
時間:2023-04-25 08:14:06 教案 我要投稿
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When was he born?教案   Language goal: Talk about famous people   The first class ( Section A: 1a——Grammar)   (1) Say, we are going to talk about when some students were born. Write “born” on the board.   T: When is your birthday?   S: April 11.   T: When were you born?   S:19.   Repeat the activity with other students.   (2) Write “how long” on the board.   T: Another thing we will talk about is how long each student did something for. How long does it take to walk to school?   S: Ten minutes.   (3) Have student ask and answer other how long question. Such as: How long did it take you to do homework?   1a. Ask students to think of some famous sports stars. Write their names.   T: What sports does he/she play? Do you like hin/her? Why?   1b. Listen and write the year the sports tar was born under each photo.   The first time, students only listen.   The second time, write in the date.   1c.Pairwork   Practice the conversation about DengYaping.   任務(wù)活動:寫小傳記   包括姓名、出生年月、學(xué)過什么、得過什么獎賞等。   2a——2b Point out the columns in the chart and read the column heading to the class.   Listen and fill in the chart.   2c Fill in the blanks with information from the chart in activity 2a. Then practice the conversation with a partner.   Grammar   Review the grammar box. Ask students to say the questions and responses.      The second class (3a——4b)   Sa. Read the directions, ask students to read the names in the chart. Explain the word “achievement”.   Point out the sample answer in the chart.   Divide the class into two groups A and B. Group A look out at the picture and paragraph on page 93.Remind students not to look at the other page.   Have students continue filling in their own charts, on their own.   3b. Work in pairs. Exchange information with your partner and fill in the chart.   4a. Interview your classmates and fill in the chart. Ask students talk to each other, more around the room checking their progress.   4b. Ask students to tell the class what they learned about one student. Point out the sample answer in the box. Ask each student to read at least one statement from his or her chart.   The third class (Section B 1a 2c)   *target language:   Who’s Midori?   She’s a famous violinist.   When was she born?   She was born in 1971.   When did she tour the U.S.?   *Structures: Adverbial clauses with when   When questions   *New languages: talented, loving, creative, outstanding, unusual, violinist, skater   *Teaching Procedure:   Step1: Free talk   Get students to say some adjectives that they have learned for descnbing people.   Step2: Presentation   1. Write on the board the eight words in the box in 1a.   2. Point to the words one by one and ask students to say what they mean.   3. Use the words in several sentences to show what they mean.   Step3. Practice (Activity.1a)   1. Ask students to write one or two words from the list under each person’s picture.   2. Ask several students to describe the people in the pictures.   Step4. Groupwork (Activity 1b)   1. Ask a student to read the statement in the box.   2. Get students to work in groups. Ask them to make their own statements about the people in the pictures using the words they wrote in their books.   3. Ask students to tell the class what they said about some of the people.   Step5. Listening and writing   1. Get students to listen to the boy and girl talking about people, and circle the words on the list in activity 1a that they hear on the recording.   2. Do activity 2b.   Step6. Pairwork   1. Ask two students to read the sample conversation to the class.   2. Ask each of students to work with a partner. Get them to ask and answer questions using the sentences in activity 2b.   3. Ask several different pairs of students to say a conversation to the class.   Homework: Collect some information about famous people, and write every person on a card.   The fourth class (section B 3a——4b)   * Goal: Learn to write Biography and Autobiography.   * Target language:   He was born in 1982 in ChongQing.   He started to learn the piano when he was seven.   *.New Language: Well–known, alive, pianist, athlete, accordion, song, a piece of music, hum.   * Teaching Procedure:   Step1. Revision   Get two students to say something about Midori and Laura using the information in activity 2b.   Step2. Presentation   1. The usage of piece.   2. The usage of began and start.   3. The usage of took part in.   Step3. Reading   1. Get students to look at the chart in 3a. Point out the headings When and What.   2. Ask different student to read the phrases in the chart to the class. Discuss what each phrase means.   3. Ask students to read the article and fill in the information in the chart.   4. Correct the answers.   5. Ask students to circle words and phrases that they don’t understand. Write these items on the board and ask other students to explain what they mean. (They can use the word in a different sentence, point to a picture in the book, or draw a simple picture on the board.)   Step4. Writing   1. Ask students to do activity 3b, write4 an article about Laura. Remind them to look back at activity 2b for the information they need.   2. Ask students to write about a person their own admire.   (1). Ask students who they might write about. Make a list of these names on the board.   (2). Ask them to make some statements they can use in their articles and write these on the board.   (3). Ask students to work on their own.   (4). When they finish, ask the students to read the article to a partner and to talk about the person in the article.   Step5. Groupwork   1. Point out the sample conversation. Ask three students to read it to the class.   2. Ask students to work in groups of four. Three students in the group ask questions. The fourth students answer the questions about the person in his or her article.   Homework: Write a autobiography  





(人教版)中考化學(xué)考點(diǎn):第九單元 溶液04-28





