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  英語專業(yè)八級考試真題(翻譯部分) 1

  Translate the following text into English. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET THREE.

  得病以前,我受父母寵愛,在家中橫行霸道,一旦隔離,拘禁在花園山坡上一幢小房子里,我頓覺打入冷宮,十分郁郁不得志起來。 一個春天的`傍晚,園中百花怒放,父母在園中設(shè)宴,一時賓客云集,笑語四溢。我在山坡的小屋里,悄悄掀起窗簾,窺見園中大千世界,一片繁華,自己的哥姐,堂表弟兄,也穿插其間,個個喜氣洋洋。一霎時,一陣被人擯棄,為世所遺的悲憤兜上心頭,禁不住痛哭起來。


  Translate the following text into Chinese. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET THREE.

  In his classic novel, “The Pioneers”, James Fenimore Cooper has his hero, a land developer, take his cousin on a tour of the city he is building. He describes the broad streets, rows of houses, a teeming metropolis. But his cousin looks around bewildered. All she sees is a forest. “Where are the beauties and improvements which you were to show me?” she asks. He’s astonished she can’t see them. “Where! Why everywhere,” he replies. For thought they are not yet built on earth, he has built them in his mind, and they are as concrete to him as if they were already constructed and finished.

  Cooper was illustrating a distinctly American trait, future-mindedness: the ability to see the present from the vantage point of the future; the freedom to feel unencumbered by the past and more emotionally attached to things to come. As Albert Einstein once said, “Life for the American is always becoming, never being.”

  英語專業(yè)八級考試真題(翻譯部分) 2


  During his lifetime, Xu Xiake traveled around and conducted surveys in 16 provinces. He left his footsteps in virtually every part of the country. In the process of conducting his surveys and investigations, he would never blindly embrace the conclusions recorded in previous documents. Instead, he discovered that the documentations made by his predecessors in their geographical studies were not quite reliable in many aspects.

  In order to ensure that his reconnaissance were real and detailed, he seldom traveled by ship or by wagon. He climbed over mountains and hills and traveled long distances almost entirely on foot. In order to develop a true picture of the natural world, he made it a point of undertaking his expeditions in those mountain areas where roads were difficult to travel and in those woods that were sparsely populated. In this way he discovered many marvelous mountains and beautiful scenes. He frequently chose different times and seasons of the year to make repeated visits to the famous mountains across the country so that he could make repeated observations of their wonderful scenery that kept changing all year round.

  英語專業(yè)八級考試真題(翻譯部分) 3



  Equal are the generous gifts granted/distributed (endowed) by Nature to (on) all human individuals, whether they are wealthy or impoverished (be they wealthy or impoverished). Therefore, all human individuals have become unanimously and profoundly indebted to (obliged to, attached to, dependent on) Nature. This is particularly true in rural areas where ways of life have remained intact and unchanged for people for thousands of years-sowing crops and grapes, brewing and drinking wines, grazing and milking cows, hoeing grasses and planting flower-trees, going to churches for religious prayers and services on weekends, playing musical instruments, dancing and singing on squares. The fields in former times are still their present-day homes glowing with human warmth. In such a way, each locality has evolved its own unique folk tales and has transmitted its distinctive habits and customs.

  英語專業(yè)八級考試真題(翻譯部分) 4




  In 1986, Vancouver, Canada, just marked its centennial anniversary, but the achievements made by the city in its urban development have already captured worldwide attention. To build up a city and model its economy on the basis of a harbor is the usual practice that port cities resort to for their existence and development. After a centurys construction and development, Vancouver, which boasts of a naturally-formed ice-free harbor, has become an internationally celebrated port city, operating regular ocean liners with Asia, Oceania, Europe and Latin America. Its annual cargo-handling capacity reaches 80 million tons, with one third of the citys employed population engaged in trade and transportation business.

  The glorious achievements of Vancouver is the crystallization (fruition) of the wisdom (intelligence) and the industry of the Vancouver people as a whole, including the contributions made by a diversity of ethnic minorities. Canada is a large country with a small population. Although its territory is bigger than that of China, it only has a population of less than 30 million people. Consequently, to attract and to accept foreign immigrants have become a national policy long observed by Canada. It can be safely asserted that, except for Indians, all Canadian citizens are foreign immigrants, differing only in the length of time they have settled in Canada. Vancouver, in particular, is one of the few most celebrated multi-ethnic cities in the world. At present, among the 1.8 million Vancouver residents, half of them are not native-born and one out of every four residents is from Asia. The 250,000 Chinese there have played a decisive role in facilitating the transformation of the Vancouver economy. Half of them have come to settle in Vancouver only over the past five years, making Vancouver the largest area outside Asia where the Chinese concentrate









