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  必修一 Unit 1Friendship

  1、survey n.——He made a survey on eating habits.

  2、add up .—— Add up all the money that I owe you..

  3、upset adj. vt. .—— 1.Our plan is upset by the bad weather.2.Tom looks upset.

  4、ignore vt. .—— She said that her husband ignored her.

  5、calm vt. & vi. adj. .—— He was calm when he is in danger.

  6、calm(…)down .—— He tried to calm the crying baby down..

  7、have got to .—— Sorry, but I have got to go.

  8、concern vt.n. .—— The boys poor health concerned his parents.

  9、be concerned about .—— I am concerned about the price of the car.

  11、loose adj. .——I like to wear loose clothes as theyre more comfortable.

  13、go through .—— He was going through a very difficult time.

  17、German adj. n..—— I heard a very angry man talking in German.

  19、set down —— plsese set down what I said.

  21 a series of —— A series of accidents has been reported.

  23、outdoors adv. ——The ceremony was being held outdoors.

  24、spellbind vt. —— The children were spellbound by the magic.

  25、on purpose —— She treated the girl badly on purpose.

  26、in order to —— We used the computer in order to save time.

  27、dusk n. —— 1.The garden closes at dusk.

  29、thunder vi. n.—— Love comes like thunder, or like a thief?

  30、entire adj. —— He had spent his entire life in China.

  31、entirely adv. —— I agree with you entirely.

  32、power n. —— She is a waman who has great power.

  33、face to face —— We should discuss this problem face to face.

  34、curtain n.—— He drew the curtain to keep the sun off.

  35、dusty adj. —— .The dusty road made us dusty too.

  36、No longer/not…any longer We don’t live here any longer.

  / We no longer live here.

  37、partner n. —— Will you be my partner in the next dance?

  38、settle vi. vt. —— They don’t know how to settle the problem.

  40、suffer from —— She has suffered from headache for a week.

  41、△loneliness n. .——If you plant selfishness,you will get loneliness.

  42、highway n. .—— The highway is ten meters wide.

  43、recover vi. & vt. .—— He has recovered from a bad cold

  44、get/be tired of .—— I am tired of eating apples.

  45、pack vi. & vt.n. .—— He used to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day.

  46、pack (sth) up .—— Come on! pack your baggage up and follow me!

  47、suitcase n. .—— Whose suitcase is this?

  49、Overcoat n. .—— Please take off your overcoat.

  50、teenager n. .—— It is not easy to educate teenagers.

  51、get along with .—— Jack get along well with his classmates.

  52、fall in love .—— Jack fell in love with Rose when he first met her.

  53、exactly adv. .—— The train arrived at exactly 8 oclock.

  54、disagree vi. .—— I disagree with you on this point..

  55、grateful adj. .—— I will be grateful to you for your help.

  56、dislike n. & vt. .—— I dislike that rude young man..

  57、join in .—— They are going to join in the singing.

  58、tip n.vt. .—— It is a custom to tip the waiter.

  59、△secondly adv. .Firstly,you’re not tall,secondly,you’re not rich, so, forget her.

  60、swap vt. .—— He wanted to swap his camera for hers.

  61、item n. .—— Let’s discuss the next item in the list.

  必修一 Unit 2

  1、elevator n. —— I took the elevator to the eighteenth floor.

  2、petrol n. —— A car is useless without petrol.

  3、gas n. —— Quick, turn off the gas;the milk will boil over.

  4、official adj. —— The official language of the country is English.

  5、voyage n . —— The ship set out on a long voyage.

  6、△conquer vt. —— When will scientist conquer cancer?

  7、because of —— because of the rain, we had to put off the meeting.

  8、native adj. n. .—— My native language is Chinese.

  9、come up .—— The question hasnt come up yet.

  10、apartment n. —— I have an apartment in downtown Manhattan.

  11、actually adv. —— Believe it or not, he actually won!

  12、base vt. —— This novel is based on facts.

  13、at present .—— At present, I dont want to get married.

  14、gradual adj. —— His health showed gradual improvement..

  15、gradually adv. —— The sea gradually calmed down.

  16、△eich vt. —— Music can certainly eich your life.

  17、vocabulary n.—— Reading will increase your vocabulary.

  18、make use of —— We must make use of our spare time.

  19、spelling n. —— There are many spelling mistakes in the article.

  20、latter adj. —— I prefer the latter picture to the former.

  21、identity n .—— The police asked him to show his identity card..

  22、fluent adj. —— She speaks fluent French.

  fluently adv. —— She speaks French fluently .

  23、such as —— I like fruits, such as apples, pears, bananas.

  24、frequent adj.—— He is a frequent visitor to our house.

  25、frequently adv. —— He comes to visit me frequently.

  26、usage n. —— Classify them according to their usage.

  27、command n.& vt. —— She has a good command of English.

  28、request n. & vt. —— They requested that we(should)go with them.

  29、expression n. —— He looked at her with a sad expression.

  30、midwestern adj. .—— ChongQing is a big city in the Midwestern China.

  31、African adj. —— Most African people are black people.

  32、Spanish adj. —— Apart from English, we study Japanese and French.

  33、play a part (in) .—— Luck played a part in his success.

  34、recognize vt. .—— I looked at her face but didn’t recognize her.

  35、lorry n. .—— They use a lorry to carry big trees.

  36、accent n. .—— Judging by his accent, he must be from the south.

  37、lightning n. —— The tree was struck by lightning.

  38、straight adv. adj. —— Go straight on until you come to a bus stop.

  39、block n. ——There is a block of ice on the road.

  40、cab n. —— Shall we take a cab there and come back by subway?

  41、survey.——We conducted a survey to find out peoples opinions.(我們進(jìn)行了一項(xiàng)調(diào)查以了解人們的意見。)

  42、series.——She has won a series of awards for her excellent performance.(她因出色的表現(xiàn)贏得了一系列獎項(xiàng)。)

  43、entire.——He spent the entire day reading in the library.(他一整天都在圖書館里讀書。)

  44、settle.——After retirement, they settled down in a small village by the sea.(退休后,他們在海邊的一個小村莊定居下來。)

  45、suffer.——Many people suffered great losses in the earthquake.(許多人在地震中遭受了巨大的損失。)

  46、recover.——It took him a long time to recover from his illness.(他花了很長時間才從病中康復(fù)。)

  47、pack.——We need to pack our bags quickly as we are leaving tomorrow.(我們得趕緊收拾行李,因?yàn)槊魈炀鸵吡。?/p>

  48、pack (sth.) up.——She packed up her belongings and left the house.(她收拾好自己的物品離開了那所房子。)

  49、get tired of.——He got tired of doing the same work every day.(他對每天做同樣的工作感到厭煩。)

  50、loneliness.——She often feels loneliness when she is alone at home.(她獨(dú)自在家時常常感到孤獨(dú)。)

  51、highway.——We drove along the highway for hours.(我們沿著高速公路開了好幾個小時。)

  52、recover from.——It took her a few weeks to recover from the operation.(她花了幾個星期才從手術(shù)中恢復(fù)過來。)

  53、flashback.——Suddenly, a flashback to his childhood came to his mind.(突然,他腦海中閃現(xiàn)出他的童年。)

  54、correct.——Please correct the mistakes in your composition.(請改正你作文中的錯誤。)

  55、disagree.——They disagreed with each other about the plan.(他們對這個計(jì)劃意見不一致。)

  56、grateful.——We are very grateful to you for your help.(我們非常感謝你的幫助。)

  57、dislike.——He has a strong dislike for spicy food.(他很不喜歡吃辣的食物。)

  58、join in.——Everyone joined in the celebration and had a good time.(大家都參加了慶;顒,玩得很開心。)

  59、swap.——We swapped our ideas about the project.(我們就這個項(xiàng)目交換了彼此的想法。)

  60、item.——Each item on the list has been checked carefully.(清單上的每一項(xiàng)都經(jīng)過了仔細(xì)核對。)

  61、teenager.——Most teenagers like to listen to pop music.(大多數(shù)青少年喜歡聽流行音樂。)

  62、outdoors.——We often go camping outdoors in summer.(夏天我們經(jīng)常去戶外露營。)

  63、power.——The new government has come to power.(新政府已上臺執(zhí)政。)

  64、face to face.——We had a face to face talk with the manager.(我們與經(jīng)理進(jìn)行了一次面對面的交談。)

  65、curtain.——She drew the curtain to keep out the sunlight.(她拉上窗簾擋住陽光。)

  66、dusty.——The room was dusty and needed cleaning.(房間里滿是灰塵,需要打掃。)

  67、no longer.——He no longer lives in this city.(他不再住在這座城市了。)

  68、particular.——She is very particular about her clothes.(她對自己的衣服很挑剔。)

  69、get along with.——He has difficulty getting along with his colleagues.(他和同事相處有困難。)

  70、series of.——There has been a series of accidents on this road recently.(最近這條路上發(fā)生了一連串的事故。)







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