新標準 小學英語三起 第六冊教案與教學建議

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新標準 小學英語三起 第六冊教案與教學建議

  各位老師、朋友:   新學期又開始了,為便于老師備課,進一步提高小學英語有效課堂教學質(zhì)量,我們在《英語》(新標準)(小學階段)培訓資料第二期里繼續(xù)轉(zhuǎn)載本冊教學建議與教案,其他各冊教學建議與教案見博客左面欄目)。請我市老師應以此作為參考,結(jié)合學生的接受能力和各校教學條件來運用。 《英語》(新標準)小學三年級起始第六冊 新疆烏魯木齊市第十二小學  馮應秀  貴州省貴陽市實驗小學  郁  英   Module 1 一、模塊教學建議 語言功能:討論今昔生活的變化 學習任務:There wasn’t\weren’t any…There is a… There are lots of… 運用任務:談論遠古時代人們的生活與我們現(xiàn)在的生活有什么不同;介紹校園(班級、城市、社區(qū))里的變化;畫圖畫,給同學說說自己家的變化;給筆友寫一封信說說自己家鄉(xiāng)的變化;出示兩張圖找出異同點。 模塊分析:本模塊繼續(xù)學習過去式。Unit 1 是用There wasn’t\weren’t any…說一說過去沒有的東西,再用There is a… There are lots of…說現(xiàn)在的變化,培養(yǎng)學生善于發(fā)現(xiàn)變化的能力。Unit 2通過寫信告訴別人過去的情況,注意過去式的正確使用。在讀詞的過程中體會字母組合ai、ay、al、au、ar在單詞中的發(fā)音。 二、活動建議 活動1:火眼金睛 活動目的:鞏固和練習過去時與一般現(xiàn)在時的區(qū)別。用There wasn’t\weren’t any…There is a… There are lots of…的句型。 活動準備:兩張情景大致相同的圖。圖片盡量大一些,以便讓后排的學生看清楚。圖上要標注清楚過去和現(xiàn)在。 活動過程:在圖上標注過去和現(xiàn)在時不一定是現(xiàn)在有而過去沒有什么。也可以是過去有,而現(xiàn)在沒有。小組討論區(qū)別后匯報!比一比哪一組又快表達的又準確。 活動2:小畫家 活動目的:提高學生學習的興趣,調(diào)動各個感官來學習英語。加強筆頭練習。 活動準備:鉛筆、白紙兩張 活動過程:請學生畫出自己家過去的擺設和現(xiàn)在的擺設。將不同的地方用英語寫出來,在全班進行展示并大聲用英語說出來?茨囊恍〗M在相同的時間內(nèi)說的英語多。圖畫可以是想象的,并不一定是自己的真實的家,但是要將過去和現(xiàn)在標注清楚。 活動3:超級想象力 活動目的:發(fā)揮想象力,讓學生鞏固過去時和一般現(xiàn)在時。 活動準備:/ 活動過程:請同學們閉上眼睛想象遠古時代人們的生活,以及現(xiàn)在人們生活中的各種便利。三人一組,一個同學演示遠古時代人的生活,一個同學演示現(xiàn)代人的生活,請其他同學猜一猜過去和現(xiàn)在有什么沒有什么。第三個同學揭曉答案。看哪組想象力豐富,表演到位,評出一對“黃金搭檔”。    外研社小學英語第六冊教案 Module 1 Changing Unit 1 We lived in a small house. Teaching objectives: 1. Words and phrases: life, different, ago, any, television, us,                     grandchildren, lady. 2. Sentences: There weren’t any buses. We lived in a small house. There are lots of buses and cars. We live in a big house. 3. Grammar:  Compare the life. Teaching properties: cards, pictures, Tape-recorder. Teaching procedures: 一.        Warming up 1.  Greeting 2.  Talking about: holiday and changing of you. 二. Lead in T: In the winter holiday, you had a lot of changes. Now you are older and cleverer .I am very glad to see your changes. And write ‘changing’ on the blackboard. Tell students ‘Everything is changing. No change, no progresses. 三.   New  teaching 1.   Show some old photos and say: Look, life was very different many years ago .But how was it different? Today, we will learn how to compare past and present life. 2.   Listen to the tape and underline the new words. 3.  Teach the new words. a.   Show some new word cards. b.  Correct pronunciation. c.  Practise new words in different kinds of method. d.  Explain important phrases. 4.   Listen to the tape-recorder and read follow it . 5.   Act out text. 四.  Practise 1.  Pay attention to SB unit1 part2 and copy them to make sentences. 2.   Show some pictures. Make some students find different in  them and describe in English.      五. Summary and homework. 1. Summary T: Today we have learnt “How to describe past and present life, review simple past tense and present   tense.” 2.   Today’s homework a.   Listen and read Unit1 three times, try to recite and act. b.  Compare two photos and write differences. Designs:                             Module 1 Changing                             Unit 1 We lived in a small house.                               weren’t     lived      small                             are        live          big     新標準英語三年級起點第六冊教案          Module 1 Changing Unit 2 She didn’t have a television.   Teaching objectives: 1.  Word and phrases: fire, radio, telephone, field, hope. 2. Sentences: She worked in the fields. She didn’t have a television. 3. Grammar: Talk about the life of past and now. Teaching procedures: 一.Warming up. 1. Greetings. 2.Act out last text. 3. Free talk: Compare ‘Old China and New China.’ 二.Lead in   Yesterday, Lingling saw the programme about China, she missed her grandmother very much. So she writes a letter for Daming, tells about that programme and her feeling. 三.New teaching.     1.      Show some questions. a.       What programme did Lingling watch last night? b.      What was the old lady’s life like many years ago? c.       Who does Lingling miss? 2.      Listen to the tape-recorder and find answers. 3.      Learn new words. a.       Show some object and cards. b.      Correct pronunciation. c.       Practise new words in different kinds of method. 4.      Listen to the tape-recorder and act out it. 四   .Practise 1.      Play a game. Put nine cards on the desk. Two students use cards to make dialogue. For example: A: Where was he/she seven days ago? B: He/She was … A: What did he/she do there? B: He/She … 2.      Do A B Unit 2 exercise1. a.       Listen to the tape. b.      Understand generalization. c.       Choose right answer. 五.Homework    Introduce the great changes of our hometown/school/home.    Module 1  Module 2  

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