grateful to the doctors and nurses who took care of Pingping. I sincerely thank you all!!

  My child has been strong and strong since childhood, but he fell off a high bed during a sleep and suffered from epilepsy after hitting his head. From the beginning of medical treatment to now, I have been to countless hospitals, and after eating a lot, I still havent improved. The child is getting older and their personality is becoming more introverted. Watching the child eat every day but the condition is still recurring, every time we see the pain of the childs seizures, its like being a parent and wanting to bear all the pain for our child. Later, I heard that Shanghai Haibin Hospital was a hospital specializing in treating epilepsy in Shanghai, and it was said that the treatment effect for epilepsy was very good. Therefore, my husband and I brought Pingping to the hospital for treatment. At the beginning, there was always unease and confusion in my heart. Can your hospital completely cure the childs illness? Will failure increase the psychological burden on children

  With a series of questions, the child began treatment. During the treatment, I shared my doubts with the doctor. I thought the doctor would be unhappy, but instead, the doctor enthusiastically and patiently told me the cause of the disease and the treatment plan, allowing me to have a fundamental understanding of the disease. What moved us the most was that during the treatment period, I sent a red envelope to the doctor, but the doctor returned it! Your hospital gave me a very perfect impression. Whether in terms of service, medical equipment, or treatment effectiveness, it made me feel that Shanghai Haibin Hospital is unique in epilepsy!

  When Pingping knew that she was about to leave the hospital after her illness was cured, she took out her folded paper crane and gave it to the nurse aunt at the hospital. The childs awareness of this at a young age indicates her deep affection for hospital doctors and nurses, and also reflects the superb treatment technology and high-quality service of the hospitals medical staff.

  Today, we are here to express our gratitude to all the medical staff of Shanghai Haibin Hospital for helping our children regain their health. Here, we would like to express our gratitude to all the medical staff led by the dean. Thank you! Thank you for helping my child regain a healthy and beautiful life!

  Thank you to:


  醫(yī)生感謝信的英語作文 4









Leaders and medical staff at all levels of Shaanxi Cancer Hospital:

  I am a family member of a patient in the general surgery department of your hospital. Please accept my heartfelt gratitude to all medical staff in the general surgery department! At the same time, I would like to express my gratitude to the leaders at all levels of your hospital for cultivating such an excellent medical team with noble medical ethics, exquisite skills, unity and cooperation, and tireless efforts.

  My mother was found to have rectal cancer on June 28th. After multiple inquiries, she was transferred to Director Ma Longan of the General Surgery Department of your hospital in Muming on July 2nd, and successfully completed chemotherapy three times after the surgery. As doctors, Director Ma Longan, along with Dr. Liu Wei and Dr. Feng Xugang, no matter how busy they are, they must go to the ward for rounds every morning and evening, carefully inquire about their daily condition, and adjust the treatment plan in a timely manner according to the specific situation. Their diligent and responsible work attitude, proficient professional quality, and excellent quality of treating patients like family members not only saved their lives, but also psychologically saved them.

  Love is on the left, sympathy is on the right, walking on both sides of life, sowing seeds at any time, blooming at any time, embellishing this long journey with fragrant flowers, making pedestrians walking through thorns feel no pain, tears can fall, but not sadness. This is the best interpretation of a nurses duty. Since my mothers admission, I have been accompanying her, which has given me the opportunity to witness the daily work status of this excellent nursing team of the National Youth Civilization.

  It was their meticulous and meticulous care, their hard work and tireless efforts, their skilled skills and angelic smiles that made my mother recover day by day, and made me remember every name and face. The mature and stable Matron Zhang Jie, the capable and elegant nurse in charge Li Huie, the trusty and easy-going Li Qiaoling, the generous Cheng Qi, the outgoing and cheerful Chen Xianhua, the gentle and quiet Lian Yanping, the considerate Liu Li, the helpful Xiao He, and the lively and enthusiastic Yang Qian. It is they who keep me from getting discouraged in times of adversity, from panicking in times of danger, and from being disappointed in times of adversity.

  Finally, I sincerely wish your hospital a prosperous and prosperous career, reaching a higher level, and wish all medical staff smooth work and good health!

  Thank you to:


  醫(yī)生感謝信的英語作文 5









All healthcare workers:

  Hello everyone!

  All family members and friends of the patient sincerely express their gratitude to you here. Thank you for your high attention to my mothers condition over the past month, and for saving her from the brink of life.

  In this cold winter, for our family, there is a more cruel reality than a snowstorm. My mother has a liver abscess accompanied by severe chills, and her life is in great danger. The merciless illness has frosted in the hearts of each and every one of us. In the days of family gatherings, we have lost the joy of gathering and are more concerned about our mothers safety. The mother who has worked hard for a lifetime is the concern for our children to return home.

  Illness is merciless, there is love in the world. Taiyuan Central Hospital not only has advanced medical facilities, but also has a service team of doctors and parents. With superb professional skills and noble medical ethics, the medical staff of your hospital have given great patience and enthusiasm to my mothers condition. After several days of treatment and careful care under the condition of my mothers dying life, my mother has turned the corner and let all our family members have a little warmth, We are moved by this. On such a special day, all medical staff are willing to hold onto my position and provide the most comprehensive and meticulous services to my mother and all patients. It has deeply impressed us with the word the heart of a doctors parents.

  A thousand words cannot express our gratitude in our hearts. On behalf of my family, I would like to once again thank all the medical staff in your hospital. At the same time, I wish your hospital better and better, bringing hope to more people walking to the brink of life. I wish my mother and patients an early recovery!

  Thank you to:


  醫(yī)生感謝信的英語作文 6








Dean Hao:

  Hello, I am a patient. For two years, I have been suffering from pain and Doctor shopping everywhere without radical treatment.

  Until I arrived at the Xian Red Cross Hospital and, under the recommendation of Dr. Xie, I found you.

  With your superb medical treatment, my illness has been cured. At your hospital, I received careful care and felt a strong sense of responsibility from you. Especially during the recovery period, Dr. Shao and Dr. Xie were serious and responsible. They not only cared about my physical recovery status, but also often comforted me and relieved my mental burden. It was you who gave me a second life. Here, on behalf of the whole family, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to you, Dr. Shao, and Dr. Xie!

  Wishing: Your hospitals medical career is thriving, and your love is spreading all over the world!

  Thank you to:


  醫(yī)生感謝信的英語作文 7










Workers Hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology:

  I am the mother of a newborn baby. On the occasion of the babys full moon, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and respect to all medical staff in the obstetrics and gynecology department!

  In June of this year, three months before the expected delivery date, we began discussing which hospital to choose to give birth to. At that time, we mainly considered four aspects, namely medical level, service quality, hospitalization environment, and transportation. After comparing several key hospitals in the city, we ultimately chose the Workers Hospital, which has also proven to be the correct choice

  From the establishment of records at the Workers Hospital in April this year, to every subsequent pregnancy check up, until the smooth delivery at 3pm on September 15th, and to the warm postpartum service, medical staff have demonstrated professional literacy, exquisite medical skills, and thoughtful service. During pregnancy, you provided timely guidance and reminders on the precautions to be taken during the pregnancy process. Many things were thought to be ahead of us, dispelling our worries; When the baby is about to be born, you scientifically guide and utilize advanced medical equipment to ensure the smooth birth of the baby and the safety of the mother and child. Your calm and constant encouragement from beginning to end greatly alleviates our anxious emotions; After giving birth, you also provide thoughtful and meticulous care services "one-on-one", making the babys growth and maternal recovery very satisfactory.

  In order to provide a comfortable environment for babies and mothers to rest and recuperate, we chose a cost-effective gynecology and obstetrics vip ward. All vip wards here are located on the 7th floor. The whole floor is spacious, bright, quiet and tidy. The ward is reasonably arranged, warm and comfortable. Household goods are available, which is very convenient for taking care of babies and mothers. The 5-day hospitalization that was supposed to be "difficult" passed quickly, which was both enjoyable and relaxed, and we were particularly satisfied.

  Another thing worth praising is that from admission to discharge, we have enjoyed high-quality services. At the same time, the medical staff of obstetrics and gynecology have never made any unreasonable demands to pregnant women and their families, nor have they conducted unnecessary examinations to increase the hospitals economic benefits. This is very admirable.

  Here, we once again express our gratitude to all the medical staff in the Obstetrics and Gynecology department led by the director! We will remember every smiling face and all your efforts in our hearts and will never forget them. We wish you good health, smooth work, good deeds, and a safe life!

  Thank you to:


  醫(yī)生感謝信的英語作文 8












Hospital leaders:


  On behalf of my family, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the hospital!

  On December 29, her mother had acute Appendicitis and severe abdominal pain. On the morning of the 30th, he arrived at the hospital and was successfully operated by Professor Li. He stayed in bed 10 in the ward for several months.

  During the hospitalization, Professor Li and the Matron took care of my mothers relatives, which made my mother full of confidence in winning in the fight against disease. The beauty, kindness, gentleness, and clean and skilled professional qualities of nurses left a deep impression on our family.

  Previously, when I saw a serious illness, my friends and I usually chose well-known large hospitals and felt that their technical level was high. But this time, due to an emergency, I took my mother to the hospital for surgery and deeply realized that the hospital is really good! The patients humanized service process, accurate diagnosis, successful surgery, and meticulous postoperative care during the treatment and surgery process still deeply moved our entire family, which was beyond my expectations. In short, the professionalism of Dr. Li and the nurses has always moved me and my family. Finally, I secretly gave red envelopes to Dr. Li and the Matron, who refused, saying that it was their duty to save people. This forced me to take up my pen and write this thank-you letter to praise Dr. Li and the Matron.

  Of course, I would like to thank the leaders of the research institute. I know that without the efforts of leaders and the harmonious management of people-oriented leadership, there cannot be the people-oriented harmonious service we enjoy!

  This allows me to see an era that has not stopped in front of honor, full of a sense of mission and crisis, constantly developing and advancing, full of vitality and vitality!

  Thank you very much again!

  Thank you to:


  醫(yī)生感謝信的英語作文 9







  Peoples Hospital Orthopedics Department:

  I am a patient from Beijing. Due to the diagnosis and meticulous care of all medical staff in your department, my body is gradually recovering. With gratitude, I wish all medical staff in the orthopedics department a smooth and healthy work.

  I would like to express my special gratitude to Dr. Liang Bin and Dr. Mo Bingfeng. As I was accidentally injured during a disaster relief mission and suffered a severe fracture in my lower back, Dr. Liang Bin used his superb medical skills to relieve my pain. I have now transferred to the Traditional Chinese Medicine department for further adjustment and recovery. Mr. Mo Bingfeng has also visited me multiple times from the Traditional Chinese Medicine department, which has moved and disappointed me.

  It is these good doctors who have traded their hard work for the health of their patients. I sincerely thank you and wish the good person a safe life.

  Thank you to:


  醫(yī)生感謝信的英語作文 10







  當然 ,我更要感謝院領導,我知道沒有領導的努力,沒有領導們以人為本的充滿人性化的和諧的管理,就不能讓我們享受到這么優(yōu)質的服務。




Leader of the hospital:


  On behalf of our entire family, I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the First Affiliated Hospital of the Medical College!

  On December 14th, my father went to your hospital for treatment, and Professor Li successfully performed a colon polypectomy surgery on my father. During his stay in the General Surgery Department, Professor Li, Doctor Wang, and Matron Chen gave my father family like warmth, which made my father full of confidence in fighting against the disease. The beauty, kindness, gentleness, and clean and skilled professional qualities of the general surgical nurses have left a deep impression on our entire family.

  Patients are a special consumer group who often cannot receive corresponding services when they take money to see a doctor. When they receive services that are consistent with their efforts, they still need spiritual comfort. Doctors and nurses are also a special profession. While earning their own labor rewards, they are also constantly doing good deeds to save lives and help the wounded. This is an unparalleled and glorious profession.

  To see a serious illness, one must go to the First Affiliated Hospital of the Medical College. This has always been the consensus of my family and friends. I have always known that your hospital is the best hospital in the city, but I have never truly realized that your hospital will be so good! The accuracy of the diagnosis, the success of the surgery, and the meticulous care provided to the patients after the surgery were still beyond my expectations, which deeply moved our entire family. The professionalism of Professor Li, Doctor Wang and Head Nurse Chen moved me and my family all the time, which made me have to pick up my pen and write this thank-you letter.

  Of course, I would like to thank the hospital leaders even more. I know that without their efforts and the people-oriented and harmonious management of the leaders, we cannot enjoy such high-quality services.

  Once again, deeply thank you all!

  Thank you to:



  給父母感謝信的英語作文 1









Dear parents


  I remember when I was sick, you took good care of me. I remember every time I encounter difficulties, you always help me overcome them time and time again. I really want to say to you loudly, "Mom, I love you!" Mom, in fact, I want to say a thousand absolute thanks to you. I really dont know what word to use to describe your love for me. In the perfect era of the past, your education and hard work were indispensable. You guide me on the path to success, allowing me to grow up healthy and happy. I have always been very sensible. Although I am very ignorant, you are still willing to do everything for me without any complaints.

  I remember once, it was a cold night, and it was still raining heavily outside. I dont understand what happened. I suddenly have a high fever. The first time I saw you rushing to a nearby hospital without any preparation, prescribing medication, buying injections, and running desperately home. Suddenly, I saw my mother getting wet all over, and my heart suddenly seemed to get wet.

  Mom, you and I have put in so much effort, and I havent thanked you for your kindness to me yet. I am really ashamed and sad at the moment. Mom, please forgive my past ignorance. Although I am not yet mature, I believe I must repay you and be filial to you. My heart is filled with gratitude to you. I must study hard, make progress every day, be a good child who loves to learn, and play the piano well and seriously. Mom, thank you! “

  Wishing you good health and all the best.

  Thank you to:


  給父母感謝信的英語作文 2












Dear parents

  Thank you. You work hard for me every day. I am here to thank you for everything you have given me. I can never repay you for coming to me. Please take a break. I am very grateful to my parents. It was their broad mindedness and deep love that embraced all my strengths and weaknesses, generously giving me a space of my own, allowing me to stretch out my arms and embrace the life I want.

  Thank you to my parents for giving me the right to come to this world.

  My childhood was spent carefree under the care and care of my parents. On a sunny day, they sent me a bright and clear sky; During the rainy and snowy season, they held up a warm umbrella for me.

  The time of adolescence is accompanied by the joys and sorrows of learning, as well as the bitterness, sweetness, and sourness of parents. My parents are always happy because of my happiness, and they are always worried because of my troubles. I know my parents are looking forward to my good grades. One day, their son will be able to live a better life with his own abilities.

  One day, my parents wish came true: I finally had a happy home.

  My parents smiled, but in this heartfelt smile, I saw deep wrinkles on their forehead and white hair on their temples at some point.

  Parents still carry countless worries in their hearts, taking care of their children and busy with daily life and work. Watching me grow up, I am still smart and my parents smiled with satisfaction. However, they are no longer young.

  I am grateful to my parents. When I was no longer young, when I silently counted the white hair on their heads, when I gently stroked the wrinkles on their faces; I stayed away from my parents when I was in college. I will take good care of myself and study hard in the future, and repay my parents kindness with excellent grades.

  Thank you to:


  給父母感謝信的英語作文 3








Dear parents

  Hello everyone!

  I havent written a word to you in a long time. Although its clich é d, I still want to say one thing - thank you.

  From childhood to adulthood, you have always been by my side and have never been absent. You not only taught me the basic knowledge of life, but also taught me the principles of life, telling me what justice is and what love is. My father loves me like a mountain, my mother loves me like water. Your mountains and water grow with me, showing me the strength of the mountains and the softness of the water. You are my sun and moon. Without you, I wouldnt be who I am now. Thank you really.

  Although I dont have the poetic charm of a poet; Although, I dont have the natural and unrestrained writing style of a writer; But I am your daughter, and my most sincere words are once again condensed into two words: Thank you!!

  Thank you to:


  給父母感謝信的英語作文 4








Dear parents:

  Hello everyone!

  In the blink of an eye, I am already a big child! I have transformed from an immature child into a mature teenager.

  In recent years, you have been working and toiling for our future happiness. Seeing you grow older day by day, I have an indescribable feeling.

  Mom and Dad, you have given us a lot, and we naturally want to repay you. Mom and Dad, I want to say thank you here!

  Thank you to:


  給父母感謝信的英語作文 5











Dear Dad and Mom

  Hello everyone!

  Tonight without sleep, I have thought a lot, sour, spicy, sweet, bitter, joyful, angry, sorrowful, and full of flavors.

  Every time I go home, I have a different mood, and this is the heaviest time for me. Looking back on the past, I used to be like a child who hadnt grown up. My parents were always my strong shoulders to rely on. Now that my parents are gradually getting older, they have done what they should do, raised me, taught me to be a good person, and it is time for me to repay them. If a child is unfilial and has not given their parents a good day so far, they will be ashamed for life.

  Dads misfortune this time, combined with my own previous mistakes, has always made me face life with a grateful heart, always thinking of this sentence: A drop of waters kindness should be repaid by a spring!!

  Although I cannot truly achieve this, I always want to thank those who have helped me, supported me, and encouraged my family and friends!

  Thank you to my parents for nurturing and educating me, teaching me how to be a person and survive! Thank you to my lover! You are always with me and my family, never giving up! Thank you to all family and friends! It was you who helped me during my most difficult and difficult times! Give me financial and spiritual support! Help me overcome countless difficulties!

  Here, I would like to express my deep gratitude to you all! I will always remember it in my heart. Wishing good people a lifetime of peace!

  Thank you to:


  給父母感謝信的英語作文 6







Dear parents:

  Hello everyone!

  Fathers love is like a mountain, often deep and severe; Mothers love is like water, often gentle and delicate. Thats right, my parents are also like that. My parents have given us too much, but we havent given them anything in return. Thinking about it, I feel very sorry for my parents. Here, I want to say a word to my parents, thank you for your kindness in raising me.

  Wishing you good health and all the best.

  Thank you to:


  給父母感謝信的英語作文 7













Dear parents

  You have already worked hard! Time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, I was 13 years old. You raised me, took care of me, and made me thrive like this.

  Today is the Spring Festival. You are still working hard as usual. For the sake of this family and my hard work, I wake up early to tidy up my household and welcome the New Year.

  But how much love does an inch of grass have, to repay the light of spring? "You cannot repay me for my meticulous care for you and all the small things you have done for me all at once.

  Mom, you are always busy with your family, and you maintain good order both inside and outside. Under your careful care, I have spent many happy years.

  Over the years, you have carefully cultivated me, allowing me to grow happily day by day.

  Dad, Dad loves me like a mountain. In my impression, you have always been a gentle and approachable person. Talking and laughing with me from time to time has added a lot of fun to my life.

  Mom and Dad, have you been working hard? You gave me infinite love. Your love is warm and selfless.

  Thank you for giving me so much with your warm and selfless love.

  Thank you for allowing me to enrich and be happy in my growing life. I will always love you.

  Thank you to:


  給父母感謝信的英語作文 8









Dear parents

  Spring has come, autumn has gone, flowers bloom and fall, you accompany me slowly through twelve long winters and summers. Under your meticulous care, I enjoyed the colorful warm spring, watched the vibrant summer, faced the bountiful autumn harvest this year, and also spent the cold winter in the howling cold wind. With your careful care, I have learned a lot. I will send you a heartfelt message: "Thank you

  I remember one Sunday because I needed a manual assignment and you were very busy, but you still spent your precious time with me to complete the assignment. Your concern for me is countless. When I was sick, you were always by my side; In my studies, you always encourage me. In life, you always care about me. With your care and encouragement, I have full confidence in life and am working harder in my studies.

  Over time, I have grown up and can now take care of myself. I used to be naughty and ignorant. I dont know how much my parents have given me. They always lend me a helping hand in times of difficulty and accompany me on the path of victory. My parents are like a lamp, guiding me towards the light. Mom and Dad love you.

  Wishing you good health

  Safe and sound

  Thank you to:


  給父母感謝信的英語作文 9










Dear parents

  Hello everyone!

  From birth to the age of 11 now. From a naive little girl to a girl who now understands the dangers of this world. From a middle school student to a top student now. Every progress is encouragement from you. Every time I encounter setbacks and setbacks, you always teach me to be strong and optimistic. Every time I stop, you give me the motivation to move forward. Every time I dont want to learn, you always make me understand the usefulness of living in the world. Every time I make a mistake, you teach me courage and honesty. I think: when I become the pinnacle of the future, you may become a stepping stone under my feet.

  Mom, I was ignorant when I was a child. I dont want to learn, let alone think. This often makes you angry. My disobedience is that you always hit me. In my childhood memories, you were like a tigress. When I grow up, I finally understand your good intentions. You are afraid that I will become a useless piece of scrap iron, but you want me to become a shining piece of gold and contribute to the country.

  Dad, when I was a child, you came early and came out late. I thought you didnt love me. But now, every Sunday, you always find some time to play with me, which makes me feel deeply fatherly. Let me understand your heart better.

  Mom and Dad. I love you all. You gave me this happy and happy family. You taught me a lot of truth. I love you all!

  Wishing you happiness, good health, and good health every day.

  Thank you to:


  給父母感謝信的英語作文 10








Dear Dad and Mom

  Hello everyone! In my heart, you are the people I am most familiar with, closest to, and love the most! My beautiful and lovely mother. You have always been much more strict with me than my father, and I am afraid in my heart that you will dominate. Until one time when we were eating hot pot at home, the boiling soup poured into my sleeve all at once, and my arm was severely burned. At that time, you carried me to the hospital, and on the way, you kept shedding tears. In half a month, you have to work again and take me to the hospital to change my dressing, which has made you much older. I want to say to you, "Mom, youve worked hard

  Dad, do you remember? Send me to English class in the cold winter. I was studying in a warm classroom, while you waited for two hours in the piercing cold wind outside the building. After school, you are almost frozen into an ice lolly, its not because of me. Do you know that you often take me out to play and let me breathe in nature? I really enjoy you taking me out to play.

  Here, I want to loudly declare to the world, "I love you very, very much - my father, mother

  Wishing you happiness and smooth work every day!

  Thank you to:



  捐款感謝信的英語作文 1






Dear residents

  The "Love Yushu, Love Boundless - Donation Activity for the Qinghai Yushu Earthquake" initiated by the community has received enthusiastic support from residents in my community.

  Love is boundless, and righteousness is priceless. The entire community residents are actively taking action, gathering every force in the name of love, to give more care to Yushu and greater assistance to the disaster area. When they saw the communitys fundraising initiative, residents wrote a touching and moving movement with their sincerest emotions, purest love, and most positive actions. Feeling for the disaster area, caring for Yushu, caring for continuity, and growing support, these actions full of love and affection fully reflect the great national spirit of unity and solidarity. Everyones benevolence will rekindle a new spark of life and raise the hope of family survival! Here, on behalf of the people in the disaster stricken area, we in Shuangqiao New Village Community express our deep gratitude to all the residents of our community for their love!

  Thank you to:


  捐款感謝信的英語作文 2









  Villagers who donate money to build roads:

  We sincerely thank you for your generous and selfless assistance in the road construction project in this village. Our village has a winding path in the construction of a new countryside, but with the selfless donations of our fellow villagers, the problem of difficult road construction will be easily solved!

  My fellow countrymen who work and do business abroad, your pure heart will become an eternal spiritual driving force, inspiring the enthusiasm of the villagers to donate money to build roads. The villagers who work in Domestic worker and do business, your full help and selfless dedication will also turn into a huge spiritual force, inspire our confidence in road construction, and let us work together to build a beautiful new village.

  Now, the enthusiasm for donating money to build roads is growing day by day! Brothers and sisters who have not yet donated money, please give your love, contribute your part to the road construction project in this village, and leave your name in the history of Fudi Village. Please rest assured that we will cherish every penny of donation and make good use of every penny of funds.

  We have reason to believe that with the joint efforts of the people of Fudi, we will definitely catch up on the road of new rural construction, and the future of Fudi Village will be even better!

  We once again express sincere gratitude and high respect to the villagers who have supported the public welfare cause of Fudi Village! The New Year is approaching, and I wish everyone good health, smooth work, happy family, and a happy New Year in the coming year!

  Thank you to:


  捐款感謝信的英語作文 3






Dear caring individuals in society

  Hello, thank you very much for extending your helping hand. Our classmate Xiao Tian from Central Primary School has a very unfortunate fate. This classmate is only seven years old, but enormous torment has already befallen him. Now he is plagued by illness, but he is also very lucky because so many caring people in society have donated their love to help him overcome the disease.

  His parents are both laid-off workers and do not have stable jobs. So when he was diagnosed with severe illness, there was not enough savings at home to help him receive treatment. At a time when this small family was at a loss, it was our school that gave him new hope from caring people from all walks of life in society. It is also a gesture of caring people from all walks of life, which greatly inspires and inspires him, who is struggling with illness in his hospital bed, and also shows hope to his family. We believe that with the blessings and help of so many people, he can surely create a miracle of his own life. So here we once again express our gratitude to all the teachers, students, and philanthropic individuals who have donated money, as well as to all sectors of society. This kind of thank you for your kind support has given him hope to regain his life. I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to you and hope that your studies and work will go smoothly.

  Thank you to:


  捐款感謝信的英語作文 4








Dear all teachers, students, and employees of the Experimental High School

  Hello everyone!

  We have received your donation in full, and we have also received your love in full! Our whole family thanks you all! Thank you for extending your kind hand, which has added courage and strength to Chens victory over illness! Thank you for extending your loving hand, which has made our whole family feel the friendship and true love of all teachers, students, and employees! Thank you for extending your loving hand, allowing us to see the vibrant and vibrant future of Experimental Middle School! Thank you for extending your true love hand, allowing us to experience the warmth and concern of a big family in a harmonious society!

  With your help, Chen has been hospitalized at the General Hospital of the Peoples Liberation Army in Beijing. Chen was diagnosed with poorly differentiated liver cancer, which is the most severe type of liver cancer. It belongs to the late stage of liver cancer. Despite multiple expert consultations and treatments, Chens condition continues to worsen, with cancer cells spreading to the lungs. Although he is not yet aware of the condition, he has shown adverse symptoms such as liver pain, fatigue, and dizziness, and his body is deteriorating. As parents of children, although we may find it difficult to accept this reality, we still need to pretend to be smiling in front of our children. Regardless, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, we should also treat our children and make them live a good life every day!

  Thank you again!

  Thank you to:


  捐款感謝信的英語作文 5









Dear leaders and colleagues

  Hello everyone! Thank you very much for understanding my difficulties and providing me with donations.

  I am a security monitor of the Thousand Buddha Mountain Xiyuan Project of the property company. I have been in the company for more than three years, and I feel at home after three years in the company. My parents died at a young age and I was separated from my younger sister. However, during my time in Yinfeng, I received everyones attention and felt the warmth of this big family.

  Due to the discovery of my condition during a physical examination, but without the funds for medical treatment, the company actively organized employees to donate money to me. With the support of various leaders and colleagues, I received donations, which was undoubtedly a timely help for me and an opportunity for my rebirth.

  Looking at the grassroots employees who donated to me, they didnt have any extra money, but they still provided donations for me, which made my heart ache. As the saying goes, A drop of kindness should be rewarded with a spring of water. I secretly made a decision for myself, and I must seize every opportunity to repay the company and every leader, colleague, and friend who cares and supports me with my own money. At the same time, please supervise the expenditure of this donation fee, and I promise not to spend it recklessly.

  Once again, thank you all for your care and help!

  Thank you to:



  感謝信的英語作文 1







Dear Mary,

  I would like to thank you for your warm-heart help last term. I couldnt have passed the CET Band 4, if not had received your reference book on English Learning. It is more necessary to appreciate you because of your tender care and perfect consideration for me. I would never forget that night when you sent the umbrella to me at the library.

  Have you got free time in this summer vocation? If yes, I hope I have the honor to invite you to come to my home and enjoy the beautiful scene of my hometown. At last, I want to thank you again.

  Best wishes!

Thank you to:


  感謝信的英語作文 2








Dear Laura,

  I was truly enraptured beyond expression to receive your flowers which turned our living room into a garden.

  How considerate and wonderful of you to remember my birthday. You just couldnt have selected anything I had have liked more! You have a positive genius for selecting the right gift!

  The four years I spent with you at the college have been the pleasavar;ntest period in my life. I will cherish this memory forever. How nice it would be to see you again.

  You have been more than kind, and I wont ever forget it. My love and deepest gratitude, now and always!

Thank you to:


  感謝信的英語作文 3








Hospital leaders and medical personnel at all levels:

  Senior Director of the Otolaryngology Department, Dr. Liang, and all medical staff, please accept our heartfelt gratitude from the whole family to you. Wishing you all a safe life!

  My father has been suffering from rhinitis for many years and has sought help from multiple hospitals. I have been living in your hospital recently and my nose pain is unbearable. Dr. Gao and Dr. Liang performed surgeries on their father to alleviate pain in the spirit of saving lives, noble professional ethics, and superb medical skills. My father has basically recovered now.

  What we feel here is that two doctors come to my fathers bed every day to check his condition and seek help. And personally diagnose, operate, and always care about the condition; Nurses check the bed every day, take care of it, and make the bed for Dad These meticulous care reflects the ethics of ophthalmologists, otolaryngologists, and nurses who work diligently and wholeheartedly to serve patients. What I see here is your smile and comfort, and what I feel is satisfaction. Your efforts are worthy of gratitude and remembrance.

  At the same time, I also thank the leaders at all levels of the hospital for cultivating good doctors like Director Gao and Dr. Liang! A thousand words of gratitude can only be summed up in one blessing: Sincerely wish Dr. Liang, Senior Director of the Otolaryngology Department, and all medical staff good health and happiness for the whole family!

  Thank you to:


  感謝信的英語作文 4







Dear ms. grasso:

  Thank you for interviepany and the type of banking services the corporation provides.

  Your comments gave me a good understanding of the business and your expectations for the attorney you are seeking. i am confident that my background and experience in banking lae. Noeday pay a short visit to our university and give us some lectures on “Modern Western Economics”.

  Please have no hesitation in ething for you in China. With best e you soon.

Thank you to:


  感謝信的英語作文 5







Dear Mr.Harry:

  I am so grateful and excited after I got your invitation letter to dinner. And I enjoyed the dinner very much last night that I would never forget.I was really moved by the hospitality of you and your family.With the feeling in my heart,I will treasure the friendship between us and value the long-established relationship with your company.I am sure that we will certainly have a bright future in our co-operation.I really look forward to increasing business in the coming years.

  Lets joint together and continue our relationship.

  Thank you again!

Thank you to:


  感謝信的英語作文 6






Dear my friend,

  It is great to have you in my life for helping me both in my study and in my personal affairs. I have to say thank youfromthe bottom of my mind. You were so nice to me and so helpful that I could not even overcome any of the difficulties that I have encountered without the assistancefromyou. Please accept my sincere appreciation for what you have done and I will definitely cherish the friendship we have.

  Wish you all the best.

Thank you to:


  感謝信的英語作文 7







Dear Mr. Santos,

  Im Xiao Li. At this moment, Im honored to express our sincere thanks to you on behalf of my classmates.

  We do appreciate everything that youve done for us. Weve been very lucky to have you as our English teacher in the past years. With your help, everybody has made progress both in English learning and school life. Weve enjoyed your teaching and guidance a lot. Your humorous stories, big smiles and encouraging words have already rooted in our memories. Since you will leave soon. we wish you a pleasant journey back home and a happy life there. Well miss you.

  Thanks again.

Thank you to:


  感謝信的英語作文 8







  在未來的日子里,希望您們能繼續(xù)支持我們公司,也愿我們攜手共進,共同進步! 誠祝





Dear friends

  Hello everyone!

  I am writing this letter to express our companys sincere gratitude for your continuous support and trust in us! At the same time, I am happy to win your recognition and friendship, and we will cherish them and maintain them in the long run.

  In the past days, the internet has allowed us to have contact and communication. I dont know if you are satisfied with our service. I think there is still room for improvement in my work, but you can understand and provide feedback, allowing us to improve and learn more experience. I am very grateful, and it all depends on your every support and love.

  If you have any questions, please dont forget to pick up the phone on your desk and call us. We welcome any feedback and suggestions, so that we can communicate and improve more smoothly and provide you with better service.

  Finally, when you need help, please remember to contact us.

  In the future, we hope that you can continue to support our company, and we are willing to work together and make progress together! Sincerely wish

  Happiness and health

  Prosperous career!

  Thank you to:


  感謝信的英語作文 9









Dear Mom


  Only mothers are good in the world. Children with mothers want a treasure and throw it into their mothers arms, so happiness cannot be enjoyed Whenever I sing this song, I always think of your mothers love and care for me, and of your contribution to my growth.

  Mom, you have loved me since childhood. When I do well, you will encourage me and praise me. When I make a mistake, you will not hesitate to criticize me. In life, you take good care of me and prepare delicious food for me every day. When I eat nutritious food, I dont want to eat it.

  Mom, do you still remember? Once, while working in a small class, I had a fever. When you took me to the hospital to see a doctor and gave me a drip, you bought me food outside. Give me a bath. Help me wash clothes. When I sleep at night, you wait for me by my bedside.

  Mom, you gave me life! You gave me happiness! You gave me love! Thank you! Mom. I will always love you! Mom! You are the greatest!

  Thank you to:


  感謝信的英語作文 10








Dear customer

  Happy New Year!

  On the occasion of the arrival of the New Year, Chunxue Accountant would like to express our heartfelt thanks and sincere wishes to your company. Thank you for your long-term support and trust in Chunxue!

  In the past ten years of Chunxue, we are grateful that Chunxue has become a flagship enterprise in the accounting industry in Beijing step by step because more than ten thousand customers like your company have grown together with Chunxue. Chunxue Accounting now has a number of service sectors, including business registration, agency bookkeeping, financial consultants, tax planning, social security agents, financial headhunters, financial training, Financial software sales and other financial and tax interfaces, We provide you with comprehensive financial and tax services.

  With the arrival of the New Year and the renewal of everything, all employees of Chunxue Accounting sincerely wish your company great success and prosperity! Wishing you a happy Spring Festival, good health, and a happy family

  Thank you to:












