
時間:2023-05-04 21:53:19 英語詞匯 我要投稿
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  城鄉(xiāng)電網改造  projects for upgrading urban and rural power grids


  城鄉(xiāng)特殊困難群眾  urban and rural residents with special difficulties

  成藥  patent medicine

  城鎮(zhèn)骯ひ攪票O罩貧雀母鎩 ?edical insurance for urban workers  

  城鎮(zhèn)職工基本醫(yī)療保險制度  basic medical insurance system for urban working people

  城鎮(zhèn)住房公積金  urban housing provident fund

  承辦單位  organizer

  承包  contract with  

  成份指數(shù)  component index  

  成吉思汗  Genghis Khan  

  承前啟后,繼往開來  inherit the past and forge ahead into the future

  成人高考  the national higher education exams for self-taught adults

  成人中等?茖W校  secondary specialized /technical school for adults  

  城市規(guī)劃  city's landscaping plan; urban planning  

  城市戶口  permanent urban residence certificate

  城市流浪乞討人員  urban vagrants and beggars

  城市中年雅皮士  muppie (一批中年專業(yè)人士,附庸風雅,矯揉造作cutesification,崇尚竟品至上boutiqueification,攀比銀行存款bankification等擺闊作風,由middle-aged urban yuppie縮合而成)  

  城鄉(xiāng)信用社  credit cooperatives in both urban and rural areas  

  承銷商  underwriter  

  成組技術  group technology  

  車牌號  license plate number  

  車險  auto insurance

  吃飽穿暖  eat their fill and dress warmly; have enough to eat and wear; have adequate food and clothing

  持幣待購  wait to buy with cash in hand

  赤潮  red tide (which appear on the ocean)

  吃飯財政  payroll finance; mouth-feeding budget--a large proportion of the budget has been earmarked for paying salaries of government functionaries

  吃干醋  be jealous ; be green with envy

  吃皇糧  receive salaries, subsidies, or other supported from the government

  吃勞! ive on labor insurance allowance

  吃老本  live on one's own fat; bask in one's past glory; rest on one's laurels, eat on one's own principals, live off one's past gains or achievements

  癡迷者  addict

  吃偏飯  enjoy special privilege

  赤貧人口  people living in absolute poverty; de



馬術:Equestrian 英語詞匯07-04







