劍橋I can see with my eyes.第二課時教案

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劍橋I can see with my eyes.第二課時教案

英華學校小學部英語組備課   年級:六年級課題:Unit Four I can see with my eyes.   主備人:黃 清修改人: Teaching Contents(教學內(nèi)容):  劍橋少兒英語二級下冊Part one, two, three and five. Teaching aims and demands(目標與要求): ※ Go over the words about the part of our body and the function. ※Make sure that the students master the sentence pattern well: I can touch/eat/…with my hands/mouth/…. ※ Guide the students say something else about the pattern, for example: I can clean the elephant with a brush. I can draw with the crayons. Key and difficult points(教學重難點): KP: The sentence patterns. DP: The verbs and the word “with”. Teaching preparations(課前準備):  Courseware and some objects. Teaching steps(教學步驟): 1. Preparation(準備) ① Listen and do. (聽指令做動作)   Touch your nose.   Show me your hands.   (聽老師指令做動作,復習關于身體部位的單詞) ②Trick Game:(小把戲)   The teacher reads one word and points to one part of the body. If the same, the students should read loudly, if not, just keep silent.   (游戲:鍛煉學生的反應能力) 2. Presentation(呈現(xiàn)): ①Ask and answer: ----What can you do with your hands?   ----I can touch with my hands.   ----Can you smell with your mouth?   ----No, I can smell with my nose and I can eat with my mouth.  (師生問答,復習上節(jié)課所學的句型)  ②Do it and say it.   The teacher guides the students to do the gestures and read the sentences.   ----Nose, nose, nose, I can smell with my nose.   ----Mouth, mouth, mouth, I can eat/speak with my mouth.   (老師帶領學生邊說邊做動作,復習上節(jié)課單詞和句型) 3. Practice(操練): ①Ask and answer   The teacher makes a dialogue with the students. ----What can you see in the picture? ----I can see a brush. ----What can you do with the brush? ----I can paint a picture with the brush. 板 書 內(nèi) 容   (老師與學生共同完成對話,引導學生自己編對話)  ②Pair work(同桌活動)   Guide the students make up a new dialogue in pairs. The teacher offers some helps to make sure they work well.   (老師巡視,指導學生同桌編對話)  ③Excellent Performance ----I can touch the rabbit’s ears with my hands. ----The monkey can climb the tree with its legs and arms. (在上面討論的基礎上看圖說話,加深記憶)  ④Listen and repeat.(聽磁帶復述句子) Guide the students listen to the tape and repeat the sentences. 4. Production(產(chǎn)出) ①Look and say(第五部分) There are five pictures here. What can you see in each picture? ②Free talk   Different animals have different ways to move, can you talk something about the things you know?  (鼓勵學生思考,分享:不同動物活動的方式) Exercises in class(課堂練習)  ※Read and match. dolphin Sea star  snake  monkey  crab  1. This animal uses its arms and legs to climb the trees. 2. This animal moves without any arms or legs. 3. This animal has got five arms. 4. This animal has got special arms to help it swim. 5. This animal uses its legs to catch food. Homework(家庭作業(yè)): What can you do with each part of your body? Can you draw some pictures to show them? Blackboard Design(板書設計): (見前面) Teacher’s Notes(教學反思): 兩節(jié)課上下來,感覺自己很久沒有和學生們做如此的互動,學生們剛開始的時候還不是很活躍,但慢慢的興趣就起來了,對于4班那幫原來就比較好動的學生來說,這更是一個很好的展示機會,就連那些一向被動的潛能生來說,都得到了一定的鍛煉。看來在以后的課堂設計中真的要多添加一些類似的活動元素,以帶動學生們積極參與到課堂上來。  

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