優(yōu)秀教案 The new words of the magician

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優(yōu)秀教案 The new words of the magician

  Aim活動目標: 1學習有關(guān)story: Magician的單詞:motorbike; circus; magician, bike. Through pictures, description, act. 2學習 I’d like a motorbike; at the circus; Here’s the magician through games, pictures. 3在教師的提醒下自己聽指令做TPR活動的動作。 4積極參與到游戲當中,體驗到英語活動的樂趣。 Preparation 活動準備: 1英語單詞卡:motorbike; circus; magician, bike等。 Process 活動過程: 1師生相互問好courtesy。 2學習有關(guān)story: Magician的單詞:motorbike; circus; magician, bike. Through pictures, description, act. (1`)教師舉起一張motorbike的卡片. T:“what is this?” S: motorbike T: Yes, motorbike.教師引導幼兒用英語回答問題,要求幼兒:“Say after me ”請幼兒跟著老師一起念。 (2)用同樣的方法bike單詞。 (3)教師舉起一張magician的卡片; T: who is he? S: 幼兒回答。 T: magician教師用正確的答案告知幼兒,要求幼兒“Say after me ”(教師注意集體和個別相結(jié)合的原則)提問個別幼兒時,如果幼兒回答正確,教師及時給予表揚和獎勵。 用同樣的方法circus單詞。 T: where is this? S: 幼兒回答。 T: circus教師用正確的答案告知幼兒. Children repeat it. T: Wonderful! 3學習 I’d like a motorbike; at the circus; Here’s the magician through games, pictures. (1)教師指著magician and circus的詞卡says: T: Magician is at the circus. At the circus in Chinese to explain. Teacher shows the card of circus to say the phrase ‘a(chǎn)t the circus’ again and again to teach children. (2)教師指著magician的詞卡says ??T: Here is the magician. Do you like the magician? ??S: Yes, I do. ??T: ok, we say ‘Here is the magician’ for three times.說三遍‘Here is the magician’ (3)教師出示motorbike and bike two cards at the same time的圖片, T: What would you like a motorbike or a bike? S: motorbike/bike. T: You can say I’d like a motorbike/bike. Teacher can explain in Chinese.(教師對于講對的幼兒要表揚,并鼓勵其他幼兒跟老師一起講,調(diào)動其他幼兒的積極性。) 4 game: stand behind the correct card. 將單詞卡片放在地板上排整齊。Put cards on the floor to line up,幼兒圍成一圈, T: Dear Children, Let’s make a circle to play a game. These are four cards. 我選三個小朋友來玩游戲。I choose three children to play the game. Such as I say ‘a(chǎn)t the circus’ who is the first child to stand behind the card of circus you win the game and get ten scores.我說“在馬戲團”誰第一個站到馬戲團這張卡片后面就贏了。 Ok, here we go. At the circus: child stands behind the card of circus. Here is the magician: child stands behind the card of magician. Id like a motorbike: child stands behind the card of motorbike. Id like a bike: child stands behind the card of bike. 5 game 2: fine the four cards T: Dear children, could you fine the four cards.你們能找到四張卡片嗎? please help me to look for. Let’s go. 教師鼓勵幼兒到教室的各個角落去找,找到的就拿到老師的面前來。 T: What’s this ? S: A motorbike. T: What’s this ? S: A bike. T: Where is it? S: circus. T;Who is he? S: Magician. 活動建議: play a game:at------. Such as;at the circus. At home; here is-------. I’d like-------

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