三分之一豬流感患者未出現(xiàn)發(fā)燒癥狀 中英文對照

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三分之一豬流感患者未出現(xiàn)發(fā)燒癥狀 中英文對照

  Many Swine Flu Cases Have No Fever


三分之一豬流感患者未出現(xiàn)發(fā)燒癥狀 中英文對照

  Many people suffering from swine influenza, even those who are severely ill, do not have fever, an odd feature of the new virus that could increase the difficulty of controlling the epidemic, said a leading American infectious-disease expert who examined cases in Mexico last week.  一名美國頂級傳染疾病專家稱,許多得了豬流感、甚至豬流感病情很重的人,都沒有出現(xiàn)發(fā)燒癥狀。病毒的這種奇怪癥狀可能會增加控制疫情的難度。他上周在墨西哥檢查過豬流感病例。

  Fever is a hallmark of influenza, often rising abruptly to 104 degrees at the onset of illness. Because many infectious-disease experts consider fever the most important sign of the disease, the presence of fever is a critical part of screening patients.   發(fā)燒是流感的典型癥狀。在開始發(fā)病階段,體溫經(jīng)常會躥升至104華氏度。因為許多傳染病專家都認為發(fā)燒是豬流感最重要的特征,因而在觀察病人時確認其是否有燒就十分重要了。

  But about a third of the patients at two hospitals in Mexico City where the American expert, Dr. Richard P. Wenzel, consulted for four days last week had no fever when screened, he said.

      但是在美國專家Richard P. Wenzel醫(yī)生前往協(xié)助的兩家醫(yī)院里,他觀察到三分之一的豬流感病人在觀察期間沒有出現(xiàn)發(fā)燒癥狀。他上周在墨西哥待了四天。

  “It surprised me and my Mexican colleagues, because the textbooks say that in an influenza outbreak the predictive value of fever and cough is 90 percent,” Dr. Wenzel said by telephone from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, where he is chairman of the department of internal medicine.


  While many people with severe cases went on to develop fever after they were admitted, about half of the milder cases did not; nearly all patients had coughing and malaise, Dr. Wenzel said. Wenzel醫(yī)生還說,許多重癥患者在確診后,隨著病情加重還是會出現(xiàn)發(fā)燒;不過病情較輕的那一半人卻不會出現(xiàn)發(fā)燒癥狀。幾乎所有的患者都會出現(xiàn)咳嗽和不適的癥狀

  Also, about 12 percent of patients at the two Mexican hospitals had severe diarrhea in addition to respiratory symptoms like coughing and breathing difficulty, said Dr. Wenzel, who is also a former president of the International Society for Infectious Diseases. He said many such patients had six bowel movements a day for three days.   。


  Dr. Wenzel said he had urged his Mexican colleagues to test the stools for the presence of the swine virus, named A(H1N1). “If the A(H1N1) virus goes from person to person and there is virus in the stool, infection control will be much more difficult,” particularly if it spreads in poor countries, he said.


  The doctor said he had also urged his Mexican colleagues to perform tests to determine whether some people without symptoms still carried the virus.   他說他還要求了他的墨西哥同事去檢驗在那些沒有臨床癥狀的人中是否攜帶豬流感病毒。并且也檢查了墨西哥國家疫苗項目的病人及數(shù)據(jù)。他是在主管該項目的Samuel Ponce de León醫(yī)生的邀請下參與的此項目。。

  He also said he had examined patients and data at the invitation of Dr. Samuel Ponce de León, who directs Mexico’s national vaccination program.


  Dr. Wenzel said that an unusual feature of the Mexican epidemic, which complicates the understanding of it, was that “in recent months five different influenza viruses have been circulating in Mexico simultaneously.”  Wenzel醫(yī)生訪問了墨西哥國家呼吸道疾病醫(yī)院,,這家醫(yī)院中患者患肺炎的人數(shù)在最近達到了120人/周,而在兩年前,每周患病人數(shù)才是20人。這顯示,豬流感和肺病也有某種聯(lián)系。

  Pneumonia rates at one of the hospitals Dr. Wenzel visited, the National Institute for Respiratory Diseases, reached 120 per week recently compared with 20 per week during the past two years, suggesting a possible relation to the swine flu.


  The pneumonias that the flu patients developed did not resemble the staphylococcal lung infections that were believed to be a common complication in the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic, Dr. Wenzel said.


  He said the two Mexican hospitals were well prepared for an outbreak of respiratory disease. “We have a lot to learn from the Mexican experience,” he said.他稱,墨西哥醫(yī)院已經(jīng)為呼吸道疾病的爆發(fā)做好了準備:“我們能從墨西哥的經(jīng)驗上學(xué)到很多!

  For example, when the first cases were detected and the virus seemed particularly severe, Mexican doctors activated a program to allay anxiety among staff members.


  Hospital officials made it clear that they would care for staff members, offering them information, a hot line, psychological support and medical examinations.


  “This aspect of epidemic response is not well appreciated in the United States in my estimation, yet is critical for success,” Dr. Wenzel said. “We haven’t put nearly enough into managing fear among health workers.”


  Hospital officials had good measures to screen workers and arriving patients, including supplies of alcohol sponges for people to clean their hands. Healthy nonessential workers were told to go home. Hospital officials also made sure there were enough breathing machines and oxygen canisters for patients with respiratory distress.



【三分之一豬流感患者未出現(xiàn)發(fā)燒癥狀 中英文對照】相關(guān)文章:









