高二英語Unit17 Disabilities知識點總復習教案

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高二英語Unit17 Disabilities知識點總復習教案

高二英語Unit17 Disabilities知識點總復習教案 Section I  課前準備、聽力、口語 1. Talk about disability? 談一談殘疾 (p. 49 Goal 1) * disability和inability ▲ dis-和in-都是表示否定意義的前綴,但用在ability前,表示不同的意思,disability意為“殘疾”,而inability意為“無能力”“沒辦法”。請比較下列例句,注意這兩個詞的不同意思。① I was surprised at her inability to do things promptly. 她不能迅速處事,我感到驚異。② She is deaf,but refuses to let her disability prevent her from doing what she wants to do. 她失聰,但她不讓自己的殘疾妨礙自己去做想做的事。③ His inability to pay his debts made his parents worried. 他無力償還債務使他父母親很著急。④ Her lack of experience is a severe disability. 她缺少經驗是一個嚴重的障礙。 【注】ability的形容詞是able,其前也有兩個否定前綴,dis-和an-表示不同的意思,disable是動詞,意為“使……傷殘”,而unable則是形容詞,表示“不能的”“不會的”。如:① That illness disabled him and left him unable to work. 那病使他殘疾,不能工作。② An accident disabled him from teaching. 一次交通事故使他再也不能教書了。③ He seems unable to understand the simplest instructions. 他看來似乎連最簡單的說明也不懂。④ He was unable to sleep at night because of his anxiety. 他因焦慮而晚上睡不著。 2. Imagine what difficulties and dangers you might face. 想像一下你可能面對的困難和危險。(p.49 Warming up Ex.1)  ▲ imagine (1) vt. imagine + 名詞/代詞/動名詞/從句 ① Can you imagine a fat man like that climbing? 你能想像得出那樣胖的人爬山嗎? ② I cant imagine asking him for money. 我難以想像向他開口要錢。 注意:imagine不接不定式。只接動名詞 ① Its hard to imagine a greater threat to world peace. 難以想像還有對世界和平更大的威脅。② You cant imagine how I missed the bird. 你想像不到我是多么想念那只鳥。 注意:imagine sb. to be結構,但不能說imagine sb. to do. 如: You imagine yourself (to be) in the place. 設想你處在這個位子上。 (×)  I can’t imagine you to do anything worse. (√ ) I can’t imagine you doing anything worse. 我難以想像你還能做更差的事。 (2) imagine可用于雙重問句形式,其結構為特殊疑問句,imagine部分為插入部分,類似動詞還有think, believe, suggest, suppose, guess等。① What do you think his explanation is? 你認為他的解釋是什么? ② Which mouse do you imagine we should pick out? 你認為我們該挑哪種鼠標? 注意:該句型為特殊疑問句形式,所以回答時應用特殊疑問句的回答形式。-- How much do you think this car cost? 這車你認為值多少錢? -- I think it costs 4, 000 dollars. 我認為值4 000美元。 注意:此類動詞反問句的構成有兩種情況:當主句主語是第一人稱時,反問根據從句;當主句主語為二、三人稱時根據主句。① I think she is the best student in our class, isnt she? 我認為她是我們班最好的學生,不是嗎? ② She thinks that he should have finished his work, doesnt she? 她認為他已完成了工作,是嗎? (3) imagine,believe,suppose,think等詞在構成否定句時一般要否定前移,同時注意這些詞的肯定、否定答復。① I dont think he will be the likeliest candidate for the manager of human resource department. 我認為他將不是人力資源部經理最可能的人選。② I dont think that he did the best. 我認為他并非最好。③ --Do you think Tom is the best student in our class? 你認為湯姆在我們班上是最好的學生嗎? -- Yes, I think so. (肯定答復)是,我認為是。-- No, I think not / I dont think so. (否定回答)不,我認為不是。 聯(lián)想:(派)imagination n. 想像,想像力;空想; imaginary adj. 想像中的、虛構的;imaginative adj. 富于想像力的;有創(chuàng)見的image n. 形象、印象。 ▲ might 情態(tài)動詞might表推測“可能”,另外表推測的情態(tài)動詞還有must,may,can,could等詞,用來表示對現(xiàn)在情況推測時后加動詞原形;對過去情況推測時后加have done形式;might可能性比must,may弱,且must只用于肯定句,can只用于否定或疑問句。① Wed better hurry. Our teacher must be waiting for us. 快點,我們老師肯定正在等我們。② You mustnt play with the knife. It might hurt your hand. 不要玩刀子,它會割傷你的手。③ Peter may come with us, but he isnt sure. 彼得可能會跟我們來,但他拿不定主意。④ He must have finished his homework. 他肯定已經完成作業(yè)了。⑤ He cannot have attended your lecture yesterday. I saw him in the cinema. 他昨天不可能去聽你的演講了,我在電影院看見他了。 3. Share your ideas with the class and try to think of ways to make public places safer and better for the disabled. 跟全班同學分享你的想法并盡力想出辦法使公共場所對于殘疾人更安全、更好。( p.49 Warming up Ex.2) ▲ share (1) vt. 合用、分擔、分享 ① Everyone in the house share the bathroom. 在此房間的人共用此浴室。② She never shares any of her husbands worries. 她從不擔她丈夫的憂愁。③ May I share your umbrella? 我可以用你的傘嗎? 短語:share...wire... 與……共用…… ① Let me share the newspaper with you. 讓我們一起看這張報紙。 ② Ill share the cost with you. 我將與你共同分擔這費用。 (2) vi. 共用、分享share in ① I havent enough books for everyone, some of you will have to share. 我沒有足夠多的書提供給每一個人;你們中的一部分要與人合用一本。 ② Lets share in your joy. 讓我們共享你的快樂。 (3) n. 份 a share一份 拓展:share and share alike 平分、均攤; go shares平分 take ones share 盡自己的一份責任; shareware 共享軟件 share holding 股權; share holder 股票持有人 ▲ make復合結構的幾種情況 make + n. (賓語) + 補語 名詞 make sb. a singer 形容詞 make the door open 省to不定式 make sb. do sth. (被動時不省to) 過去分詞make sb. understood ① They made him captain. 他們選他當隊長。② The news made her sad. 這消息使她悲傷。③ They made me repeat it. = I was made to repeat it. 他們讓我重說。④ Speak louder in order to make yourself heard. 聲音大一點,以便讓別人聽到你說什么。 拓展:make常用短語: be made of (看出材料)由……制成; be made from (看不出材料)由……制成; be made into 制成……; be made in 產自……; be made up of 由……組成; make up 編造,彌補,組成; make the beds 鋪床; make laws 制定法律; make a noise 喧鬧; make progress 取得進步; make war 發(fā)動戰(zhàn)爭; make peace 講和; make a mistake 出錯; make tea 泡茶; make plans 制定計劃; make a fire 生火; make enemies 樹敵; make a fortune 發(fā)財; make a price 定價; make a promise 許諾; make it 約定、實現(xiàn)目標; make oneself at home 別客氣 Section II  閱讀 4. I know people are trying to help, but I wish they wouldn’t treat me as if I were a child. 我知道人們試圖幫助我,但是我希望他們不要把我看成孩子。(p.51 Reading 第一段 第1行) ▲ try (1) vt. 嘗試、打算、努力做 * try to so sth. 盡力做……① Ill work hard and try to improve. 我努力工作并努力提高。② He tried to break away from me. 他想擺脫我。 (2) vt. 試用、試試。try + 名詞 / 代詞 / -ing ① Try my pen. 試試我的鋼筆。② Were going to try a new treatment. 我將試用一種新療法。③ He tried writing out his view. 他試著寫出自己的想法。④ Try knocking at the back door if nobody hears you at the front door. 如果敲前門沒人聽到,那就試著敲敲后門。 注意:try to do和try doing的不同意義;還有許多后接不定式和動名詞時意義不同的動詞,常用的有: mean to do 打算做……; mean doing 意味著……; regret to do sth. 遺憾要做; regret doing 遺憾做過某事; forget to do 忘記去做…;  forget doing 忘記做過…… remember to do 記得要做某事 remember doing 記得做過某事 stop to do 停下來做(另一件事) stop doing停止做 (正在做的事) go on to do 繼續(xù)做(另一件事) go on doing繼續(xù)(同一件事) (3) n. 試一試 have a try試一試 辨析:try to do與 manage to do try to do sth. 為盡力做某事,不強調結果,而manage to do 相當于 succeed in doing 強調實現(xiàn)某一目標。 5. … and she won an award for young scientists last. 去年曾獲小科學家獎。(p.51 Reading 第一段第4行) * award和reward ▲ award作名詞時意思是“獎金”“獎品”。如:① The Olympic winner received a gold medal as an award. 奧林匹克優(yōu)勝者獲得一枚金質獎章作為獎品。② He received an award of 1000 dollars for having saved a little boy. 他因救了一個小男孩而得到一千美元的獎金。 ▲ award可作為動詞用,意為“授予”“獎給”“給予”。如:① The university awarded her a scholarship. 學校授予她獎學金。② They awarded her a medal for bravery.她表

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