新目標英語Go for it九年級上Unit 2教案

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新目標英語(Go for it)九年級上Unit 2教案

  Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark. 第  一  課  時 Teaching aims 本課學習談論過去的外表、性格特征和興趣愛好以及目前的狀態(tài)。 Teaching of new lesson 1、Ask the students to describle people’s ing conversations. appearane tall, short, thin, heavy, fat, medium, height, good-looking, straight, hair curly blonde hair, a medium build, glasses, sunglasses, sports shoes 2、Ask the students to describe people’s personality. personality outgoing, easygoing, serious, funny, moody, friendly, unfriendly, shy, generous, smart 3、Then the teacher shows some photos of himself (herself) taken years ago and says to the students. I used to be short  I used to have straight hair I used to wear glasses  I was outgoing 4、Ask the students to work in pairs with the words above. A: Did you use to be short ? B: Yes, I did A: Did you use to have straight hair ? B: Yes, I did A: Did you use to wear glasses ? B: Yes I did A: Were you outgoing ? B: Yes, I did 5、Ask the students to talk to each other with the following sentences pattens. Did you use to be …?  Did you use to have … ? Did you use to wear … ? 6、Make a dialogue. You haven’t seen your classmates for several years. Now you met in the street and talked to each other with the following words. 7、教學2a Ask students: What are they doing? Say: You will hear a boy and a girl talking to each other at a party, some people surely changed a lot. Listen and check the words you hear. 8、教學Grammar Focus 寫一些句子在黑板上:You used to be short. He used to play tennis. Did you use to be short ? Did he use to have long hair ?說明used to用于陳述句而Did…use to 用于一般疑問句。 9、Listen to the tape Section A, 1b, 2a and 2b. Homework 叫學生寫一篇短文,寫出自已現(xiàn)在與五年前的不同情形。   第  二  課  時 Teaching aims 1、通過談論過去害怕的事情,了解自己成長的軌跡。 2、能夠談論自己過去與現(xiàn)在的情況,使用句型I used to be afraid of 3、培養(yǎng)學生綜合運用語言的能力,能用英語完成簡單的任務、處理傳送信息。 Teaching of new lesson 1、Ask the students to practice the following conversation. A: What did you use to be ? B: I used to be short A: What did you use to have?  B: I used to have short straight hair A: What did you use to wear?  B: I used to wear glasses? A: What were you like ?  B: I was shy and a little bit quiet 2. Ask the students which of these things they used to be afraid of, then the teacher writes down on the blackboard. used to be afraid of the dark being alone at home  snakes flying in an airplane big dogs 3. Ask the students which of these things they are still afraid of and write on the blackboard. be still afraid of :  dark …… 4. Ask the students to talk about each other the following dialongue. A: What did you use to be afraid of ? B: I used to be afraid of …… A: Are you still afraid of …… ? B: No, I am not. A: What are you afraid of ? B: I am afraid of …… and what about you ? A: I used to be afraid of ……and I’m still terrified of …… B: So, what do you do about it ? 5. Learn 3a, 3b, Section A Consolidation and extension Part 4 ( group work ) 解釋任務要求,然后叫一位同學回答。 I used to eat chocolate, now I like to eat fruits. I think fruits are rih in vitamin and is good for health. 叫學生填寫表格。 讓學生四人一小組為單位談論完成表格。 最后讓幾位學生告訴全班同學他們所了解的情況。如: My desk mate used to eat lots of chocolate, now she likes to eat fruits. She thinks keeping fit is important. Homework 叫學生回家調查自己的祖父母、姨父、阿姨等過去常常怕什么,并做好記錄,完成書面報告 family members used to be afraid of       第  三  課  時 Teaching aims 1、能夠理解所學目標語言并且能在實際交際中運用。 2、能夠針對所聽的語段內容記錄簡單信息。 3、通過對過去和現(xiàn)在生活對比啟發(fā)和培養(yǎng)學生的積極向上的生活態(tài)度。 Teaching of new lesson 1、Ask the students to talk about each other according to the following sentence patterns. A: What did you use to be afraid of ? B: I used to be afraid of the sea. I don’t know how to swim. A: Are you still afraid of the sea ? B: No, I am not. A: What are you afraid of ? B: I am afraid of the dark. What about you ? A: Me? Oh, yes. I’m terrified of the dark. B: What do you do about it? A: I go to sleep with my bedroom light on. 2. Ask the students what they used to do and how they are different from what they do now. used to do be doing now 1) reading 2) listening to music 3) sports 4) watching 5) eating 6) favorite things 3. Ask the students to use the words or phrases above to make a dialogue each other. A: What did you use to do when you were young ? B: I used to spend a lot of time reading but now I don’t have the time anymore. A: What do you often do these days ? B: I do my homework and go to bed. I really miss the old day. 4. Read the story 3a. Section B. about Rose Tang’s problem and then complete the chart. Rose Tang then: had so much time;  spent a lot of time playing games with friends; watched TV or chatted with her grandmother went to concerts with her father; Rose Tang now : get up early and stays in school all day no time for playing games has to study no time for concerts  does homework and goes to bed Homework 熟記本單元新單詞;用used to 造出至少五個句子。   第  四  課  時 Teaching aims 1、能夠比較熟練地運用英語語音知識朗讀篇章; 2、學生捕捉語篇主題,理解細節(jié),并推斷語篇深層意思的能力; 3、培養(yǎng)學生略讀、精讀的能力; 4、掌握e-mail英語的發(fā)展和使用簡潔和快速地表達信息的能力; Teaching of new lesson 1、閱讀3a部分,問全班同學 1) What are your biggest problems ? 2) Are you busy these days ? 3) Do you have time to play games ? Why or why not ? 4) How often do you watch TV ? 2. Ask the students to work in pairs A: What did you use to be afraid of ? B: I used to be afraid of …… A: What are you still afraid of ? B: I am still afraid of …… A: What did you use to do when you were younger ? B: I used to …… 3. Ask the students to make sentences with the following words or phrases. 1) used to be  2) used to do 3) be afraid of 4) have to 5) worry about  6) spend … doing 7) not …any more 8) miss 4. Ask the students to explain the following words. used to do  1) He used to cause a lot of trouble. 2) He didn’t use to cause a lot of trouble or He usedn’t to cause a lot of trouble. 3) Did he use to cause a lot of trouble ? or Used he cause a lot of trouble? 4) He used to cause a lot of trouble, usedn’t he ? or didn’t he? afford 承擔得起,做得到 1) He can afford to pay for a new car. 2) I didn’t think I could afford to lose my post. 3) She can hardly afford to wait for another hour.   Consolidation and Extension Self check 讓一位學生大聲朗讀這些單詞。然后叫學生單獨完成填空練習。叫學生注意時態(tài)和語態(tài),人稱與數(shù)的變化。 Answers: 1. am afraid of 2. worry about 3. have to  4. miss 5. used to 最后請學生用這五個詞組口頭造句。 Homework 1、叫學生回家調查自己的家人過去喜歡哪一種書,哪種運動,哪一類音樂。 2、描述自己從小學以來發(fā)生的變化。3、熟練掌握本單元單詞,背誦本單元課文。