教案和教學(xué)反思 李允印

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精品教案和教學(xué)反思 李允印

I. Teaching material analyzing 教材分析

精品教案和教學(xué)反思 李允印


Unit 1 通過聽、讀、說訓(xùn)練,要求學(xué)生了解五十年后生活的變化,初步學(xué)習(xí)兩者之間進(jìn)行比較的方法。

Vocabulary and listening

Activity 1要求學(xué)生看圖,然后兩人一組談?wù)摤F(xiàn)在和過去的生活。Activity 2要求學(xué)生聽錄音,利用所給詞匯回答問題,并通過再次聽錄音檢查答案,從而對Activity 3 的對話有一個(gè)準(zhǔn)備。Activity 3聽讀一段Betty and his mum 關(guān)于對現(xiàn)在和過去生活進(jìn)行對比的對話,在讓學(xué)生了解50年生活變化的同時(shí),學(xué)習(xí)一些關(guān)于比較的句式。Activity 4根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容選擇最佳答案。Activity5要求學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)對話,學(xué)會分類提取重要信息來完成表格。Activity6根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容完成句子。

Pronunciation and speaking

Activity 7 要求學(xué)生聽錄音,注意重讀的單詞。Activity 8 要求學(xué)生自己朗讀句子,標(biāo)出認(rèn)為需要重讀的單詞,并聽錄音檢查自己是否讀得正確。Activity 9兩人一組活動(dòng),就所列舉的方面談?wù)?0年前后的生活變化,加強(qiáng)對形容詞比較級的理解和運(yùn)用。

Unit 2. 通過讀、寫訓(xùn)練,學(xué)習(xí)談?wù)撨^去的生活狀況,學(xué)會用事實(shí)來支持論點(diǎn)。


該單元共設(shè)計(jì)了7個(gè)活動(dòng)。Activity 1看圖,運(yùn)用所給詞說說圖中woman生活的變化。Activity 2通過閱讀關(guān)于Mrs.Li 的過去生活的文章,來讓學(xué)生了解他們奶奶爺爺輩的生活。Activity 3要求學(xué)生兩人一組討論Mrs.Li那輩人生活的優(yōu)缺點(diǎn)。Activity 4通過深入理解課文找出所給事實(shí)需要表明的觀點(diǎn)。


Activity 5要求學(xué)生繼續(xù)閱讀相關(guān)文章和對話,對五十年生活變化的優(yōu)劣進(jìn)行討論寫作,要有正反觀點(diǎn)并要有支持各自觀點(diǎn)的依據(jù)。Activity 6要求學(xué)生能把Activity 5中的論點(diǎn)和例證連起來,同時(shí)運(yùn)用合適的連詞,使文章緊湊又有邏輯。Activity 7要求學(xué)生以“Is life today better or worse than it was 50 years ago?”為題,運(yùn)用討論的觀點(diǎn)和例證,采取正確合理的句式,下筆成文。

Unit 3 對形容詞的比較級和最高級這一語法項(xiàng)目以及今昔生活的對比的話題進(jìn)行綜合訓(xùn)練。

Activity1根據(jù)所給形容詞,選用其正確形式進(jìn)行填空。Activity 2運(yùn)用所給詞匯對兩幅圖進(jìn)行對比,進(jìn)一步練習(xí)功能句型。Activity 3把所給的單詞進(jìn)行歸類。Activity 4通過看圖和課文閱讀來了解過去生活的艱辛,并找出三個(gè)使過去生活艱辛的例子。Activity 5 再讀Activity4的文章,找出所提問題的原因。Activity 6. 聽錄音完成表格。 Activity 7. 根據(jù)聽力材料中所聽到的信息,寫一篇短文比較他們的生活。

Around the world 介紹了Dr. Barnardo資助貧困兒童上學(xué)的事跡。

Module Task就孩子是否應(yīng)該工作這一話題組織小組進(jìn)行辯論。

Activity 8 小組活動(dòng),以“小孩不應(yīng)該干活”為主題,進(jìn)行辯論。Activity 9 學(xué)生分出正方和反方準(zhǔn)備辯論。Activity 10 進(jìn)行辯論。Activity 11 寫出你作為正方或反方的陳述。

Unit 3 Language in use

Teaching goals 教學(xué)目標(biāo)

1. Languagegoals 語言目標(biāo)

a. Keyvocabulary 重點(diǎn)詞匯和短語

diet, lead a …life, disease

b. Grammar point: 語法點(diǎn)

Theusage of the positive degree, the comparative degree and the superlative degree of adjectives and adverbs.

2. Ability goals 能力目標(biāo)

Enable students to master the usage of the positive degree, the comparative degree and the superlative degree of adjectives and adverbs.

3. Learning ability goals 學(xué)能目標(biāo)

Help the students learn how to use the positive degree, the comparative degree and the superlative degree of adjectives and adverbs correctly.

Teaching methods 教學(xué)方法

Explanationand giving examples. Asking and answering. Practicing

Teaching important/difficult points教學(xué)重難點(diǎn)

Help the students master thepositive degree, the comparative degree and the superlative degree of adjectives and adverbs.

Teaching aids 教具準(zhǔn)備

a tape recorder, a projector and a computer

Teachingprocedures and ways 教學(xué)過程與方式

Step I. Warming up and lead-in

In this procedure, let the students master the usage of the positive degree, the comparative degree and the superlativedegree of adjectives. (Somepicturesand real objects should be used here)

T: Please look at the two rulers. (Oneis red and the other is blue.)

Which is longer, the red one or the blue one?

Ss: The red one is, I think.

T: Yes, we can also say like this: The red one is longer than the blue one. Isay three big cities: Chongqing, Baoding and Shanghai. Please tell me which is the biggest city in China?

Ss: Of course, Shanghai is the biggest.

T: Which subject do you think is more difficult, English or maths?

S1: I think English is more difficult.

S2: Ithink mathis more difficult.

T: Is today warmer than it was yesterday?

Ss: No, its cooler than it was yesterday.

T: Is football more popular than volleyball in China?

Ss: No, we dont think so.

Get the students practice like this in pairs or in groups or the whole class

T: I can see you are very active. Are you interested in it?

Ss: Yes, we think it is very interesting, especially we can do it with some real facts.

T: OK! But there are some items for you to pay attentionto. Let’s learn together.

StepII. Grammar.

a. Learn the comparativeand the superlativedegrees of adjectives and adverbials.



1)比較級+than 例如:

Health is more important than wealth.

He got up earlier than I did this morning.

2)比較級+and+比較級,表示“越來越…… 例如:

He is growing more and more impatient.

Our life is getting better and better.

3) The+比較級,the+比較級,表示“越……,越…… 例如:

The more time you spend on it, the greater progress you will make.

The more he talked, the more excited he grew.


同級比較一般采用asas句型,否定句可以用not so/asas表示。例如:

He is as tall as his brother.

He runs as fast as Liu Xiang.

I can’t get up so early as you.



1)the+最高級+of / in例如:

He is the most diligent student in his class.

Of all his novels I like this one best.

2) 選擇疑問句 例如:

Who is the tallest, Tom, Jack or Bill?

3) 被定語從句所修飾的先行詞

He is the most diligent student I have ever seen.


比較級和最高級的修飾語應(yīng)置于其所修飾的形容詞或詞前。常見的比較級修飾語有much, still, a lot, even, three years, five times, far…等。例如:

People worked much harder then.

b. Doing Exercises

T: You have got more details about the grammar. Now, please do Activity 1 and Activity 2.

The answers to Activity 1 are omitted.

The sample answers to Activity 2:

There are more cars in the street today than it was 50 years ago.

The buildings are much taller, much more beautiful and much newer.

The streets are much wider.

The environment is much better.

I can see people are much busier than before.

The life is much better than before.

There are more shops than before.

StepIII. Reading

In this procedure, let the students have some reading training.

a.The passage in Activity 4

T: Read the passage in Activity 4 on Page 23 and find three examples of things that made life harder in the past than it is today.

Give the students some minutes to prepare for the task.

T: Is it easy to find the three examples?

Ss: No, its a little difficult. But, we will have a try.

S1: The life in the past was harder in Victorian Britain. For example, people lived in very small houses, very close to each other, with no space for children to play. Families in those days were quite big. A whole street had to share one outside toilet.

S2: It was harder in the past. The pollutionfrom factories covered the streets. People put their rubbish outside in the streets. As a result, there were many diseases.

S3: In those times, life was harder for children. They didn’talways go to school, because they had to work. They did dangerous and unhealthy jobs for little money. Many were hurt in accidents from the machines.

T: I am very happy you have used your heads. Next task: Read the passage again and find the reasons for the sentences in Activity 5. You can discuss in groups.

Give the studentssome minutes to discuss, and thencheck the answers with the whole class.

T: Now begin: How do youknow that families were big in Victorian times?

S4: Often, there were five children in one family.

T: How do you know that many houses were small?

S5: They lived very close to each other, with no space for children to play and they had to sleep in houses of just two rooms.

T: How do you know that there was no indoor toilet for each house?

S6: A whole street had to share one outside toilet.

T: How do you know that people weren’t healthy?

S7: Most of the big cities were dirty and unhealthy and there were many diseases.

T: How do you know children didn’t go to school?

S8: Because they had to work hard. Many children started work in factories when they were only 12 hours old.

T: How do you know factory work was dangerous?

S9: Because many children were hurt in accidents from the machines.

Some difficult points: (show them on the screen)

be interested to do something

thousands of people hundreds of millions of

instead of something/instead of doing something

close to: near The sound of gun was much closer to us.

as a result as students as you know as everybody is here etc

very little only a little very few only a few

be pleased/ glad to do somethingbe pleased/ glad that clause

b. Around the world

T: Now another passage about Dr Barnardo whose homes for poor children are very famous. Please read it and then do some exercises.

Show the exercises on the screen:

1. Write down the things which happened in the following years:

1) in 1870: Thomas Barnardo opened his first homes for children without parents.

2) in 1905: Thomas Barnardo died.

2. Fill in the blanks according to the passage.

In 1870, Thomas Barnardo studied medicineand he lived near the hospital. While he was studying, he taught at a school for poorchildren. He foundout that many children at the school had no parentsand no homes, so he raisedmoney and boughta house for them as a school and home.

3.Judge true or false.

Now, there are no Barnardo’s homes, so no one help children and families. (F)

Now, although there are no Barnardo’s homes, the charity continues to help children and families.

StepListening and writing


T: Listen to thetape and complete the table in Activity 6. Listen to the first time only to get the main idea, the second time listen to write down the required information about Grandmother and Mother and the third time listen to check the answers.

After the listening, ask some students read out their answers. The teacher must make sure that all the students can understand the material in the listening and writedown the notes because they will be usedin Activity 7.


T: Now, you have had the required information about Grandmother and Mother, which is enough for you to write a passage comparing theirlives.

The grandmother had 8 brothers and sisters so she had a bigger family. She started school when she was older, but she left school earlier

StepModule task

1. Work in groups. Read the subject of the debate.

Children should never work

2. Decide who is for the subject of the debate and who is against it. You can use some of the following ideas :


Extra money for the family

Stop children from being bored

Teach children the value of work

Help children to become independent


Work is for adults, not children

Children need to concentrate on learning.

Conditions of work not suitable for young people

Families and employers not treat children fairly.

The students can be divided into two halves and several groups. According to their willingness.

3. Prepare your opinions for or against the subject of the debate.

4. Have a debate.

﹡Those for the subject give their opinions.

﹡Those against the subject give their opinions.

﹡Take turns to say what you think.

﹡Write down a summary of the opinions for and against.

﹡Have a vote. Are most people for or against the subject?

At last ask each team to give the conclusionto the whole class.

5. Write down the argumentfor or against the statement.

Sample argument 1: Children Should Work

In my group, we think Childrenshould work. The reasons are as follows. First, they can earn extramoney. Because some families are very poor, if children work, the life will be better. Second, it can stop children from being bored. By working, children can get much fun. Third, it can teach children the value of work. By working, they can know it’s not important to make money and they can feel the sense of achievement. Fourth, it can help children to become independent. Because they can learn to solve the problems in work and make money by themselves.

Sample argument 2: Children Should Never Work

The people in my group think children should never work. There are also four reasons. First, work is for adults, not children. Children should study hard. Second, Children should concentrate on learning. If children worked, theirlearning would be influenced. Third, the conditions of work are not suitable for young people. Maybe the work is too hard and the relationshipsamong people are too complicated. Fourth, families and employers may not treat children fairly. Children are so young, so they can be looked down upon and deceived.


1. Write a short passage comparing the life in the past and today.

2. Revise the usage of usage of the positive degree, the comparative degree and the superlative degree of adjectives and adverbs.







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